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Favorite Houston Buildings And Places


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So, What is your favorite Houston Icon? i.e., Astrodome, special building etc.

OR if you could build one- what would you build? Skyscraper? Monument? Tower? Etc.

World famous cities have theirs, what is/would be ours??

Bring on the ideas! :D

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Ah, well, the Astrodome is still a great symbol of Houston. Other domed facilities have come along, but Houston's is the original.

If this were 40 years ago, I'd say the Gulf lollipop would be another.

But I'm sure others will come up with better ideas.

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Definitely the Astrodome at one point, but after they built Reliant next door the Dome lost its visual impact and some of its "icon-ness" (iconosity?). To me, it was always a memorable sight to drive along the South Loop and come up on the Astrodome. It just seemed so massive. I'm not sure anything now is quite at the level. Perhaps the downtown skyline viewed from Allen Parkway.

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^^^ I tend to agree with the Williams Tower being an icon of Houston. The searchlight at the top adds to its visibility and of course, being seen from most parts of Houston isn't too bad either.

One of my favorite things to do with friends new to Houston is to take them by the Galleria area and then go toward DT. They all get this puzzled look on their faces and then, inevitably ask, "Wasn't THAT downtown?"



The Astrodome is a good icon, but i also agree that once Reliant was built it seemed to have lost some of its magnitude.

Personally, some sort of tower or monument DT or close by would have a great affect. If not (because of that being a cliche) i would like to see a Calatrava or Gehry as an icon. Think of Bilbao or Sydney or Berlin. Bigger doesn't necessarily have to mean icon.

Anyway, keep the ideas coming.

Thanks ALL!

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Although perhaps technically not an icon...

I would have to say the skyline view from the west (across buffalo bayou).

This shot has identified Houston for several years and still looks great!

True. True. Especially the combination of JPMorgan, former Republic Bank, One Shell Plaza and Texaco with the others added in. i don't think viable space will allow it any time soon, but i certainly hope whatever future skyscrapers we get won't block that particular view. Having lived in West Houston for several years, coming up I-10 to DT is pretty much etched in my brain.

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I'd say we have 5 Buildings that can take the cake... Pennzoil Place 1 & 2, Bank of America Center, The Esperson Building, The Williams Tower, and the Astrodome. Kinda funny that 3 of them were designed by Phillip Johnson.

Yes, Phillip Johnson has been good for our fair city.

Now, if we can only land a Foster or Renzo Piano............... ^_^

I agree with astrodome, but when I picture Houston the first building that comes to mind is Heritage Plaza and Bank of America Center. I remeber on Sim City 3000 700 Louisana(Bank of America Center ) was one of the landmark buildings.

Really? I only got into Sim City with the Delux Sim City 4/ Rush Hour. That would have been so cool to interpose the BoA Center in a "Houston-like" virtual city. By the by- and WAY OFF topic, do you know anything about a new Sim City in the future???? B)

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I think the problem is that we don't have a major icon that's commonly known outside the state of Texas. And that's a real problem for Houston to be as big as it is. It was the Astrodome, but it no longer stands alone in design. This is why we need a building that beats every building in the world for height. And then we can just stuff a whole bunch of businesses into that one building, lol.

No, but I just feel that if Houston would go up more, it wouldn't have to go out so much.

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I think the problem is that we don't have a major icon that's commonly known outside the state of Texas. And that's a real problem for Houston to be as big as it is. It was the Astrodome, but it no longer stands alone in design. This is why we need a building that beats every building in the world for height. And then we can just stuff a whole bunch of businesses into that one building, lol.

No, but I just feel that if Houston would go up more, it wouldn't have to go out so much.

What Houston needs is to leverage its current international icon -- Johnson Space Center. JSC should have a monument, or a building, or something iconic. In no time it would be on TV and newspapers and print around the world and when people would see the icon they'd think, "Houston." Right now most people don't know what JSC looks like; and there's no reason they should. It's just a bunch of low, flat office buildings. When people think about NASA now, they think of the launch towers and hangars at Cape Canaveral. Houston needs to take that back.

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When people think about NASA now, they think of the launch towers and hangars at Cape Canaveral. Houston needs to take that back.

JSC was never a launch facility. There is a restriction to keep vehicle from launching over inhabited areas. cape canaveral is ideal for this.

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JSC was never a launch facility. There is a restriction to keep vehicle from launching over inhabited areas. cape canaveral is ideal for this.

I didn't mean literally bring the towers to Houston. I meant take back the notion that NASA is in headquartered in Florida with the launch facilities.

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I didn't mean literally bring the towers to Houston. I meant take back the notion that NASA is in headquartered in Florida with the launch facilities.

I guess i say the most important facility is where the astronauts are. and that's here! home to flight operations.

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I guess i say the most important facility is where the astronauts are. and that's here! home to flight operations.

Maybe we can have David Addicks (I know I spelled that wrong) make a giant astronaut helmet for NASA's front lawn. If tourists start getting their pictures taken in front of it, we're in business!

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I don't think anything iconic will come from the architecture or style or even some structure @ JSC. Its a suburban style campus with a bunch of concrete rectangles, and surface lots. Unless the whole facility were redone, then it will never be an icon to the city. And thats a shame, I can't help but think of Houston everytime I look @ the moon.

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I don't think anything iconic will come from the architecture or style or even some structure @ JSC. Its a suburban style campus with a bunch of concrete rectangles, and surface lots. Unless the whole facility were redone, then it will never be an icon to the city. And thats a shame, I can't help but think of Houston everytime I look @ the moon.

It may be a suburban-style campus, but mid-century is written all over it. The whole thing is a period peice that will (I promise you) be considered a beautiful place one day, assuming that any future additions to it are tasteful and few buildings if any get the wrecking ball.

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It may be a suburban-style campus, but mid-century is written all over it. The whole thing is a period peice that will (I promise you) be considered a beautiful place one day, assuming that any future additions to it are tasteful and few buildings if any get the wrecking ball.

definitely mid century including the furniture.

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What Houston needs is to leverage its current international icon -- Johnson Space Center. JSC should have a monument, or a building, or something iconic. In no time it would be on TV and newspapers and print around the world and when people would see the icon they'd think, "Houston." Right now most people don't know what JSC looks like; and there's no reason they should. It's just a bunch of low, flat office buildings. When people think about NASA now, they think of the launch towers and hangars at Cape Canaveral. Houston needs to take that back.

Good point. Having something at the Space Center (besides a disgruntled lunatic toating a gun) would be cool. Maybe even a monument which could be seen from I-45 freeway considering one cannot really see NASA from there.

I visited NASA when i was a kid which was cool, and i took a couple of European friends there two years ago. Outside did not impress them at all- it wasn't until we started touring inside that i got the "ooohs and aaaahs".


^^^^ Great discussions! Keep them up. Let's get some ideas rolling around. Maybe some rich developer will happen upon our forum and get inspired LOL :D

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What makes Houston, Houston:

1. Astrodome


3. Transco Tower (Williams Tower)

4. Art Car

5. Houston Live Stock show & Rodeo

6. Goode BBQ

7. The Galleria

8. Freeways

9. Lakewood Church

10. A whole lotta restaurants to eat yourself silly. :D

It is true about Williams Tower and the Galleria. It is amazing to me that one can Google "mall" and inveriably Houston's Galleria will be there. In time with all the development going on in UT, i wonder if that whole area could become even MORE iconic than it already is. What would be really, REALLY cool is if a residential mega-tower (along the lines of a Trump signature tower with a Piano, Foster, Calatrava or Gehry architect) could be built there. I am talking another 900+ footer to compete with but not overshadow the Williams Tower).

Yes, freeways also define Houston- BUT they also define LA and Atlanta. I want to be greedy.......i want an icon of our own! >:)

Numerous churches ( sometimes i feel like they are 7-11s on every street corner) are also indicative of Houston.

Astrodome, again yes, but as mentioned before, the larger stadium next to it sort of makes it a moot point AND architecture such as that has been upgraded....i.e. The Superdome and others like it.

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^^^ I tend to agree with the Williams Tower being an icon of Houston. The searchlight at the top adds to its visibility and of course, being seen from most parts of Houston isn't too bad either.

One of my favorite things to do with friends new to Houston is to take them by the Galleria area and then go toward DT. They all get this puzzled look on their faces and then, inevitably ask, "Wasn't THAT downtown?"



The Astrodome is a good icon, but i also agree that once Reliant was built it seemed to have lost some of its magnitude.

Personally, some sort of tower or monument DT or close by would have a great affect. If not (because of that being a cliche) i would like to see a Calatrava or Gehry as an icon. Think of Bilbao or Sydney or Berlin. Bigger doesn't necessarily have to mean icon.

Anyway, keep the ideas coming.

Thanks ALL!

Marc, that exact same thing happened to my dad. We stayed at the Embassy Suites by the Galleria, and of course I know where I was. So my dad asked me where I wanted to go, and I said I wanted to go toward Downtown. With a puzzled look on his face he said, "This is not downtown." With a grin I said "no." :lol:

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It may be a suburban-style campus, but mid-century is written all over it. The whole thing is a period peice that will (I promise you) be considered a beautiful place one day, assuming that any future additions to it are tasteful and few buildings if any get the wrecking ball.

Oh no, I love the the modern style very much, and I love the JSC! But since Houston has seen so many of these buildings, and they're not that old, thats why its not an Icon for the city... yet.

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