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Gays can Marry in Disney!


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It also begs the question of ... 'shoving in your face' ... I have straight co-workers that oogle women all day. I wonder if they'd be so liberal if I oogled guys all day or would that be 'shoving IT in their face'?

For example, straights folks think nothing of public displays of affection (kissing, holding hands, sitting on laps, etc.) but if two dudes did it, there'd be an uproar.

Seems like straights (like many in this country) are only concerned about equal rights when it's theirs they are protecting.

Are you implying straights like music and his "long term gay friends" are hypocrites?

Most of the people i know don't have problems with self esteem and civil rights. if you do, then by all means address these issues so that you can have an enjoyable, fullfilling life like the rest of us.

I find it more fullfilling to fight for equal rights. Continue to enjoy the company that you and your "long term gay friends" enjoy in the crowded darkness of your closet.


I think I'd be depressed if my gay fiance suggested we get married at DisneyWorld.

There's about as much charm in that as getting married at Coca-Cola world in Atlanta. At least that's the real thing...

Ewwwww!?!??? Is there really a Coca-Cola world? I thought the trailer only went as far as Disney...

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I just got through watching CNN's 'What Would Jesus Do?' and they had some of the biggest names in religion answering tough questions about religion and Jesus. People that were guests included Pastor TD Jakes, Rick Warren, James Falwell, etc.

It was interesting in that the host kept asking the question "What would the Jesus of scripture do in this day and age?" and the answers ranged from helping people with AIDS to fighting poverty. Not a single one of them --while having personal beliefs about gay marriage and abortion-- thought that would be Jesus' focus.

Those are the last religious figure heads I would trust to interpret scripture correctly.

Look at who Jesus ridiculed while he was here. The Pharisees, people who lived life to the book. Their works were better than anyone else's during their day. Why? Because they tried to attain salvation through their works, and not by having faith in God and understanding it is his grace which saves them. He called them broodes of vipers, one of the worst insults one can give.

While Jesus did in fact heal the sick and care about poor people, that was not his main concern. His main concern was the salvation of people. He focused on them because those people tended to be more humble, realizing they need someone to save them. While the rich and the self-righteous were/are too prideful to recognize they need a savior.


And just a side note, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is God; he's part of the godhead. I'm just pointing out Biblical facts.

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Those are the last religious figure heads I would trust to interpret scripture correctly.

Look at who Jesus ridiculed while he was here. The Pharisees, people who lived life to the book. Their works were better than anyone else's during their day. Why? Because they tried to attain salvation through their works, and not by having faith in God and understanding it is his grace which saves them. He called them broodes of vipers, one of the worst insults one can give.

While Jesus did in fact heal the sick and care about poor people, that was not his main concern. His main concern was the salvation of people. He focused on them because those people tended to be more humble, realizing they need someone to save them. While the rich and the self-righteous were/are too prideful to recognize they need a savior.


And just a side note, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is God; he's part of the godhead. I'm just pointing out Biblical facts.

The more I see these religious figure-heads, I am reminded that BELIEF and my relationship with God is very personal and not something that can be ordained by someone else (not The Pope, not the ministers of mega-churches, and not by society telling me how it SHOULD be). In fact, my relationship with God affirms that he does not damn me to Hell and that He wants me to be happy as He made me. I would assume it is the same for everyone else.

I believe if people spent more time on themselves and their personal relationship to (their) God, instead of worrying about others, the world would run much smoother and there would be less division.

Edited by houstonmacbro
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The more I see these religious figure-heads, I am reminded that BELIEF and my relationship with God is very personal and not something that can be ordained by someone else (not The Pope, not the ministers of mega-churches, and not by society telling me how it SHOULD be). In fact, my relationship with God affirms that he does not damn me to Hell and that He wants me to be happy as He made me. I would assume it is the same for everyone else.

I believe if people spent more time on themselves and their personal relationship to (their) God, instead of worrying about others, the world would run much smoother and there would be less division.

Amen... my feelings exactly. :)

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The more I see these religious figure-heads, I am reminded that BELIEF and my relationship with God is very personal and not something that can be ordained by someone else (not The Pope, not the ministers of mega-churches, and not by society telling me how it SHOULD be).

I believe if people spent more time on themselves and their personal relationship to (their) God, instead of worrying about others, the world would run much smoother and there would be less division.

Belief in anything has to be a personal conviction; you're right. However, God did set up the church in a way that there would be a Shepherd, just like he was, to help lead the people. But every individual is still responsible for interpreting and understanding scriptures correctly for themselves. Because sometimes, people will run into "Shepherds" who are just plain wrong. I'm not saying you don't understand that. I just thought I'd lay it out.

The media doesn't regularly invite people to interview with an accurate understanding of the Bible.

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Are you implying straights like music and his "long term gay friends" are hypocrites?

He's just a little confused by implying that the actions of a few are representative of the whole group. That is not true. BTW i don't appreciate "straight co-workers that oogle women all day" either. If someone is immature enough to find that fun, then so be it. but you won't find me nearby. ;)

I find it more fullfilling to fight for equal rights. Continue to enjoy the company that you and your "long term gay friends" enjoy in the crowded darkness of your closet.

That is your prerogative as it is mine to do things that help humankind as a whole. As for being in darkness, the sun hasn't gone down on me yet.

Edited by musicman
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I think I'd be depressed if my gay fiance suggested we get married at DisneyWorld.

There's about as much charm in that as getting married at Coca-Cola world in Atlanta. At least that's the real thing...

Praise Baby Jesus! Someone else here finds this tackier then a drunken bride...

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I didn't know gay marriage was legal in Florida?

It's not. But you can still have a wedding and consider yourself married even if it's not a legal marriage. I've even known heterosexuals who have had a ceremony but never got a marriage license and made it all legal.

While getting married at Disney World is not my style, I do applaud Disney for giving equal treatment to all couples who desire to have a marriage ceremony at their park.

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off topic but i doubt his focus was salvation. his focus was to help us become better people and for us to treat others the way we want to be treated (not like nmain guy treats folks . . j/k hehe). the salvation thing was just the incentive . . . kind of the way we tell our kids that if they're good they will get this or the other.

Yeah. the real payoff is Heaven (according to Jesus' message). I think the healing of the sick and helping the downtrodden was just his 'day gig'.

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off topic but i doubt his focus was salvation. his focus was to help us become better people and for us to treat others the way we want to be treated (not like nmain guy treats folks . . j/k hehe). the salvation thing was just the incentive . . . kind of the way we tell our kids that if they're good they will get this or the other.

uhhhh. dude. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth and the life. no one comes to the father but by me." either he was a loon or the son of god. salvation, where jesus is concerned, is about reconnecting with your creator. the son of god made flesh, died for sins and resurrected. i think salvation was the central theme of his life. treating other people kindly, loving others as much as we love ourselves, is a commandment. hence the word "command". it's a law to be nice. this is why mean christians aren't really christian at all.

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uhhhh. dude. jesus said: "i am the way, the truth and the life. no one comes to the father but by me." either he was a loon or the son of god. salvation, where jesus is concerned, is about reconnecting with your creator. the son of god made flesh, died for sins and resurrected. i think salvation was the central theme of his life. treating other people kindly, loving others as much as we love ourselves, is a commandment. hence the word "command". it's a law to be nice. this is why mean christians aren't really christian at all.

I generally agree.

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off topic but i doubt his focus was salvation. his focus was to help us become better people and for us to treat others the way we want to be treated (not like nmain guy treats folks . . j/k hehe). the salvation thing was just the incentive . . . kind of the way we tell our kids that if they're good they will get this or the other.

Just consider what Jesus went through. His own people turned on him; His chosen nation. They beat him to the point of being unrecognizable and then killed him. And he did that just to teach us to be nice?

Bachanon is correct when saying he wanted to "reconnect" us to our creator. Bible teaches that he created man and everything in this world. He made man for a purpose, to glorify himself. He came to earth for different reasons, but mainly to fulfill the will of his father, which was to be the perfect sacrifice for his creation. Since his creation fell into sin, he graciously decided to give us a way to be reunited with him, which he did by paying the debt of our sins by dying and then coming back to life.

And just consider how often we sacrifice ourselves for someone who has wronged us many times over. Almost never. He gave his life, and it wasn't just so we would know how to be nice. There's plenty of "nice" people out there who couldn't give a care about Jesus.

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I've always wondered why 'Christians' (and yes MANY) Americans are so afraid of EVERYTHING. America --and by extension Americans-- seems to be so fearful of ... life. The Chinese, illegal immigrants, 'minorities' in their neighborhods and schools, gays, the Taliban ... we're seem to just be a nation, increasingly, of everything we don't understand or don't wish to accept as 'life'.

Makes me question our courage, patriotism, and yes, the convictions of our religious beliefs.

I do not worship a fearful God and I certainly do not expect that my God expects me to be fearful either.

What's up with our collective fear of 'the world'?

And I have always wondered why so many people including you attribute fear to judging, intolerance, or dislike. I may have distain for something but that does not mean I fear it. You are selling people short with this mentality as you think they are doing to you.

Another one related I have always wondered about was they word intolerance is thrown around alot now days. To me If I have to tolerate something it is something I have to put up with that I don't believe in, or agree with. If homosexuals feel they are naturally made then they don't want to just be tolerated. they want to be respected. So why is this word used so much?

In other words from my perspective, If someone is telling me I am being intolerant by being against gay marriage, I say yeah you're right I am, so.. I don't want to tolerate that. Am I applying the wrong connatations to this word?

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When you help an old, blind, feeble lady cross the street you don't do it because you will get a return on that "investment" or for good karma, etc. You do it because it is the right thing to do. As an adult I understand that concept. As a kid, I would want to know "what's in it for me" prior to putting forth the effort in doing something nice for someone.

If I was two I would need to rely on that kind of logic. As an adult, I don't need a promise of salvation to do what is right.

But who taught you what is right? Who says that helping an old blind feeble lady across the street is right or a good thing? Your parents probably did, and their parents them. However, it must be traced back to somewhere. Human beings didn't invent right and wrong.

Human beings innately know what is right and wrong because of the conscience that God has given them. God is good and righteous. Anything opposite of his nature is wrong.

Consider Romans 2:

14 For when Gentiles (unbelievers and in this case he's using them as example of evil doers) who do not have the Law (Hebrew Law, that which is good) do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves,

15 in that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, 16 on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.

(emphasis mine)

Salvation isn't an incentive to do good for Christians. After all, the Bible opposes the idea of salvation by works. It's through grace alone. They do what is right because they have been saved; because it's what's commanded of them as creatures of the creator. In essence, their fulfilling (or at least trying) the purpose in which they're created.

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Praise Baby Jesus! Someone else here finds this tackier then a drunken bride...

Outside the whole theme park atmosphere, Walt Disney World is really a TURE resort experience. There is more to the site than Magic Kingdom, Epcot, MGM, and Animal Kingdom.

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I agree so what's your point.

I just think you're missing the point. Nice and good is more of a result of knowing God's character and salvation. Anyone can be nice. Jesus didn't have to teach us that, although he did set the perfect example for us on how to live. I'm just saying it wasn't his main purpose in coming. It was A purpose, but not THE purpose.

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I just think you're missing the point. Nice and good is more of a result of knowing God's character and salvation. Anyone can be nice. Jesus didn't have to teach us that, although he did set the perfect example for us on how to live. I'm just saying it wasn't his main purpose in coming. It was A purpose, but not THE purpose.

I thought Easter was over yesterday, is this thread going the way of this one and this one again?

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I thought Easter was over yesterday, is this thread going the way of this one and this one again?

It's inevitable to go this direction when talking about morality. Sorry, sort of.

And at least it's a related topic, just like when we go "off"-topic in other threads.

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. . .just like when we go "off"-topic in other threads.

No argument there.

I just think this was more of a happy thread rather than a deep morality debate that was going on in the other thread mentioned above.

It is still on topic, but it is not the Magical thread it once was.


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Another one related I have always wondered about was they word intolerance is thrown around alot now days. To me If I have to tolerate something it is something I have to put up with that I don't believe in, or agree with. If homosexuals feel they are naturally made then they don't want to just be tolerated. they want to be respected. So why is this word used so much?

In other words from my perspective, If someone is telling me I am being intolerant by being against gay marriage, I say yeah you're right I am, so.. I don't want to tolerate that. Am I applying the wrong connatations to this word?

I agree wholeheartedly on this tolerance deal. I do not want to be tolerated like some bad smell that someone can't really do anything about. That whole tolerance thing bothers me too!

I much rather seek acceptance, understanding, respect, and inclusion. Not tolerated!

I have to agree with Macbro that sometimes it really is fear based judging, intolerance, etc. particularly as it applies to immigration and to homosexuals. The guilty parties fear that the Mexicans are going to take over this country and turn it into little Mexico even though Mexican immigrants typically earn only a fraction of what their citizen counteparts make for the same jobs. On the other front, these fear based heterosexuals think that the liberals are in the process of creating a world that promotes homosexuality that will eventually convert their own kids into gay kids. That 2nd one is humorous to me.

Certain media companies do play on our fears. Whether it is black men, gays ... the Taliban. Afterall, has anyone gotten ANY reliable reports about Bin Laden ... for all we know he could have been computer animated ... but yet, years after the his alleged mastermind of an attack on the WTC he is still FEARED.

C'mon ... we are collectively THE MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY IN THE WORLD but we are all afraid of a 'figure' --a man-- who only exists on television, fleeting and suspect voice recordings, and the like.

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