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"Booming Houston & the Modern House"


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locations from the HoustonMod web site:

American Institute of Architects, Houston Chapter

Brazos Bookstore, Houston

Hennessey & Ingalls, Santa Monica

Kuhl Linscomb, Houston

Menil Collection Bookstore, Houston

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Bookstore, Houston

Museum Store, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston

PH Design Shop, Houston

Prairie Avenue Bookshop, Chicago

Sunset Settings, Houston

William Stout Architectural Books, San Francisco

Booming Houston and the Modern House can also be purchase online at Amazon.com

i am going to pick up mine this week...looks really fantastic

Edited by sevfiv
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Writing is underway on the next catalog which will focus on Hugo V. Neuhaus. A lecture and exhibition is in the planning stage for presentation in August.


Both Houston Mod books (Booming Houston & The Modern House and Donald Bartheleme: A Modernism suitable for everyday use) are really essential for anyone who wants to learn about Houston. Harwood Taylor was one of our most original designers working within the Miesian/Case Study mode, and his designs are still innovative today (look at the Frame house). The book on Bartheleme didn't appeal to me as much, but it's still important because its one of the few documents about Houston's first modern architect. It's also nearly all that remains of his work, as most of it has been destroyed.

The books are also important for their historical photos. The Harwood Taylor book also has information about his time in William Norman Floyd's office with William R. Jenkins.

The Neuhaus book is going to be excellent.

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The Barthelme Book is almost sold out. Houston Mod will have a table at the Lawndale Modern Market. Everyone should snap up the last of them if the book is available there.


Both Houston Mod books (Booming Houston & The Modern House and Donald Bartheleme: A Modernism suitable for everyday use) are really essential for anyone who wants to learn about Houston. Harwood Taylor was one of our most original designers working within the Miesian/Case Study mode, and his designs are still innovative today (look at the Frame house). The book on Bartheleme didn't appeal to me as much, but it's still important because its one of the few documents about Houston's first modern architect. It's also nearly all that remains of his work, as most of it has been destroyed.

The books are also important for their historical photos. The Harwood Taylor book also has information about his time in William Norman Floyd's office with William R. Jenkins.

The Neuhaus book is going to be excellent.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It really is a great little read!

I hope a version that celebrates Barnstone will be made in the future!

Barnstone needs a full-on coffee table book and Stephen Fox needs to write it. Paul Hester and Richard Payne should do the photographs.

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Barnstone needs a full-on coffee table book and Stephen Fox needs to write it. Paul Hester and Richard Payne should do the photographs.

That's how you'll get your Maher house pix! By proxy! BTW I know Paul Hester slightly. Lisa (Carol) Hardaway was a classmate and friend of mine at Rice. You've seen of course the Barnstone article in Ephemeral City, right?

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That's how you'll get your Maher house pix! By proxy! BTW I know Paul Hester slightly. Lisa (Carol) Hardaway was a classmate and friend of mine at Rice. You've seen of course the Barnstone article in Ephemeral City, right?

Of course. It's my primary source for the website section about him.

Did you go to the Menil lecture? All of the professional photography was done by Hester, and it was incredible. I've also got the first Lake/Flato book and Hester & Hardaway did all the photography for that too. Great book.

Edited by BenH
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Something along the lines of the book The Houses of Philip Johnson except for Barnstone would be an amazing gift to Houston architecture students and fans. Someone want to give me a year's worth of cash to take off work and do the research? It would be my first book...

Actually, that's just the type of thing I'd love to write for Jenkins.


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Did you go to the Menil lecture? All of the professional photography was done by Hester, and it was incredible. I've also got the first Lake/Flato book and Hester & Hardaway did all the photography for that too. Great book.

No. Wish I could have, but I don't get out much. 20+ years of working concerts night after night have kinda worn my "out-n-about of an evening" desires away. I noticed that Hester & Hardaway did some of the photos for the RDA Southampton tour materials, though. Actually, even though I first met Paul through Lisa, they did some construction photos of my building, too. I think they live in Fayetteville, now.

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I believe some of Hester's photography will be included in the next Houston Mod catalog, which is being written now for release in August. It will feature the work of Hugo V. Neuhaus (not to be confused with his younger cousin of Neuhaus and Taylor).

That would be another great coffee table book, The Photography of Hester/Hardaway.

20+ years of working concerts, where? Both Ben and I are musicians, so we have most likely crossed paths.


No. Wish I could have, but I don't get out much. 20+ years of working concerts night after night have kinda worn my "out-n-about of an evening" desires away. I noticed that Hester & Hardaway did some of the photos for the RDA Southampton tour materials, though. Actually, even though I first met Paul through Lisa, they did some construction photos of my building, too. I think they live in Fayetteville, now.
Edited by Willowisp
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I believe some of Hester's photography will be included in the next Houston Mod catalog, which is being written now for release in August. It will feature the work of Hugo V. Neuhaus (not to be confused with his younger cousin of Neuhaus and Taylor).

That would be another great coffee table book, The Photography of Hester/Hardaway.

20+ years of working concerts, where? Both Ben and I are musicians, so we have most likely crossed paths.


I've been the facilities manager for the Rice University's Shepherd School of Music since 1985. (That's why I was so quick to slap down the person in another thread who suggested that people should come use our practice rooms! :angry2: ) Until this past summer I was also responsible for all concert production. We give a lot of concerts. Beginning last summer I semi-retired and gave up the concert and orchestra management parts of the job. I was on the design team for Alice Pratt Brown Hall at Rice in 1988-90 and that's where I first got interested in architecture. Like Ben, I am a bass player. I play both upright and electric. In the early-to-mid 90s I was in a blues band called Blue Streak which played at the Last Concert several times.

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I'll take pictures of anything if others provide the equipment. My gear isn't up to the quality required for serious architectural photography (e.g. large format, Tilt/Shift) :)

I don't know if anyone here has access to that kind of equipment. Large/Medium format digital starts at around ten grand. A Nikkor Tilt/Shift is about one grand, and how I want one.

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Jill Hunter, who did the photography for our house for 002 told me the equipment she wants costs $50K! I guess in all areas of life what we want usually costs more than we have.

Crazy, I'm a bass player too. I play a Fender Precision Deluxe. My big influences are McCartney and Entwistle. I guess we probably haven't crossed paths because I've only been to a concert at Rice once.

As for pictures, I would love to get help from anyone who can submit pictures to me at info@houstonmod.org. Ben is doing a lot of great work, and the more the merrier. The pics for the website don't have to be the best pictures ever taken. We just want to document as many houses as we can and make them look nice. All photographers on Houston Mod get credit when we know who took the pictures.


I don't know if anyone here has access to that kind of equipment. Large/Medium format digital starts at around ten grand. A Nikkor Tilt/Shift is about one grand, and how I want one.
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