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I've consistently watched PBS for the past month or two, ever since I decided that my money could be spent in better ways than cable television.

They pride themselves on reporting the news in-depth, from many different points of view, free from corporate agendas and without all the distracting and needless enterainment that the big cable news stations bring.

We are by nature, bias.

So my question is this. Which way do ou think PBS leans, and how far? How close to the center do you think they are?

I agree that they are very in-depth. They attempt to talk to as many people on any subject as they can, and for longer than thirty seconds. It's normally at least five minutes. And I've done my best to decipher whether or not the points of view are diverse; and from what I can tell, they do a pretty good job at that too.

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Guest Marty

Before there was a Internet i would watch PBS news shows on Sunday like The Mclaughlin Group with Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke and The Charlie Rose Show, nothing wrong with it. I would do some research on the subject that i am interested in now since the Internet is here.

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I find PBS television's leanings depend on which local station is supplying the content. But overall, I'd say it's pretty neutral. Remember that each half hour or hour show you watch comes from a different company or station in a different part of the country.

NPR, on the other hand, could only be more left if it started each broadcast day by playing the old Soviet national anthem.

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I find PBS television's leanings depend on which local station is supplying the content. But overall, I'd say it's pretty neutral. Remember that each half hour or hour show you watch comes from a different company or station in a different part of the country.

NPR, on the other hand, could only be more left if it started each broadcast day by playing the old Soviet national anthem.

I guesss I should have mentioned that I'm talking about their national shows like The News Hour with Jim Leher (think that's his name) and their newsmagazine, Frontline.

National, not local. Sorry.

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I guess it depends on what appeals to what age group, but just trying to understand the whole picture.

I only care to see for the British tele on Saturdays and for the great "American Experience" programs and oh yes, Antigues Roadshow, This Old House and other woodwork shows.

If anyone ever gets a chance to volunteer at the station do it! The studio is awesome and has that "movie backlot" feel. I was lucky enough to be intervewed twice on screen and they asked the same thing why do you watch PBS? (Of course I was very modest) :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

He probably deserves his own thread he's so good, but since he's seen on PBS, I'll keep it here.

Charlie Rose...

Anyone watch his interviews? Without commercials and editing, the things interviewees say seem so much more complete and fascinating.

I love this show.

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Guest Marty

I don't watch TV anymore except on Mondays. "24" it is nice to see some more relevant stuff than the normal Hollywood fluff stories. -_-

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did anyone have a chance to see Charlie Rose and his interview with abc Baghdad reporter Terry McCarthy last night?

It was excellent. I learned more about the situation in Iraq from that interview than I have in the past years from all the news I've watched and read.

The video isn't available yet, but I'll post it when it becomes available, probably tomorrow. The man summed up the situation in a very clear and concise way. Excellent stuff.

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