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Dallas Lights Up another one

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Get over it and admitt that its cool.....It's okay you won't melt or anything. :rolleyes:

I admit I'm over it. The building is o.k., nothing special. The lighting feels cheap and gaudy expecially when it's red, white and blue. - a perfect fit for Dally.

If you feel you must have some praise over this building all I can say is that at least it doesn't have any big X's, ugly latticework spires or white balls on the roof like Renaissance Tower. And at least it isn't shaped like a silly giant dandelion.

Edited by Mister X
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It has all the infrastructure such as: Subway, Train Stations, Video Screens, and all the flashy stuff but something is missing.

You love it. Like I said earlier, if any of it was proposed or planned in Houston, it would be used to defend the city QUICK. If it is located anywhere else, the response would be "it's aight."

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Not if you really and truly arn't that impressed with it. It's all a matter of opinion. I wouldn't mind this building being in Houston, as long as it was placed far out near the city limits so that people didn't have to look at it... maybe somewhere near Baytown where it would blend in with the refinery lights.

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You love it. Like I said earlier, if any of it was proposed or planned in Houston, it would be used to defend the city QUICK. If it is located anywhere else, the response would be "it's aight."

You're absolutely right. I'm just trying to stay loyal to my own city.

I'll admit, I am envious of Dallas' lighting and infrastructure. I wish Houston building owners would take note. However, at the same time though, i stand by my statement of Dallas's development becoming plastic. Something is missing, those 2 main ingredients: Soul and character.

Edited by scarface
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You're absolutely right. That's all about trying to stay loyal to your own city.

I'll admit, I am envious of Dallas' lighting and infrastructure. I wish Houston building owners would take note. However, at the same time though, i stand by my statement of Dallas's development becoming plastic. Something is missing, those 2 main ingredients: Soul and character.

That was a good respectable post. :rolleyes:

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Maybe some people are not as easily impressed with 15 story buildings that look like a giant glass incrusted urinals with lights that change color on the 4th of July like some people are.

I try to give you the benefit of the doubt but it's plain and simple.......You R Hatin!!!!!!!!! Because I can name prbably 100 buildings in Houston that does not look better than this one and Im sure you can too.Now im not disputin the fact that this building may look like a urinal to you....but you can't deny that it's a nice building.....You have to be realistic at least some of the time....Gosh!!!!or at least try not to make it so obvious that you are jealous or envious to a degree........... :wacko:

Use some of that energy to create some NEW lighting Ideas for some of Houstons OLD skyscrapers,and then post them so we can applaud the effort that will forever go unoticed.................sorry Mods, I just had to. <_<

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You just don't get it. I don't think Houston towers need any cheap lighting. So why would I spend time trying to create something that I feel is not only unnecessary, but nothing more than a cheap effect. A lot of people, including people who live outside of Houston, think Dallas' lit up skyscrapers look tacky. I've heard the Dallas skyline referred to a tacky many times over the years. Why would I want that for Houston? I like the night time skyline in Houston just fine. I don't get why anyone in Houston would be jealous of Dallas' skyline day or night.

All I can do is tell you that not everyone in Houston is jealous of little red white and blue lit low rises in Dallas. Evidently, some folks on this thread would like a building like this in Houston, but not me. If you choose to believe that everyone who is not impressed with lit buildings MUST be jealous, than you are delusional. No offense.

Are they all buzzing on the Dallas architecture forums over this little building? If so, why not post comments there so that you can all get each other off. You might find more objectional comments here, so be prepared the next time you post a photo of a silly looking building and expect everyone in Houston to be impressed. Believe it or not, there are many, many, many little lowrise towers in Houston. So don't come crying to me if I'm not impressed by a little building 250 miles away.

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You just don't get it. I don't think Houston towers need any cheap lighting. So why would I spend time trying to create something that I feel is not only unnecessary, but nothing more than a cheap effect. A lot of people, including people who live outside of Houston, think Dallas' lit up skyscrapers look tacky. I've heard the Dallas skyline referred to a tacky many times over the years. Why would I want that for Houston? I like the night time skyline in Houston just fine. I don't get why anyone in Houston would be jealous of Dallas' skyline day or night.

All I can do is tell you that not everyone in Houston is jealous of little red white and blue lit low rises in Dallas. Evidently, some folks on this thread would like a building like this in Houston, but not me. If you choose to believe that everyone who is not impressed with lit buildings MUST be jealous, than you are delusional. No offense.

Are they all buzzing on the Dallas architecture forums over this little building? If so, why not post comments there so that you can all get each other off. You might find more objectional comments here, so be prepared the next time you post a photo of a silly looking building and expect everyone in Houston to be impressed. Believe it or not, there are many, many, many little lowrise towers in Houston. So don't come crying to me if I'm not impressed by a little building 250 miles away.

You said it yourself, it is just a 15 story building. So just relax, breathe, ignore what dallasboi said. and lay off the bashing. We realize you don't like Dallas' lighting, and that's fine. But if you keep going on about it, we'll realize there's less and less of a reason to read your posts and more of a reason to be concerned about your mental health.

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Yes. That's exactly what Trae is saying. As usual, you are clairvoiyant beyond belief. Oh wait! What he said was "On the real, no its not. It is more like Atlanta." He made a comparison! I guess you aren't as clairvoiyant as you appear...no big surprise there.


Dude, chill.

There is no question about Dallas character. Dallas has no character.

Poor misguided Dallasonians. Decoration does not equal class. This is just more cheap glitz to help to hide more sorry architecture. Nothing screams "tacky" more than covering something in glitter or in this case, ornamental lighting.

This building will definately add to the wonderful night time "junk yard" theme that Dallas has going on. What will they think up next, chaser lights on the opry house? I don't believe that Dallas is trying to copy Vegas, I think it's trying to copy traveling carnival rides. That's "classy" Dallas for you.

If you can't be civil and on-topic, you are free to post on another web site.

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It's lights on one f'ing building... why is this a big deal? ha ha ha That does nothing for a city but make one building look neat for a few hours during the evening and overnight hours. I would hope that BOTH Houston and Dallas aren't that pathetic that they rely on lights on their buildings to make their cities "cool". :rolleyes: Seriously... if either city wants to be taken seriously as a real "city"... we have got to stop fighting over lighting schemes (and that's coming from a queer... we put a lot of emphasis on lighting schemes) <_<

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"It's always fun 'till someone gets hurt". I'll be nice and keep the venom spewing in check. Maybe that will "keep Houston classy" eh, ND?

Dude, it's all about subtlety really....the least offensive yet most poignant remarks/criticisms are those that aren't outright negative/derogatory. You gotta mix in the bad with at least a little of the good. Do that and you can say whatever the hell you want, and people will generally genuinely consider what you've got to say.

Just my opinion man...

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ND - I call it like I see it. I can only assume people consider my opinion about as much as I consider theirs. Which is always with a grain of salt. This is the internet for god's sake. There is nothing here but opinion. Pages and pages of opinion. I don't lose any sleep over other people's opinion. So it seems so strange that people get so upset over mine. Remember, words will never hurt you.

In the real world, this tower is being built in Dallas, and you like it. It's not being built in Houston, and I like that. We're both winners. I don't understand what difference it could possibly make to anyone in Dallas what someone sitting at a keyboard 250 miles away thinks about it. But it always does for some reason.

But since I was told by the webmaster to be nice, I will. And I will try to be more subtle with my acid tongue (fingers) in the future.

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ND - I call it like I see it. I can only assume people consider my opinion about as much as I consider theirs. Which is always with a grain of salt. This is the internet for god's sake. There is nothing here but opinion. Pages and pages of opinion. I don't lose any sleep over other people's opinion. So it seems so strange that people get so upset over mine. Remember, words will never hurt you.

In the real world, this tower is being built in Dallas, and you like it. It's not being built in Houston, and I like that. We're both winners. I don't understand what difference it could possibly make to anyone in Dallas what someone sitting at a keyboard 250 miles away thinks about it. But it always does for some reason.

But since I was told by the webmaster to be nice, I will. And I will try to be more subtle with my acid tongue (fingers) in the future.

Dude.................just move here. :mellow:

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I lived there for 6 years, Dallasboi. I like Houston better. Feels more comfortable. But my time there wasn't all bad. And I still go there from time to time to visit friends and check out whats new. Just because I rag on the buildings and the character doesn't mean I hate Dallas as a city or the folks that live there.

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I lived there for 6 years, Dallasboi. I like Houston better. Feels more comfortable. But my time there wasn't all bad. And I still go there from time to time to visit friends and check out whats new. Just because I rag on the buildings and the character doesn't mean I hate Dallas as a city or the folks that live there.

Well you sure did fool me :blink:

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I'm curious as to how old Dallasboi is.

I'll admit that I like the building. In fact I think the lighting scheme is more classy than most of Big D's DT lighting. I also think that some here don't admit that DT Houston needs more inovative lighting. Don't misunderstand, I think Houston's skyline leaves Dallas' in the dust. I do however think that we sometimes rely on that great skyline to it's detriment.

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Skylines are beacons meant to be seen; they stoke ego and civic pride - no matter day or night. I understand why some people find certain types of illumination over-the-top or tacky, but wanting no illumination makes no sense to me. Some people seem to prefer having their skyline lit only by the cleaning people working at night.

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I like the ^ picture, and if that's all they do on most nights, it'll be a really impressive building, especially from this angle. But having said that, the red/white/blue lighting in another rendering just looks gaudy, and I don't at all care for any vertical view of the building from the front street level. The word that comes to mind is "bulbous", and another rendering conjures up the word "monster" on account as it seems to have a huge gaping mouth with sharp white teeth, multiple sets of yellow eyes, and big bony headgear. See below:


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I don't get all the hoopla with lighting every darn building.

I'd much rather have full buildings (occupancy rates for class A space is now over 90% in downtown Houston) and an active street scape (progress has been made and more is on the way with the Pavilions and Discovery Green).

In the end, I'd much prefer people on the streets downtown at night rather than people observing the beautiful lighting from points beyond.

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I don't get all the hoopla with lighting every darn building.

I'd much rather have full buildings (occupancy rates for class A space is now over 90% in downtown Houston) and an active street scape (progress has been made and more is on the way with the Pavilions and Discovery Green).

In the end, I'd much prefer people on the streets downtown at night rather than people observing the beautiful lighting from points beyond.

Yes, an exciting lightscape implies action; when people find empty streets, empty buildings, and the stench of urine, the experience is rather off-putting. It is good to know that Houston is making progress with its downtown; the last time I was there it was challenged by many of the factors that are familiar to Dallasites. There are some exciting developments in downtown Dallas as well, but a lot more has to be done before reality matches the glitter.

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I saw this building when I was in Dallas over spring break. It was no where near as finished as it is in the pictures. They must have really been bustin' it for the last month and a half or so. I thought the rounded facade was a really nice touch though.

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You're absolutely right. I'm just trying to stay loyal to my own city.

I'll admit, I am envious of Dallas' lighting and infrastructure. I wish Houston building owners would take note. However, at the same time though, i stand by my statement of Dallas's development becoming plastic. Something is missing, those 2 main ingredients: Soul and character.

Honestly, it isn't just Dallas that feels like it's missing something. MOST sunbelt cities feel new and plastic compared to the older, more seasoned, cities of the Eastern Seaboard. Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Pheonix, LA... They all have a bit of a generic feeling to them. Ask anyone from Chicago or NYC and they laugh when any of these cities talk about things like history, identitiy, or culture. There are only a few truly unique Southern or South Western cities that have a truely one-of-a-kind identity. San Antonio, New Orleans, Miami, Nashville and Memphis, are a few that seem to have their own identities. Dallas does come off as a bit plastic but, like it or not, the skyline is one the nations most recognizable and identifiable skylines... NYC, Chicago, Seattle, San Fran, and Dallas are among the most famous American skylines. Of course, Dallas' skyline was made famoust by the tv show, DALLAS. Houston is recognizable to most Texans, but is not as easily identified outside Texas. Houston has a very impressive and beautify skyline, in my opinion, but it doesn't really have a standout iconic building that that is ingrained into the minds of Americans and makes the city instantly recognizable. NYC = WTC, Empire State and Crystler buildings. Chicago = Sears and John Handcock, and soon Trump and Fordham Spire. Seattle = Space Needle. San Fran = Transamerica and Golden Gate Bridge. Dallas = Reunion Tower and Bank of America building.

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