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I've been rather curious if anyone significant from the Media or Government (local, state?) is a member on HAIF.

I don't really have to know the member names (they could be lurkers) or such, but I AM curious if they're active on this board or not.

I know Sarnoff is supposedly around here, but don't know if she's active around here.

Anyone from city Council or other forms of media? It would be nice to know if this has an impact outside of our little circle.


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Maybe we can be like Google, not run any kind of ads, being newspaper, commercial, or any other type of ad, and be popualr from Word of Mouth. We could get the mayor to this site, and take some issues to the council.

The forum is currently advertised on those little ads on the right side of the Google searches.

I've thought about sponsoring 88.7 for about a year now, and I hope to save enough money to do it in the spring.

Any other suggestions for where we should advertise cheap?

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As for media reps, I can confirm that there have been staffers from KHOU and KHWB who have been active members in the past. And I know that some Chronicle writers and a KTRK reporter have been through here. In fact, the KTRK reporter wanted to do a story about the web site about three years ago, but it fell through for unnamed reasons that make my blood boil. For the record, it wasn't 13's fault.

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I guess I could just search the logs for their addresses, but I never bothered before. Some are harder than other. For example, KHOU people usually show up on server logs as The Providence Journal because of the way their intranet is structured.

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In regards to advertising, the only thing I would suggest is putting up a flyer or two in major schools of of civil engineering and architecture. Students themselves will generally pick it up and run with it. I don't think anything coming out of pocket to you would really be effective unless there is a architectual or engineering contest or some event based on that.

Believe me, your site already hits high on google when you hit the subject of architecture. perhaps adding a few other keywords?

I mean, how many true infrastructure/engineering/architecture geeks are there? :unsure:


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LOL. It's a GOOD photo of me before the camera broke apart due to my obscene looking face. :)

I agree with Glen, God. Open up a paypal account, I'll throw in a buck or two. :)

I'll see how I can figure out how to link you to my website as a "sponsor" or something. (Maybe a "Houston Information Resource?")


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The Paypal offer is nice, but I don't like taking money from people. One way to help is to every couple of days or so click on one of the ads. The ad serving company will recognize it and eventually I'll get higher-paying ads.

I wouldn't mind exchanging banners with anyone else who has a web site. I'll run yours, you run mine and we'll call it even.

I'm intrigued by the idea of some kind of Houston architecture contest. I think you're right -- students would like that. I have a solid brass Bank of America that I could offer as a trophy. But I think the kids would probably want something more.

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God, I didn't say put UP a contest, but simply associate yourself with one. It would be easier and more cost effective. That and run through Rice and UH campuses and put up a couple of flyers. Today's Tech savvy students will hit it with force.

Well, our websites are different, mine is a business one (www.yourhoustonconcierge.com) so it should be interesting trying to figure out how to put it on there. :)


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I think the Paypal idea is a great one. You've created something that could morph into something MUCH bigger. It's not like you're going to raise tons of capital...but whatever you do raise, could be directed at an ad budget for radio or whatever. I think a simple ad in the Houston Press, 002 or comparable would generate a TON of traffic. The more participation you have from Houstonians, the more likely you hit the mark with folks in high offices in City Hall....

However, if you truly wish to remain architecture focussed, it's not the best route. I suspect that you didn't expect to be this sort of Houston compository of data...and were driving towards being more of an architecture meeting point. Either way, you've done a great job...you should invite the participation...

I'm ready to commit dollars.

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The BEST bet is to get published, that way you don't have to pay for it.  So come up with a gimmic/ploy/interesting something to get published in the Houston Free Press, or Houston based architectural publications, etc.

I thought of this in the fall. I thought about making the Houston Bah Humbug Awards. The people on this board could come up with a list of the top ten highest profile Houston buildings that don't have Christmas lights. TV and magazines love lists, especially ones that are easy to accompany with pictures or video. A few well-placed press releases, and we'd be set. Alas, I let the idea slip through my fingers. Maybe next year.

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haha, that would be great.

You could possibly even become a contributor to Houston Press or another local publication by doing write ups of Houston buildings/homes.

That's where the sticky wicket comes in. I'm not allowed to do such things under the agreement with my current full-time employer. Should I some day be able to just concentrate on the web sites, then I'll be free to do whatever I want. (It was my full-time employer who killed the KTRK interview and several others).

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However, if you truly wish to remain architecture focussed, it's not the best route. I suspect that you didn't expect to be this sort of Houston compository of data...and were driving towards being more of an architecture meeting point.

In a way I've always been wary of this site receiving TOO much exposure. My concern is that if we were too well-known it would drag in a lot of nutcases with axes to grind, especially political ones. It's fine that there is discussion about non-architecture issues, but on the other hand you don't want to get dominated by that. A lot of people get sort of obsessive about the political angles of things.

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I know that few city employees do come on here. I have a few friends that work for Houston and some of the other cities as well and they are all members or so they say. Not sure how many of them post though.

Just a suggestion the Adminstrator and Mods may want to add a few more to the staff so that this board can be monitored a little closer should it ever grow. As some said we do not want things to get out of control here.

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Very true, Hunter. Right now the moderators are all volunteers, except for the occasional iTunes gift certificate (which are long overdue -- sorry, guys -- next paycheck).

If the place gets too much larger we'll need more people to keep an eye on things. Or maybe not. The new HAIF has really attracted and retained a better class of people than the old one.

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The new HAIF has really attracted and retained a better class of people than the old one.

Oh I could not agree more. And I hope it stays that way for a long time. I was not a member of the old board but I did do a lot of lurking on the sides. Mainly because of all the flamming that use to go on there.

Yes most mods are all volunteers. They do it not for the money but because they truly enjoy it.

My congratulations to the Adminstrators and Mods.

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