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What Laws Should Houston Put On Its Building Codes

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I would start by removing the law requiring a certain number of parking places for buildings. The last thing this city needs is new parking. Other than that, it's hard to have widely applicable ordinances for developers without a framework allowing zoning, simply because different neighborhoods have different needs.

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I think zoning is more important. I think the city needs to zone everything now, to prevent it from getting anyworse.


Definitely! Zoning is the ideal solution. However, if that cannot happen

1) The city should at least restrict the location of such businesses as auto repair shops, used car dealerships, junk yards, sex shops, pawn shops and light industrial plants.

2) The big-box retailers and super stores such as Walmart shouldn

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It would be good to see some basic enviromental efficiency standards. Not full LEED certification, but basics like disallowing dark-colored roofs to reduce the heat island effect. I know I'm dreaming on this, but I would also like to see requirements for parking lots to be paved in those patterned bricks. This allows some grass to grow in the parking lot, improving absorbtion and reducing flooding.

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I agree that a restriction/modification on parking would be helpful. I'm not anti-commerce, as I understand the need in this day in age for adequate parking but that also doesn't mean that parking shouldn't be designed with some forethought.

I also agree on zoning/ordinances that limit/restrict development of things like light industrial units/sex shops/auto repair (I actually think the auto repair shops are becoming more of a blight than the light industrial units)/car dealerships to specified areas.

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  • 1 year later...

In the core of the city I would love to see no single use residential buildings along commercial roads, asphalt should not front the street, have all side walks a minimun width that is no less than five feet, a greater use of alleys in townhome construction rather than huge driveways and front loaded garages, construction that is architecturally significant to the neighborhood, but if I ask for this, I am asking for zoning.

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No laws, just a "Cavet emptor", no liabilities, that's what insurance is for. Everyone wants to lay blame on someone else. You bought the house, They put a warranty on it, it is up to the consumer to maintain it. If you don't change the oil in your car, what happens, you void your warranty when the engine blows up. If you continuosly overload your circuits in your house and the breaker box catches fire, why is it the homebuilder's fault ? If the foundation of your house cracks because you and your wife are both over 300 pounds a piece, lose some weight, don't try to blame the homebuilder. If you lay out in the sun for 3 hours with NO sunscreen and you get burnt to a crisp, are you gonna sue because there is no protective bubble put up by the city government over the park or beach you were at ? People, you need to just start watching Xtreme Home Makeover and Bob Vila shows, learn how to do all this stuff yourself, and quit trying to pass the buck onto the homebuilders. They are humans too, and humans make mistakes. You can't call on them 8 years later, because a few shingles moved during a storm and you didn't bother to call anyone to come out and fix it, and now another storm has hit and you have a nice round watermark on your ceiling. So what if your back porch overhang just fell off, you really can't blame the guys, it may have been a Friday when they were on that part of the house, and they were ready to party. C'mon, give them a break !

...........the preceeding was not intended to be taken seriously, but seriously take care of your property as soon as you see something is wrong with it. That is why you get a home warranty with just about every purchase, and NEVER buy a home that does not offer a home warranty. :P:D

Edited by TJones
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