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Words you just hate


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If we're going to include misspellings and bad grammar (which could/should be a new thread on their own), then I've got the following little things that bug me (I admit, probably more than they should)...

If we decide to include all grammar errors and not the most egregious, then the clause, "which could/should be a new thread on their own" needs to be rewritten as "which could/should be a new thread on its own" because a pronoun must agree with its antecedent which in this case is thread requring third person singular its, not third person plural their.

Confusing imply and infer is a problem that I constantly have to address. If it seems that I am being picky, it is because as a university professor, I read many papers written by supposedly well- prepared undergraduate and graduate student papers with errors of this sort.

My point is that it is easy to find errors in spoken and written language. Many of us make them. It is just that some errors offend, sound worse, or more uneducated than others.

My two cents worth.

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Confusing imply and infer is a problem that I constantly have to address. If it seems that I am being picky, it is because as a university professor, I read many papers written by supposedly well- prepared undergraduate and graduate student papers with errors of this sort.

Do you mind my asking what subject you teach?

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If we decide to include all grammar errors and not the most egregious, then the clause, "which could/should be a new thread on their own" needs to be rewritten as "which could/should be a new thread on its own" because a pronoun must agree with its antecedent which in this case is thread requring third person singular its, not third person plural their.

Hmmm - not sure I agree. I don't think it would be correct to say, for example, that "the appetizers could have been a meal on its own". "Grammatical errors could have been a thread on their own" - still sounds right to me. Put another way - if one were to diagram the sentence, "on their own" modifies "errors", and not "thread".

My point is that it is easy to find errors in spoken and written language. Many of us make them. It is just that some errors offend, sound worse, or more uneducated than others.

(There, I'd say you'd need an "are" before "uneducated".) I think we're in agreement. I don't want everyone to speak grammatically-perfect English - especially in conversation or on forum boards. It would be very boring, and it's a standard that I know I couldn't live up to (up to which I couldn't live? to which I couldn't live up?). I can't recall which ones I listed now, or how I presented them, but I was just trying to list a few clear-cut grammatical errors that bug me disproportionately - hoping it would be understood that they bug me more than they should. Heck, I start 1/3 of my spoken sentences with "dude", don't even blink when someone says "ain't", and say "comfterbul" instead of comfortable - etc., etc. I'm the last person to point a finger.

Imply/infer - that's a good one.

Edited by tmariar
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If we decide to include all grammar errors and not the most egregious, then the clause, "which could/should be a new thread on their own" needs to be rewritten as "which could/should be a new thread on its own" because a pronoun must agree with its antecedent which in this case is thread requring third person singular its, not third person plural their.

Confusing imply and infer is a problem that I constantly have to address. If it seems that I am being picky, it is because as a university professor, I read many papers written by supposedly well- prepared undergraduate and graduate student papers with errors of this sort.

My point is that it is easy to find errors in spoken and written language. Many of us make them. It is just that some errors offend, sound worse, or more uneducated than others.

My two cents worth.

Your distinctions are appreciated, and applauded. :D

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Not to be a "hater" or anything,

back on topic...

'hater' is a word that irks me. Just because someone disagrees doesn't make him (or her) a 'hater'. To depict those who disagree as hateful seems disingenuous.

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For the very first time I just heard the phrase "hunker down" used by a real person. Channel 13 news had interviews with people in North Texas who were victimized yesterday by the storms and a woman said that they grabbed the dogs and "hunkered down" in the hall. The news media must have gotten to them.

By the way, I don't like "hater", either. Not to be a hater.

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Yanks and Yankie, The civil war ended in 1865 its 2007 ok people.

The N word used by anyone


Diva and those who think they are...


general use of poor grammer by those that know better because its "cool"

general use of poor grammer by those who don't know better

Prechate ya' intead of I appreciate it. Actualy that ones kinda funny.

Someone I dont know calling me dawg or playa'. If you know me you wouldn't call me that anyway.

Edited by Howard
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grammer? sounds like a lesson on spelling might be necessary too

Thanks for pointing that out. I as well as most people am not a perfect speller. Guess you can go back to your dictionary or your spell check button. I got military aircraft to fuel.

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Thanks for pointing that out. I as well as most people am not a perfect speller. Guess you can go back to your dictionary or your spell check button. I got military aircraft to fuel.

spelling on a forum is never going to be a possibility until the ABC check is built in

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For the very first time I just heard the phrase "hunker down" used by a real person. Channel 13 news had interviews with people in North Texas who were victimized yesterday by the storms and a woman said that they grabbed the dogs and "hunkered down" in the hall. The news media must have gotten to them.

By the way, I don't like "hater", either. Not to be a hater.

"Victimized." Ick.

spelling on a forum is never going to be a possibility until the ABC check is built in

Buy a Mac. Spell-check is built in to the OS, so you have one dictionary that works in all of your text editors, browsers, even file names. Right click on a word and look up the meaning either in Google or in the computer's built-in dictionary. If you post something misspelled on the internet from a Mac, you're just plain lazy (And I'm guilty of this on more than one occasion!)

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"Victimized." Ick.

Buy a Mac. Spell-check is built in to the OS, so you have one dictionary that works in all of your text editors, browsers, even file names. Right click on a word and look up the meaning either in Google or in the computer's built-in dictionary. If you post something misspelled on the internet from a Mac, you're just plain lazy (And I'm guilty of this on more than one occasion!)

I thought spellcheck was built into the board (at least it is on other boards I am a member of). It will actually underline in red, mispelled words or words it doesn't recognize.

If we were all around each other, all day long, do you realize how much we'd get on each other's nerves?

Everyone's so "nitpicky" (how about that one?)

I know right. I tend to get annoyed easily.

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When people say something and then follow it up with.... "ya know what I'm sayin'?" Ugh... yes, I know what you are saying... I heard you just say it dumba$$! :rolleyes:

Ooo... and "resolve". I know Bush is an idiot and that he doesn't have a very large vocabulary... but he really needs someone to teach him a new word... he has beaten this one to death!

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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"Victimized." Ick.

Buy a Mac. Spell-check is built in to the OS, so you have one dictionary that works in all of your text editors, browsers, even file names. Right click on a word and look up the meaning either in Google or in the computer's built-in dictionary. If you post something misspelled on the internet from a Mac, you're just plain lazy (And I'm guilty of this on more than one occasion!)

I think it is an add-on, I just never spent the time to see if it was worth adding. Maybe I should since i spell 1 out of every 7 words wrong.

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