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Imus a racist?


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I think the word "Ho" is sexist and offensive when you're describing someone. I find it racist though that society has deemed that only black people can be considered "nappy-headed." I don't get it. I think if there were a Nappy Olympics, Imus would win the gold medal hands down. That hair's like whoa. If I were the network exec, I'd give Imus a 2 week suspension for everytime I saw his picture on Yahoo, with fear of public backlash for "facial neglect", and I'd tell him to stay behind the mic and away from cameras to protect America.

As a brotha, I'm just keepin' it real.

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Nappy is an equal opportunity insult. It does not discriminate.


MidtownCoog just proved my point there. Musicman, I don't know the answer to that. But if we all agree that "nappy" could mean any busted hairstyle from any race, how was what Imus said "racist"?

And isn't Imus the lead rapper from Nappy Roots?

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MidtownCoog just proved my point there. Musicman, I don't know the answer to that. But if we all agree that "nappy" could mean any busted hairstyle from any race, how was what Imus said "racist"?

this is not nappy hair. my black friend said that is just a messed up hairdo.

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I don't get it. I think if there were a Nappy Olympics, Imus would win the gold medal hands down.
That's a good one, DJV!wigglebooty.gif

Possible origin?

Looking back on when I

Was a little nappy headed boy

Then my only worry

Was for Christmas what would be my toy

Even though we sometimes

Would not get a thing

We were happy with the

Joy the day would bring

From "I Wish", by Stevie Wonder

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I can't believe that you really think their feelings got hurt. I'm siding with Editor on this. What is meeting with the guy that called them "nappy hoes" going to do? Provide closure? Please. Turn the tv off and go find something else to keep you busy. All this has become is an episode of Dr. Phil without a bald idiot hosting the show.

Imus is the one who called the meeting to apologize. The players agreed to meet with him. He said on Sharpton's show he had an "obligation" to do so.

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MSNBC just fired him so now all that's left is CBS. Maybe he'd be more comfortable at FOX...

As an African American, I was never thought he should be fired. He seemed sincere in his apology, and willing to go the extra mile. The suspension seem adequate imo. MSNBC may have been feeling it in the pockets though. Earlier today they said some advertisers were threatening to pull their adds.

Edited by J.A.S.O.N.
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As an African American, I was never thought he should be fired. He seemed sincere in his apology, and willing to go the extra mile. The suspension seem adequate imo. MSNBC may have been feeling it in the pockets though. Earlier today they said some advertisers were threatening to pull their adds.

I just feel that people are to sensitive sometimes... I just wish we knew how to deal with things and look at them properly instead of just being ridiculous on so many issues.

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Guest Marty

MSNBC is "Far and Balance" now ;) First Micheal Savage then Don Imus I thought I would never see this in my life time. :lol::lol::lol:


Edited by Marty
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MSNBC is "Far and Balance" now ;) First Micheal Savage then Don Imus I thought I would never see this in my life time. :lol::lol::lol:


I think MSNBC waiting until ONLY after they lost sponsers to make that decision.

Had the sponsers stayed on bored, so would have MSNBC.

They are more like followers then anything else, but in the end, justice was served and the crypt keeper can retire early. > :)

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I think the thing to take from the article, isn't necessarily what is the major problem in inequality for blacks, but rather the problem with the general public we are scared to address real problems and only target the easy ones. We are so jaded in perception that we find it much worse that a shock jock said something stupid rather than a another coach at LSU who was having a sexual affair with a player. Actions go much further than words, and that should a be story more so than an old white man making a stupid remark. I also think people need to return to the phrase "sticks and stones", because every time something bad happens we try to find the easy way out and address the lesser of issues, because it is easier to attack.

this is my only problem...

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So now that this race do-gooder ball is rolling it's time for Al and Jesse to take on thug culture!

Keep the big mo rollin.

Becuase compared to thug culture Imus is harmless.

they made the promise, hopefully they do.

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I wholeheartedly agree, they should take the rappers and ballers to task for their language and behaviour.

it is impossible to ban language, but I just think people need to learn blacks and whites and everyone else inbetween that certains just arent acceptable. The same thing with the F word, or even more so the C word, you dont just walk around calling your friends C words, and you shouldnt use it even to marginalize someone. So hopefully we can shift away fromthat.

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What's funny is Freedom of Speech was created for people like Imus and Savage.

Freedom of Speech was not created for the vanilla-news-freaks you see in the mainstream media like the plagiarism scandal at CBS that nobody hears about. http://www.slate.com/id/2164070/?nav=fix

And based upon that logic, long live the rappers! Tell us how you really feel for not knowing your daddy, baby!

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