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Genetic "fix" for Gays


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Yes, it would still be soft-core, so long as there wasn't an act of penetration. Of course, that's just my interpretation. "Soft-core" is not a technical descriptor to my knowledge.

So you mean to say that it is accidental or just random that the photographer chose to frame/crop the photo where it was? You think that it is by mere chance that any hint of there being clothing was not revealed? Come on. You aren't naive. You should be able to recognize the implicit message.

This is what I don't like about many gay people. If you're gay, fine. Doesn't make you special. You have nothing at all to be proud of. Neither do I. You are what you are, and that's just fine. If someone else doesn't like it, well that's just fine too, not something to be proud (or ashamed) of.

The photo was not edited or cropped in any way.... that's exactly how I found it.

I can care less if you don't like gay people. I know being gay doesn't make me "special"... never said it did. If you aren't proud of who you are that's your problem... I will always be proud of who I am. :D I know I am what I am... never said I wasn't. I know if someone else doesn't like it that it's fine.... that's their problem, not mine.

Its all about context.

blah blah blah. It's two guys hugging. When straight people hugging in public is outlawed (which I hope never happens... everyone needs a hug! :wub: ), I will remove the picture. :P

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How does the way someone is born, say gay, go against values?? I mean... that's like saying... "I don't like white or black or asian people b/c that goes against my values!" :blink:


Perhaps someone that thinks like that way, thinks that another particular group doesn't hold the SAME type of value system in as high a regard, that the person making the claim has. The person making the claim may perhaps be way off the mark on certain individuals, but the person making the claim could simply be lumping that other person's cultural value system all together, Either by personal experience or by what they've read or seen elsewhere. These "value" assesments are put to the test everyday, when you turn on your evening news.

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Well I get icked out when I see straight people macking in public... but I am not about to call it offensive. If parents find it offensive, that's not my problem. There's NOTHING pornographic about it... no more than if it was a guy and a girl (girl w/ a shirt on of course). If it was a guy and a girl nobody would say anything.

there's a time and place for everything. if you feel that HAIF is an appropriate place to display it, that is fine. i would say a thread on art or photography would be more appropriate. i personally don't want to see anyone making out in public. like i said earlier, there is nothing pornographic about it.

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Htown, like I said , I find nothing TRULY wrong with the pic. It is all about perception. Let me ask you this, and be truthful now. When you found the pic for your avatar, did you find it "HOT"! Did you get a little tingle? Were you thinkin," OOOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE, I wish I was that little guy on the right ! I am gonna use THAT for my avatar, I HAVE GOT TO GET ME SOME OF THAT !"

Or were you saying to yourself, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, it is sooooooooooooooooooo swwwwweeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttt. It looks like a little "Hello Kitty" portrait.

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there's a time and place for everything. if you feel that HAIF is an appropriate place to display it, that is fine. i would say a thread on art or photography would be more appropriate. i personally don't want to see anyone making out in public. like i said earlier, there is nothing pornographic about it.

I don't see anyone "making out" in my picture. :blink:

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Htown, like I said , I find nothing TRULY wrong with the pic. It is all about perception. Let me ask you this, and be truthful now. When you found the pic for your avatar, did you find it "HOT"! Did you get a little tingle? Were you thinkin," OOOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE, I wish I was that little guy on the right ! I am gonna use THAT for my avatar, I HAVE GOT TO GET ME SOME OF THAT !"

Or were you saying to yourself, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, it is sooooooooooooooooooo swwwwweeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttt. It looks like a little "Hello Kitty" portrait.

Although I don't have to answer that... I will. Seriously... when I saw the picture... I thought :wub: . I thought it looked like a sweet picture... just like many many would think a picture of a boy and girl in love embracing each other would be. If it was a guy and a girl, nobody would be complaining... not my problem.

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Htown, like I said , I find nothing TRULY wrong with the pic. It is all about perception. Let me ask you this, and be truthful now. When you found the pic for your avatar, did you find it "HOT"! Did you get a little tingle? Were you thinkin," OOOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEEEEEE, I wish I was that little guy on the right ! I am gonna use THAT for my avatar, I HAVE GOT TO GET ME SOME OF THAT !"

Or were you saying to yourself, "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, it is sooooooooooooooooooo swwwwweeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttt. It looks like a little "Hello Kitty" portrait.

Looks like someone is a little turn on by someone else's avatar.

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Perhaps someone that thinks like that way, thinks that another particular group doesn't hold the SAME type of value system in as high a regard, that the person making the claim has. The person making the claim may perhaps be way off the mark on certain individuals, but the person making the claim could simply be lumping that other person's cultural value system all together, Either by personal experience or by what they've read or seen elsewhere. These "value" assesments are put to the test everyday, when you turn on your evening news.

Again... that's the "person making the claim"'s problem... not mine. I don't make general claims about groups of people... white, black, boys, girls, gays, straights, asians, etc... no matter what I read or what is on the news b/c I know not everyone is like that.

Looks like someone is a little turn on by someone else's avatar.


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If you just wanted a pic of guys with their shirts off, why not go for something a little more "MANLY" , like this ?

Here we go, one with shirt off, one with shirt ON !


Looks like someone is a little turn on by someone else's avatar.

You never know, would that be "OK" with you webdude ?

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If you just wanted a pic of guys with their shirts off, why not go for something a little more "MANLY" , like this ?

Here we go, one with shirt off, one with shirt ON !


I didn't want a picture of guys w/ their shifts off.... I picked that picture b/c I thought it was a nice picture... had nothing to do w/ the guys having their shifts off. You see, I don't have to pick a more "manly" picture... I can pick the picture I picked. :D Get it? > :) Thanks for the option, though... feel free to use a more "manly" picture youself if you want. It's TOTALLY up to you. ;):lol:

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Although I don't have to answer that... I will. Seriously... when I saw the picture... I thought :wub: . I thought it looked like a sweet picture... just like many many would think a picture of a boy and girl in love embracing each other would be. If it was a guy and a girl, nobody would be complaining... not my problem.

If that is your true answer, then I absolutely have no problem with it, if you interpret it as a "sweet picture". Like I said, it is all about perception.

We need to get back to the topic though. "Genetic fix", what is wrong about parents wanting to insure a "straight child" ? Would it be ok if the parents wanted to insure a "gay child" ?

Now, unless you have SEEN the movie "300" you could interpret this a couple of ways.


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I can't say anything about anyone else... but I know I am gay! Really, really gay! :D

I went back and did an edit but I guess I was too late. I initially thought it was funny but figured someone might take it the wrong way. I am glad you didn't.

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If that is your true answer, then I absolutely have no problem with it, if you interpret it as a "sweet picture". Like I said, it is all about perception.

We need to get back to the topic though. "Genetic fix", what is wrong about parents wanting to insure a "straight child" ? Would it be ok if the parents wanted to insure a "gay child" ?

Phew... I almost forgot what we were talking about! :wacko:

I personally believe that if parents could "change" their child... make it straight, gay, blonde, a boy, a girl, tall.... I guess they should be allowed to b/c it is their child. BUT... I would definitely look down upon them for their actions. You should love and accept your child for how it is... I can't imagine having a kid and wanting it changed. :( I would love my child unconditionally. :wub:

I went back and did an edit but I guess I was too late. I initially thought it was funny but figured someone might take it the wrong way. I am glad you didn't.

I have learned to take jokes for what they are... jokes. If you were trying to be offensive, that's another thing... but I didn't think you were. :)

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Phew... I almost forgot what we were talking about! :wacko:

I personally believe that if parents could "change" their child... make it straight, gay, blonde, a boy, a girl, tall.... I guess they should be allowed to b/c it is their child. BUT... I would definitely look down upon them for their actions. You should love and accept your child for how it is... I can't imagine having a kid and wanting it changed. :( I would love my child unconditionally. :wub:

How about just having a kid alltogether, would you look down upon someone's actions for not wanting a child and doing something about it, like say abortion, after all, that too is a medical procedure ?

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How about just having a kid alltogether, would you look down upon someone's actions for not wanting a child and doing something about it, like say abortion, after all, that too is a medical procedure ?

uugh abortion is such a tough subject. It's one issue I have a hard time picking sides. I don't like the idea of someone having an abortion, unless it's for medical reasons or incest or something like that. I don't like the idea of someone just getting pregnant b/c they were stupid and careless and seeing abortion as a "quick fix". BUT... I also believe in privacy and in a person being able to control their own bodies and for gov't staying the heck out of peoples lives. So, I guess I am pro choice... but again, I don't like the idea of people just having abortions b/c it's a "quick fix" or b/c they just don't want the baby. :(

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We need to get back to the topic though. "Genetic fix", what is wrong about parents wanting to insure a "straight child" ? Would it be ok if the parents wanted to insure a "gay child" ?

I'm not about to tell a parent what to do with their unborn children. I'm just confused at the "logic" of this guy:

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (ABP) -- Even if a genetic cause for homosexuality is found, gay behavior would still be "sin," and Christians should support prenatal treatment to "cure" it, said SBC seminary president Al Mohler.

So if the gift of life is from god and god made you gay, you would still be found to be a sinner if you followed your innate sexual orientation? The one god created in you? Maybe god makes mistakes so therefore he's not perfect?

I think before the SBC gets around to tampering with genetics, they may want to tackle a few of their contridictions first.

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I'm not about to tell a parent what to do with their unborn children. I'm just confused at the "logic" of this guy:

So if the gift of life is from god and god made you gay, you would still be found to be a sinner if you followed your innate sexual orientation? The one god created in you? Maybe god makes mistakes so therefore he's not perfect?

I think before the SBC gets around to tampering with genetics, they may want to tackle a few of their contridictions first.

I know, seriously... this guy makes no sense. We are all supposed to be God's children, and perfect in God's eyes... right? So how are children then born mistakes? What I think... these religion nuts are starting to figure out that gays might actually be born gay... as opposed to it being a choice... what they have said was the truth for years and years and years. So... what to do? They hate gays... so they have to think of something! Genetically fix them! :rolleyes:

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I'm not about to tell a parent what to do with their unborn children. I'm just confused at the "logic" of this guy:

So if the gift of life is from god and god made you gay, you would still be found to be a sinner if you followed your innate sexual orientation? The one god created in you? Maybe god makes mistakes so therefore he's not perfect?

I think before the SBC gets around to tampering with genetics, they may want to tackle a few of their contridictions first.

I agree, his "Logic" is flawed, because trying to play God, makes you a sinner also. My guess would be that his logic chooses the lesser of two evils in his opinion.

It kinda falls like in the Old testament and in the Kohran that we should not eat "Pork". Yes, even Christians aren't really supposed to eat pork. Well, back in the old days a porkchop might have killed you because of bacteria, but now we have refrigerators ! And, porkchops are mighty tasty, and if a Jew, or a Muslim ever ate one, I guarantee he or she would say "Damn, I have been missing out on this ?"

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The photo was not edited or cropped in any way.... that's exactly how I found it.

I didn't say that you edited it. I was referring to the photographer that created it.

I can care less if you don't like gay people.

I don't dislike them either. They just don't matter as a group.

If you aren't proud of who you are that's your problem... I will always be proud of who I am. :D

So by your logic, I have a problem. I should be proud of my straightness, my maleness, and my whiteness. Perhaps I should organize a white pride parade through downtown Houston so that all who share my particular genetic similarities can join together in unity and make our voices heard! [/sarcasm] :wacko:

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And, porkchops are mighty tasty, and if a Jew, or a Muslim ever ate one, I guarantee he or she would say "Damn, I have been missing out on this ?"

and bacon!! and HAM!! and FOOTBALL! and cotton/wool blends!!!! and my tomatos growing in my basil patch!!!

Just based on the above and pork chops, I'm already damned to Hell 6 times over!

Talk about over kill... :P

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I didn't say that you edited it. I was referring to the photographer that created it.

I don't dislike them either. They just don't matter as a group.

So by your logic, I have a problem. I should be proud of my straightness, my maleness, and my whiteness. Perhaps I should organize a white pride parade through downtown Houston so that all who share my particular genetic similarities can join together in unity and make our voices heard! [/sarcasm] :wacko:

Sure, why not, I would love to see it.

I encourage this freedom of expression, but when the least oppressed group of ppl show their pride, it just isn't doesn't feel the same.

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I encourage this freedom of expression, but when the least oppressed group of ppl show their pride, it just isn't doesn't feel the same.

Now, you know where the straight white male group is coming from. You don't care about our "PRIDE", so why should I give a fat rat's behind about your "PRIDE" ? Tolerance is a two way street. I told Niche, that we COULD indeed organize such a march, but every liberal group out there would call it a KKK rally, just because of the "GROUP" involved. How biggoted is THAT ? Trust me, every straight white male in America is not a card carrying member, in fact, the KKK wouldn't even be invited to the party. White straight males kinda do have our own holiday, we just celebrated it a few days ago, and it was wonderful. For those still scratching their heads, it's St. Patty's Day.

You can have "Ebony" magazine, but God forbid you make "Alabaster".

You can have "Gay" pride, but if you have "Straight" pride, you are an insensitive bastard, who should be flogged, and quartered.

You can have a "Miss Black America Pageant", but be prepared for Al Sharpton to come to the "Miss White America Pageant", of course, he'll only be there to try and get phone numbers of contestants after his little camera opp. with Sheila Jackson Lee.

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This is what I don't like about many gay people. If you're gay, fine. Doesn't make you special. You have nothing at all to be proud of. Neither do I. You are what you are, and that's just fine. If someone else doesn't like it, well that's just fine too, not something to be proud (or ashamed) of.

bingo. it's assimilation vs. antisocial behavior. no need to constantly have the approval of others and prove how maligned you've been if you are indeed OK with who you are. :ph34r:

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So you mean to say that it is accidental or just random that the photographer chose to frame/crop the photo where it was?

(The above quote is in reference to HtownWxBoy's avatar of two shirtless men.)

Of course it's not accidental. It's a matter of good composition. To deliberately cut the image at the hips for the sole purpose of showing that they are in fact clothed would be to value a weird sort of prudishness over art.

On the other hand, the photograph on Trae's avatar was deliberately framed/cropped to accentuate only the buttocks. Even the subject's head has been excluded; the woman has been deliberately objectified. The intent seems to be to titillate. (I may be mistaken; perhaps it was intended to serve as advertising for a proctologist.)

People assign meaning to images whatever way they choose. Imagine if Rodin's "The Thinker" was called instead "The Horror of Constipation".


I bet people would rally to have it removed from public view!

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Now, you know where the straight white male group is coming from. You don't care about our "PRIDE", so why should I give a fat rat's behind about your "PRIDE" ? Tolerance is a two way street. I told Niche, that we COULD indeed organize such a march, but every liberal group out there would call it a KKK rally, just because of the "GROUP" involved. How biggoted is THAT ? Trust me, every straight white male in America is not a card carrying member, in fact, the KKK wouldn't even be invited to the party. White straight males kinda do have our own holiday, we just celebrated it a few days ago, and it was wonderful. For those still scratching their heads, it's St. Patty's Day.

You can have "Ebony" magazine, but God forbid you make "Alabaster".

You can have "Gay" pride, but if you have "Straight" pride, you are an insensitive bastard, who should be flogged, and quartered.

You can have a "Miss Black America Pageant", but be prepared for Al Sharpton to come to the "Miss White America Pageant", of course, he'll only be there to try and get phone numbers of contestants after his little camera opp. with Sheila Jackson Lee.

I already explain it, it just doesn't feel the same for unoppressed groups. The voice doesn't match the reality. go look at positions of power from government to small businesses and everything else in this country, they are all tilt towards the straight white male as you describe, very unbalanced when we look at the demographics of the country. Nothing wrong with that imo, but when a defined group of folks still hold that much power, it does make other folks a little skeptical of their true intentions when that group go around voicing pride. You could take that as a compliment.

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