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Cecilia Sinclair?


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My understanding is Sinclair is on medical leave. Mgmt intends to switch Sinclair and Iskovitz, feeling Sinclair's perkiness is better suited to the morning show. I think it adds to the 9pm cast which just drones on and on.

Matt Lavine is supposedly on the way out but mgmt doesn't want him doing the whole 4 hours of the AM show so Iskovitz is being kept in place for the time being.

This from an inside source that so far as I know doesn't have an ax to grind.

I seldom turn on the TV before 8pm so I'm not really familiar with either Iskovitz or Lavine.

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My understanding is Sinclair is on medical leave. Mgmt intends to switch Sinclair and Iskovitz, feeling Sinclair's perkiness is better suited to the morning show. I think it adds to the 9pm cast which just drones on and on.

Matt Lavine is supposedly on the way out but mgmt doesn't want him doing the whole 4 hours of the AM show so Iskovitz is being kept in place for the time being.

This from an inside source that so far as I know doesn't have an ax to grind.

i hope she's ok cause i liked her personally. i hope they don't pull a ch2 news on her like the rest of their staff. isiah carey probably has something on his blog since he works there.

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feeling Sinclair's perkiness is better suited to the morning show.

Matt Lavine is supposedly on the way out but mgmt doesn't want him doing the whole 4 hours of the AM show so Iskovitz is being kept in place for the time being.

I always liked Cecilia because of her cheerfulness and clear reporting a bit on the perky side of course but the great gams make up for it.

This Matt guy is so spooky though. At 1st he seemed like the normal news guy but as time evolved so did his ego. The heavy framed dark Clark Kent glasses pushed the arrogance even more. When he tells a joke no one, not even the camera guys seem to get it? He glances across the set & its complete silence.

I dont know, he just seems like the kind of guy that would get caught like Pee Wee Herman. I see his candle fuse fizzling out, no pun intended. :D

Edited by Vertigo58
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Guest Marty

I remember a couple months ago that she got her certification in AMS or one of the 3 certification you can get i can't remember which one but I'm pretty sure she back there operating that 1 Mega Watt Radar setup.

Edited by Marty
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I remember a couple months ago that she got her certification in AMS or one of the 3 certification you can get i can't remember which one but I'm pretty sure she back there operating that 1 Mega Watt Radar setup.

I'm still depressed that Toni Novarro from Channel 51 news vanished into thin air? She was so pretty and well refined like a nice strawberry sundae.

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i hope she's ok cause i liked her personally. i hope they don't pull a ch2 news on her like the rest of their staff. isiah carey probably has something on his blog since he works there.
My understanding is Sinclair is on medical leave. Mgmt intends to switch Sinclair and Iskovitz, feeling Sinclair's perkiness is better suited to the morning show. I think it adds to the 9pm cast which just drones on and on.

Matt Lavine is supposedly on the way out but mgmt doesn't want him doing the whole 4 hours of the AM show so Iskovitz is being kept in place for the time being.

This from an inside source that so far as I know doesn't have an ax to grind.

I seldom turn on the TV before 8pm so I'm not really familiar with either Iskovitz or Lavine.

As of March 2nd, I am no longer with Fox 26 News as Fox opted not to renew my conract. I had a blast at Fox 26, and I'll even miss my perch on the roof! It was a great 17 years of my life, and I wish my friends at Fox all the best. As far as I undertand it, Ceci is on leave, Mike is back on mornings and a new meteorologist is filling in on the 9pm show. I get the sense that many more changes are to come so stay tuned. Good-bye to the early shift and hello to waking up at normal hours again.

Matt Lavine

Former morning weather guy...


Edited by matt huston
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Hey all...

I recall hearing that Cecilia was moved back to mornings at the end of December/beginning of January. She mentioned that at the end of the news one evening and on KSEV where she had a weather discussion (which Mike Iscovitz now does) with the "Three Amigos" on their Friday program. Seemed optimistic about the change at the time anyway.

Since I'm not in Houston (or anywhere near it... lol) I hear they have a Dr. Seivert (sp?) doing the weather now for the prime shows. Anything to that?

Sad to hear about Matt too... I've only exchanged a few emails with him in the past, but he seemed like a genuinely nice dude. Plus, anyone that can ride a jingle to intro their weathercast for at least 15 years. That's unique, and what made him one of the great people they were lucky to keep.

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As of March 2nd, I am no longer with Fox 26 News as Fox opted not to renew my conract. I had a blast at Fox 26, and I'll even miss my perch on the roof! It was a great 17 years of my life, and I wish my friends at Fox all the best. As far as I undertand it, Ceci is on leave, Mike is back on mornings and a new meteorologist is filling in on the 9pm show. I get the sense that many more changes are to come so stay tuned. Good-bye to the early shift and hello to waking up at normal hours again.

Matt Lavine

Former morning weather guy...


Where did you get that from?

I always thought he was the few genuine people on the news. I STILL miss Ron Stone.

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Where did you get that from?

I always thought he was the few genuine people on the news. I STILL miss Ron Stone.

I miss Ron Stone too. My heart sinks when I hear or see him doing ads for Olshan or whoever and I remember Channel 2's glory days. He was Houston's best newsman ever, IMO.

I also miss Steve Smith. Greg Hurst isn't fit to polish Steve's shoes.

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As of March 2nd, I am no longer with Fox 26 News as Fox opted not to renew my conract. I had a blast at Fox 26, and I'll even miss my perch on the roof! It was a great 17 years of my life, and I wish my friends at Fox all the best. As far as I undertand it, Ceci is on leave, Mike is back on mornings and a new meteorologist is filling in on the 9pm show. I get the sense that many more changes are to come so stay tuned. Good-bye to the early shift and hello to waking up at normal hours again.

Matt Lavine

Former morning weather guy...


I hear there are more changes, too. Jan Jeffcoat has been on the 9pm several times lately.

Good luck to you Matt. Always hate to hear of anybody losing their job but that's the nature of the business.

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Hey Matt, thanks for the Memories. I started watching you back in school. I've grown up watching you! Still remember the days when you were over on Westheimer on the roof. I don't think you look gay with the glasses. Thanks again for being a part of my life for 17 years.

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I miss Ron Stone too. My heart sinks when I hear or see him doing ads for Olshan or whoever and I remember Channel 2's glory days. He was Houston's best newsman ever, IMO.

I also miss Steve Smith. Greg Hurst isn't fit to polish Steve's shoes.

Loved the "glory days" of Ron Stone and DOUG JOHNSON. He was a great weatherman and the two of them were hilarious together.

Anyone know where Doug is these days?

Also thought Jan Carson was a classy co-anchor with Ron.

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Yes, the good old days ended at Channel 2 by about 1990, when political correctness really took hold and good, hard working journalists no longer were permitted to set the tone of a newscast. Then things went way downhill in 1994 when the Hobby family sold out to Post Newsweek, and the corporate suits took over w/out a clue. No shock that Ron Stone, Doug Johnson etc chose to leave during this period when they had 5-6 years still left in the tank.

Actually the twilight of the KPRC glory days is occuring right now, at Channel 11 , the station which in recent years has taken journalism most seriously. In leaving the station (why I havent heard), it must be said that Nancy Holland showed great skill and endurance in her career. She also showed that a woman of average appearance could succeed, and the shame of it is that another woman of average appearance--with the potential to become the next Nancy?-will not even get her resume seen.

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that what Nancy Holland has in common with Houston's other great TV news reporters of the last 25 years is that they have all seemed to put great emphasis on "the story" and not on themselves. Dan Lauck is terrific, a journalist who writes in a minimal, poetic way that supplies just enough words to empower the pictures we see. It will be a shame if poor health causes him to quit. Channel 11 is number one because it has recognized the caliber of these people and a few others and let them tell the best stories of the day in their own interesting, informative style.

Like Holland and Lauck at KHOU, KPRC once had a corps of really excellent people. Charles Hadlock in his quiet self-assured tone, with a painstaking attention to detail, putting the story ahead of any personal need to be noticed. Ron Regan and Bebe Burns, very good and dedicated reporters. And of course Dan O'Rourke who won AP best reporter in Texas like 4 or 5 times then stopped entering. A tremendous writer who excelled in telling every kind of story, hard news to feature. People like O'Rourke, Hadlock, Holland, Lauck, aren't attracted to local news anymore because Houston stations no longer value their skills or want to pay for them. Our loss.

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Guest Marty

You all leave Matt alone he is a Weather Man, who care about there personality traits just give me the weather.

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  • 1 month later...

Cecilia Sinclair has officially signed off as Channel 26's chief meteorologist and will be feted today on the Fox station's morning show. Sinclair, who has been off the air since mid-February, discovered that trying to be a meteorologist and tending to a special-needs child was the equivalent of two full-time jobs.

Channel 26 tried to make it easier for Sinclair by taking her off the prime-time newscast and moving her to mornings.

via http://mikemcguff.blogspot.com/

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In leaving the station (why I havent heard), it must be said that Nancy Holland showed great skill and endurance in her career. She also showed that a woman of average appearance could succeed, and the shame of it is that another woman of average appearance--with the potential to become the next Nancy?-will not even get her resume seen.

All your observations hit the nail on the head. KPRC News was for the longest time the standard by which other TV stations were judged. In the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, Ray Miller and his corps of overachieving reporters and photographers raised the bar to incredible heights. Then it started falling apart when Ray Miller retired, and then went completely to hell when the Hobbys sold it to Post-Newsweek. It's been in the toilet ever since, and I see no sign that it will ever change.

I've known Nancy Holland since she interned for KPRC Radio in the mid 70s. She blossomed into one of the finest reporters this town has ever had, but don't worry about her. She left KHOU to move to New York and be with her husband, who is a photographer for one of the networks. They commuted back and forth between Houston and NYC to be with each other as often as they could, and they finally just got tired of it. She moved there for good. They bought a condo near Central Park, and I still chuckle at the story she told about going househunting up there. She said it's really strange to have a Realtor tell you it costs 1.2 million dollars, and hear yourself saying "We'll take it."

Nancy went to work as an executive producer for a company that provides free lance video for the networks and TV stations. She and her husband are finally working in the same town and I wish them well.

Meanwhile back on Allen Parkway, even without Nancy, KHOU is now the undisputed best news department in town. They've managed to assemble a staff of first-rate reporters, and with the addition of Lucy Noland as co-anchor, they're going to be the leader for a long time.

Edited by FilioScotia
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Meanwhile back on Allen Parkway, even without Nancy, KHOU is now the undisputed best news department in town. They've managed to assemble a staff of first-rate reporters, and with the addition of Lucy Noland as co-anchor, they're going to be the leader for a long time.

so far, Lucy's presence hasn't done anything for me except make me change the channel. guess there is turmoil at all the stations.

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so far, Lucy's presence hasn't done anything for me except make me change the channel. guess there is turmoil at all the stations.

Sorry you feel that way about her. For me, Lucy Noland is one of the most professional local anchors I've ever seen. She delivers the news with solid authority, unlike her predecessor, who just sat there and read it off the teleprompter for however many years she was there.

She's raised the energy level and the tempo of her newscasts, and it's been a little funny watching Greg Hurst, who had to crank up his own energy level to match hers. He's done it though, and together, with that great staff of KHOU reporters, I think they do the best newscast in town.

The most noticeable thing about Lucy, for me, was the way she fit right in on the first day. We saw none of the typical and amateurish "new kid in town" mistakes and stumbles with local street names and various parts of town. She sounded like someone who'd been living here a long time.

That shows she took the time to learn the local layout before she went on the air, and that's a sign of a true professional.

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Sorry you feel that way about her. For me, Lucy Noland is one of the most professional local anchors I've ever seen. She delivers the news with solid authority, unlike her predecessor, who just sat there and read it off the teleprompter for however many years she was there.

She's raised the energy level and the tempo of her newscasts, and it's been a little funny watching Greg Hurst, who had to crank up his own energy level to match hers. He's done it though, and together, with that great staff of KHOU reporters, I think they do the best newscast in town.

The most noticeable thing about Lucy, for me, was the way she fit right in on the first day. We saw none of the typical and amateurish "new kid in town" mistakes and stumbles with local street names and various parts of town. She sounded like someone who'd been living here a long time.

That shows she took the time to learn the local layout before she went on the air, and that's a sign of a true professional.

i only watched for a few days. I must have caught her at a bad time because her teleprompter skills weren't going well. she had to resort to reading copy several times. i found it distracting. she had her hair partially covering her face which i also thought was distracting. she's just ok to me. the first thing i thought was that they hired her to keep their Asian quota the same.

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