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Most outragious scene you experienced in flight?


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While I personally can't say I have seen any one "flip out" on a plane, I know back when Houston had

Muse Air the 1st non-smoking airline I almost got booted! Really quite innocent though. I was sitting in the back where the real fun crowd was and always is and thought I could sneak to the can and light up. Silly idea especially if your on a NON-SMOKING plane. While enjoying the 3rd or 4th puff there were several flight attendants hitting the door and demanding I come out! Rats! Was kind of cool as I walked out everyone had their heads turned my way. :blink: Was sort of like getting off a limousine to a red carpet. Except no flashing bulbs & paparazzi. As I sat back in my seat they gave me some mints & told me to enjoy the rest of the flight. 15 seconds of shame but at least I was famous for a moment!

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On a Pittsburgh to Los Angeles flight back when US Airways was US Air, a mentally ill woman ran into the lavatory, stripped her top off, then proceeded to stab herself in the arms with a finger nail file. She put blood all over the inside of the lavatory and outter door when she came out. She twirled around in a circle and proclaimed she had the stigmata. Got us an emergency landing in Denver to have her removed and the airplane sanitized.

I have had many others, but i think this one was the most outrageous.

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On a Pittsburgh to Los Angeles flight back when US Airways was US Air, a mentally ill woman ran into the lavatory, stripped her top off, then proceeded to stab herself in the arms with a finger nail file. She put blood all over the inside of the lavatory and outter door when she came out. She twirled around in a circle and proclaimed she had the stigmata. Got us an emergency landing in Denver to have her removed and the airplane sanitized.

I have had many others, but i think this one was the most outrageous.

Quick somebody get me some oxygen, I CAN"T BREATHE from laughing soooooo much !


Reminds me of the story about the Gerbil "ARMAGEDDON" .

Nothing outrageous as far as people are concerned, but one hell of a rollercoaster ride on a AA flight coming back form New Orleans. The pilot even admitted it was the worst turbulence he had ever been through. Ugly Ugly flight.

Edited by TJones
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Remember a couple of months ago, the woman who farted and then struck a match to mask the smell. The plane had to have an emergency landing. lol!

Well, that poor woman did more than just fart on that plane, she had a gastro-intestinal problem which basically encompassed the whole plane, and then as an afterthought, she struck a couple of matches. Eyewitnesses said she should have lit the whole book of them, but I digress.

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Looking down and seeing the deck of the aircraft carrier just below me while the plane sat still, and then three seconds later, seeing nothing but water below while the plane was doing about 160. Since I was facing backwards on the COD, I could just see the carrier behind us getting farther and farther away.

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My aunt was a flight attendant for Delta for 31 years. She has experienced a ton of crazy stuff, but she says nothing tops the flight where she sat next to Richard Pryor for about a hour or so talking to him about his life and experiences, she says that is right up there next to the time Donnie Wahlberg(New Kids on The Block) punched another passenger on a flight, and chaos ensued.

Edited by TJones
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Guest danax

About 20 years ago I was sitting next to a young Hispanic woman who decided that her meal was served to her after others had already received theirs, even though her order had been taken before theirs. She assumed this was due to racial discrimination and, when the tray was finally served to her, she gave the stewardess a mouthful then got under the tray with her hands and flung it upwards. She was in the aisle seat and it landed mostly in a businessman's lap. He wasn't gracious about it at all. Nothing happened to the woman, and her husband (me) did the apologizing.

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About 20 years ago I was sitting next to a young Hispanic woman who decided that her meal was served to her after others had already received theirs, even though her order had been taken before theirs. She assumed this was due to racial discrimination and, when the tray was finally served to her, she gave the stewardess a mouthful then got under the tray with her hands and flung it upwards. She was in the aisle seat and it landed mostly in a businessman's lap. He wasn't gracious about it at all. Nothing happened to the woman, and her husband (me) did the apologizing.

You still with her?

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I once sat next to a much older gentleman that had some great war stories to tell me and another passenger. This was the days when wine/cocktails were complimentary by the way. Every time our flight attendant offered him a refill he graciously obliged. (It wasn't until later he told me he just took his medication). Great. As time passed he became louder and more obnoxious. I couldnt wait for us to land and the flight was packed so I couldnt really get moved. I went along with as much as possible. The attendant asked him to calm down and he grew more belligerant. He got up went to the can upon arriving he had bumped his face and had blood running down. Now it was messy. The attendants taped him up & offered soup but it was just spilling out (was like a MadTV episode) no joke! I was never so happy in my life to touch down in LAX! I almost jumped out of the exit door! Wasn't over yet, once again he was at baggage claim. I snatched my bag and crept away as discreetly as possble. Friendly skies.

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I've seen far worse passenger behavior on the ground in airports than in the air. I must say that the couple who changed their kid's very stinky #2 diaper on the floor in the aisle in the middle of the passenger cabin ranks up there pretty high for inappropriate behavior, especially when the airplane had diaper changing tables in the lavatories. They were asked repeatedly by the flight attendants to take it to the lavatory but refused. After they were finished, they "disposed" of the dirty diaper by placing it in a seat back pocket, not taking it to the lavatory to throw it away properly. The smell got bad enough that the flight attendants made an announcement to ask everyone to open their air vents fully and then walked down the aisle spraying air freshener everywhere. Those of us who were sitting closest to this classy family nearly asphyxiated on the fumes that came out of their little one's diaper.

I'm amazed I haven't seen a lot more considering how often I fly. Maybe it helps that I avoid the "discount" airlines and get upgraded to first class more often than not.

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My younger brother works for Continental and he has very close friends that have been Senior Flight Attendants and they have told us stories the public would not believe. One girl told us there was a couple that acted like children and nothing could please them no matter how hard the staff tried. When dinner was served they complained loudly about the food (barbecue ribs) when the flight finally landed and all departed. This civilized couple had smeared the BB sauce all over the sides, seats head rest & floor! plus spilling their drinks on purpose to saturate the carpet as revenge to the airline.

The ones that really become obnoxious are the ones that booze up. My sister whom was a stewardess told me she used to get cursed out and men would through their glasses at her if they cut them off. Unreal. :wacko:

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My aunt was a flight attendant for Delta for 31 years. She has experienced a ton of crazy stuff, but she says nothing tops the flight where she sat next to Richard Pryor for about a hour or so talking to him about his life and experiences, she says that is right up there next to the time Donnie Wahlberg(New Kids on The Block) punched another passenger on a flight, and chaos ensued.

Your aunt and my dad have Delta Airlines in common.

He had an incident a few years before he retired, with 4 guys from NYC going golfing. These guys apparently were a bit intoxicated and causing a bit of a stir in the boarding area. They talked with whom they thought was the captain and told him not to crash the plane..ha ha, big laugh they had.

Everyone boards the flight and it takes off for Delta's Mecca A*K*A Atlanta :lol:

Half way through the flight, these guys became even more rowdy and down right rude. The flight attendants working the area where they were went to the front and got the lead flight attendant to go to the back to speak with these guys and get them to calm down. The lead flight attendant was a male. Apparently he was a gay male that was a bit feminine. These guys called him several derogatory names, which i will not repeat here, and proceded to get louder. He told them that if they didnt stop, he would have to inform the captain. Again the insults about his sexuallity got even worst and they dared him to get the captain.

He went to the cockpit in tears and explained to the captain what was going on. The captain on that flight was my dad. Immediately incensed, he got up from his seat and went charging down the aisle to the back section of the plane where these guys were seated. Dad said they were so loud he could hear them even before he got to the back section.

Keep in mind, these guys think the captain was the guy they spoke with in the boarding area. He stood about 5'8" maybe 155 lbs, in my dads words, "he was no bigger than a minute" :lol:

Seeing my dad coming, one of the flight attendants warned the guys, "the captain is on the way".

When they looked up from thier drunken state and saw this massive wall of man coming quickly towards them in a pilots uniform, dad said they sobered up real fast :lol:

My dad is a 6' 4.5" tall and about 300 lbs. black guy, which can make an angry face that would scare satan!

He told them to "shut up and listen"in his thunderous voice that my brother and i are all too familiar with. ^_^

He let them know that he was doing them a favor by coming back to speak with them first before taking action. He told them that thier behavior was shi**y and that each one of them was going to apologize right now to his lead flight attendant. They did. Then they apologized to the others and apologized to my dad. They also apologized to the other passengers around them. Everything out of thier mouths was yes sir and no sir. This from the big bad Ny'ers going on a golfing trip, which didnt previously feel the need to give "servants" any respect.

He then explained to them that if he heard so much as 1 tone above a whisper from them, he would make an emergency landing and have them removed from the flight, which would cause them to pay Delta Airlines the cost of fuel to land and refuel to continue on to Atlanta. They would be denied passage on other Delta flights and he would choose the smallest out of the way airport that was capable of handling the L 1011, to add to thier troubles. When he finished with his very CREDIBLE threat, he demanded that each of them one by one give him a "verbal confirmation that they understood he wasnt F'ing around", something that my brother and i are very familiar with. :lol: They did and the rest of the flight was uneventful.

I had to clean up the language a bit for this forum. The story as relayed to me by my dad was chocked full of expletives :lol:

This happened of course before 9-11. Now the pilots are barricaded in the cockpit and are not allowed to come out :(

Sorry this post was so long :blush:

Edited by Houston1stWordOnTheMoon
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