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Crazy Ray Nagin's at it again

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I don't like Ray Nagin... and it's not b/c he's black... it's b/c he's a racist. I don't like racist people, no matter what color they are. <_<

They're fast to pull the race card. I worked retail and got "NO?!, WHat do you mean?! It's cause i'm black! That's why!" "Mam, We must follow our return policy regardless of race." Was my answer. :)

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Having to go to high school with people from NOLA is where I learned that they dont care what people think about them. They say whats on there minds weather it is wrong or right. Example, they came to school one day with T.O.T.(Take Over Texas) Shirts. The only time they got really mad was when we would say Dont hate on Houston just because were not under water or something along the lines of that. I did not say those things but i laughed along with my friends. I always thought who talks down to the people that are helping you? What should be diffrent about the mayor he is a reflection of the city and its people, thats why he is stil mayor.

Edited by Deut28Thirteen
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