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Battle Of The Browsers


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Best thing to do is just try it out. It's free at Mozilla.org. Just go and download. If you don't like it, don't use it. But a lot of people who get a taste of it don't go back.

I use Safari as my main browser and Firefox for databases because it plays well with my data apps better. It's not as slick as Safari, but it's a dozen times better than IE.

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It blocks pop-ups, ad-ware & spy-ware. It has tabbed-browsing, so that you can open multiple pages in one window and surf between them using a tab bar instead of many windows in the Start bar.
So, how is that different from Netscape 7?
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I do not use it, but one of my friends says it is the best thing that has ever happened to him. What is funny is that it sometimes does not let you type in a text box. Besides that I would have it by now.


Nick S.

i turned my sister on to it ... she uses a pc and loves it. of course i use the mac version. she loves the tabbed browsing, the keywords for web pages, and the most of all the pop-up blockers.

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Well on the recommendation of the above posts I just downloaded Firefox and am typing this post using it. So far I like it - it's a little different from what I'm used to with IE (which I've always preferred over Netscape) but I'm getting used to it. I do really like the tabbed browsing feature a lot. I'm not totally sold *yet* but give me a few days to use it and put it through the tests and I'll get back to you. :-)

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Well on the recommendation of the above posts I just downloaded Firefox and am typing this post using it. So far I like it - it's a little different from what I'm used to with IE (which I've always preferred over Netscape) but I'm getting used to it. I do really like the tabbed browsing feature a lot. I'm not totally sold *yet* but give me a few days to use it and put it through the tests and I'll get back to you. :-)

make sure to check out the keyword feature. you can bookmark a site then edit it's properties with a keyword. then whenever you want that site, just type in the keyword in the addressbar.

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Well, I've used firefox on a seperate pc for awhile and I compared the popups and spyware issues that both browsers have. (apples to apples, eh?) What I have found is that there aren't nearly as many security issues as IE and it is written in much neater code. Microsoft has a tendency to program by comittee and their coding seems to be much more bloated (therefore, larger).

The way I made my comparison is to download firefox, download and run adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy and let it get rid of ALL of the crap that it finds.

Install firefox, and use that as your main browser for a few days like you would use your typical browser.

Then run the other programs again and you will see how significantly fewer bots and spyware gets implanted on your PC.

That's what eventually sold me, that and the browser moves a bit faster and I don't have to worry about someone hacking into it.


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Well, I've used firefox on a seperate pc for awhile and I compared the popups and spyware issues that both browsers have. (apples to apples, eh?)  What I have found is that there aren't nearly as many security issues as IE and it is written in much neater code.  Microsoft has a tendency to program by comittee and their coding seems to be much more bloated (therefore, larger).

The way I made my comparison is to download firefox, download and run adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy and let it get rid of ALL of the crap that it finds.

Install firefox, and use that as your main browser for a few days like you would use your typical browser.

Then run the other programs again and you will see how significantly fewer bots and spyware gets implanted on your PC.

That's what eventually sold me, that and the browser moves a bit faster and I don't have to worry about someone hacking into it.


u on a pc or mac?

the other nice thing about firefox is that it is written for all relevant platforms. therefore things pretty much work and display the same for pcs as well as mac. they do not make us mac folks feel like 2nd class citizens with their browser. incidentally, ms stopped development of IE for the mac after mozilla, firefox and safari became so popular. i guess their wasn't a real reason to anymore.

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I'm running on a 3 different PC's and a laptop.

The best way to see the difference is to follow the instructions as far as getting rid of spyware and popups and NOT use IE but use Firefox exclusively for awhile to get full effect.

spyware will usually be an issue because of the freeware most of us use at one point or another.


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If you are using FireFox Mozilla, the following setup may speed it up:

1.Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return.

Scroll down and look for the following entries:




Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

2. Alter the entries as follows:

Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30.

This means it will make 30 requests at once.

3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives. If you're using a broadband connection you'll load pages MUCH faster now!

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Wow thanks! It does seem to be running even faster now.

My only real complaint so far with Firefox is a minor one. In IE there is an option buried in the program where you can set the address bar to autocomplete what you type. That is, if you start to type a web address the history options just like it does in Firefox, but the web address bar also auto-populates based on what you're typing. So if I type www.houstonar it should automatically complete the rest of the URL. I can't seem to find that option in Firefox. Does anyone know if it exists?

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Wow thanks! It does seem to be running even faster now.

My only real complaint so far with Firefox is a minor one. In IE there is an option buried in the program where you can set the address bar to autocomplete what you type. That is, if you start to type a web address the history options just like it does in Firefox, but the web address bar also auto-populates based on what you're typing. So if I type www.houstonar it should automatically complete the rest of the URL. I can't seem to find that option in Firefox. Does anyone know if it exists?

in firefox you can do one step better if you bookmark it. you could bookmark that page and give it a keyword. it could be something as short as 'hn'. then when you want to goto that page again, just type hn and hit return. it will take you to that page.

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Thanks for the config tips.  Lack of autocomplete might be in your settings - for me it works the same as in IE.

in reading some notes, that is a feature of EXTENSIONS that you can download. as i mentioned previously, i just give my urls keywords that i can then just type into the addressbar and press enter. it works like a charm.

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in reading some notes, that is a feature of EXTENSIONS that you can download.  as i mentioned previously, i just give my urls keywords that i can then just type into the addressbar and press enter.  it works like a charm.

Thanks Bruce. I like the keywords feature for bookmarks as well but there are some sites I don't visit often enough to really bookmark that I like the autocomplete feature for. I'll check into the extensions.

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