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Downtown Lighting


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I don't understand what everybody's problem is with the neon lights on the Wedge Building. I mean that looks way better than the buildings that use the white perimeter "christmas like" lighting.

I think the buildings that are nicely lit downtown are:

Wells Fargo Plaza - White neon top

Wedge - Green neon outline on top

Reliant Energy Plaza - with the changing color band of lights going

around top

Continential building - with the blue continential logo

Toyota Center- with the red toyota logo- they just started that in early 2005

Houston Center 5

Bank of America - when the spires are lit in the triangle fashion

As i said earlier : All of the buildings that use the white christmas lighting have got to go! It doesnt compliment what they're doing at street level. Like Great Hizzy said, our downtown looks great at street level, why not have a skyline that compliments that?!

I'm not saying everything should go neon but i think there are so many different options that would do better than white christmas lights.

Edited by scarface
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I don't understand what everybody's problem is with the neon lights on the Wedge Building. I mean that looks way better than the buildings that use the white perimeter "christmas like" lighting.

I think the buildings that are nicely lit downtown are:

Wells Fargo Plaza - White neon top

Wedge - Green neon outline on top

Reliant Energy Plaza - with the changing color band of lights going

around top

Continential building - with the blue continential logo

Toyota Center- with the red toyota logo- they just started that in early 2005

Houston Center 5

Bank of America - when the spires are lit in the triangle fashion

As i said earlier : All of the buildings that use the white christmas lighting have got to go! It doesnt compliment what they're doing at street level. Like Great Hizzy said, our downtown looks great at street level, why not have a skyline that compliments that?!

I'm not saying everything should go neon but i think there are so many different options that would do better than white christmas lights.

I too am a mass supporter of a better lit skyline as well. I look at Houston's skyline as a large array of buildings that some look good and the other half looks very bland and tacky. I also, as i've said countless times in the other night skyline thread absolutely hate the white christmas lights. I noticed that even Dallas has a couple of buildings lit that way in and near their downtown but it's not nearly as much as in Houston or Fort Worth.

I was riding down the North Central Expressway in Dallas and noticed that the Cityplace Tower has that same lighting, but it goes all around the building, complimenting the building's shape and design, which i think sort of looks good. Also the West Marketplace building in West End Dallas is lit like that and is pretty visible from the freeway.

I was really embarassed when we went to the World Series and a our downtown wasn't lit with the energy like Chicago's. It's a shame that the 4th largest city's downtown can't do better. I will compliment the Galleria/Uptown skyline at night. The Williams Tower, while not all that much pronounced is bad as hell at night. Also in the Texas Medical Center, i like the St. Luke's Tower with the white lit spires going up.

But downtown does need to step it up a notch.

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I like the way the Houston skyline looks at night. I really dig it when you can see the galleria area, downtown, and the medical district from a distance. I used to refer to it as "the three downtowns of Houston" when driving in from College Station.

galleria area is now uptown ... and i do think it is rivaling downtown with all the high rise buildings (apartments, condos, offices) going up. it is definitely going to be an epicenter in a few years as it has a lot to offer (galleria, uptown mall, etc.).

as for the skyline downtown being lit up like 'dallas', those pictures we basically taken with a LONG exposure (look at the blur of the automobiles). it is an illusion (much like dallas itself).


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You obviously did not drive into downtown from 45 South. There were some good displays on that side.

like what? If you're talking about the huge Astros star on the Exxon Building than please, save your breath (or typing).

C'mon, even though Dallas may be an illusion, it makes itself look good at night. If you were a visitor wouldn't you rather see this?

Dallas, Texas


OR YEAR-ROUND CHRISTMAS TIME IN HOUSTON!... BORING (courtesy of skwatra)-2nd pic- caught some reflection from the window where it was taken!



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I think even some of the non-skyscrapers could use a lighting redo. Exhibit 1 for that is the Wortham. It is kind of a boring design to begin with, and the trees in the plaza in front hide it from the street even more. I just think a major attraction in the theater district needs to be a bit more outgoing. After all, it is a Theater District, and it would be appropriate to be a little lively and entertaining. Side-lighting the plain brick walls would be an inexpensive way to highlight the building and make that area a bit less foreboding.

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well with that being said, i hope they at least do something special for the downtown skyline for the NBA All-Star Game. There's gonna be famous celebs and things like that.

Good comparison in Tierwestah's pics- the Dallas skyline looks way better and more colorful. But sorry Mods, even though i don't even live in Texas, please don't take it the wrong way because you all might consider that statement as "My city is better than your city". -_-

Edited by C2H
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well with that being said, i hope they at least do something special for the downtown skyline for the NBA All-Star Game. There's gonna be famous celebs and things like that.

Super Bowl 2004 was a perfect opportunity for that as well, but the only place specially lighted I think was Main Street. Perfect opportunity wasted <_<

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Anyone know if the Dome of the new couthouse will be lit up?

Last night as I was heading MBar, I spotted that a white beacon light was lighted atop the dome. Hopefully this suggests the Dome will the lighten up too. It has a central shot in the view you get from Minute Maid Park. If this building's dome is lit up at night, it will surely look awesome on TV druing baseball telecasts to those who have never been to or seen this grand city before.

Furthermore, it would be a great "Step 1" in getting this city's downtown skyline the lighting it deserves.

And just an FYI.....I believe the "high energy" lighting scheme Houston Pavilions will sport will convince other skyscraper tower manages to follow suit with stepped up efforts on lighting at night. But the Pavillions lighting's biggest impact will be felt on street level as many street level businesses will feel the need to follow suit and "light up" in order to make its presence known amongst all this competition downtown. Downtown streets at night are in for a radical change in the coming years.......

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well with that being said, i hope they at least do something special for the downtown skyline for the NBA All-Star Game. There's gonna be famous celebs and things like that.

Good comparison in Tierwestah's pics- the Dallas skyline looks way better and more colorful.

Me too because you can never spend enough money on one-time events for former future rappers and their blinged up crack whores to really put your city in the best light.

Oh and that green neon thing in Dallas? "Oh thank heaven for 7 11"


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Anyone know if the Dome of the new couthouse will be lit up?

Last night as I was heading MBar, I spotted that a white beacon light was lighted atop the dome. Hopefully this suggests the Dome will the lighten up too. It has a central shot in the view you get from Minute Maid Park. If this building's dome is lit up at night, it will surely look awesome on TV druing baseball telecasts to those who have never been to or seen this grand city before.

Furthermore, it would be a great "Step 1" in getting this city's downtown skyline the lighting it deserves.

And just an FYI.....I believe the "high energy" lighting scheme Houston Pavilions will sport will convince other skyscraper tower manages to follow suit with stepped up efforts on lighting at night. But the Pavillions lighting's biggest impact will be felt on street level as many street level businesses will feel the need to follow suit and "light up" in order to make its presence known amongst all this competition downtown. Downtown streets at night are in for a radical change in the coming years.......

i really like how the main buildings in nyc (chrysler, at&t --now sony--, etc.) all are lit up at the tops. houston could do something like that, and we are seeing some evidence with the continental building lit up at the top in blue ... but they could take it so much further.

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  • 2 months later...

I just noticed that spotlights have been installed on several of the light rail poles in the Historic District of Main Street. The spots are aimed upward at the buildings. Has anyone been downtown at night in the last several days to see what they look like?

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Not good news for a city already plagued by light pollution.

One of NASA's great outreach programs allows ordinary people to show up at Challenger Park at night and rocket scientists let them look through their telescopes. I did it once, and it was really quite cool. And there were about 30 little kids getting their first taste of how big the cosmos really is. I'm sure it was an event they will never forget.

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I just noticed that spotlights have been installed on several of the light rail poles in the Historic District of Main Street. The spots are aimed upward at the buildings. Has anyone been downtown at night in the last several days to see what they look like?

Do they look perminent or something temporary maybe for an event? Maybe the city has read about people on this forum complaining about better lighting for the skyline and they're doing something about it ;)

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Lighting is always good at night dwntwn, especially for someone like me that is very ignorant on the relative safety of dwntwn in the evenings. My ideas of dwntwn after business hours are stuck in the mid 80's-early 90's when it was not such a nice atmoshere. The lighting should go a long way to get people to venture into dwntwn after business hours especially if it is known/marketed. If you tell them, they will come :)

My company is looking for a third major base of operation. I know Houston is on the radar, and i would love to see them expand here with a nice tower dwntwn....pipe dream perhaps..........

Edited by Houston1stWordOnTheMoon
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hey someone has got to take some pics and post'em, i wanna see this, im sure others do too, but maybe its just me, has anyone noticed the lighting on top of our buildings lately, did someone finally get the idea? i was watchin the Stros game and they took a shot of downtown, i saw the top of our buildings with more of a neon lighting on top instead of that gay looking christmas lighting, maybe it was just me, but it sure looked good, especially with the Continental headquarters lit up and 1000 Main helps add some diversity

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hey someone has got to take some pics and post'em, i wanna see this, im sure others do too, but maybe its just me, has anyone noticed the lighting on top of our buildings lately, did someone finally get the idea? i was watchin the Stros game and they took a shot of downtown, i saw the top of our buildings with more of a neon lighting on top instead of that gay looking christmas lighting, maybe it was just me, but it sure looked good, especially with the Continental headquarters lit up and 1000 Main helps add some diversity

now if they could only get rid of the toyota center's tacky roof lighting. i hate it.

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OK, just got the scoop from my source on the street. The spotlights were installed possibly as long as a month ago, though I don't recall seeing them. They are white spots, and they are only in the historic, or club district. They don't come on every night. My source thinks weekends and Astros home games...whenever there is a crowd.

He says when they come on, the place looks good and energetic. I'll try to get down here on a weekend to get a pic. If anyone wants some aerial views, PM me. I have access to my building afterhours.

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yea i agree, they need to change up Toyotas lighting, but im wondering if someone as city hall is on this board looking at our ideas and requests, lol, cause im surprised at how a lot of our ideas are showing up downtown, maybe its just me, but i gotta say that the city is taking some major steps in the right direction, we are definately beginning to build the right way in this city, ive looked at Dallas boards and they are going nuts with us, lol, makes me proud to be a Houstonian :)

Edited by h-townsfinest
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  • 1 month later...
OK, just got the scoop from my source on the street. The spotlights were installed possibly as long as a month ago, though I don't recall seeing them. They are white spots, and they are only in the historic, or club district. They don't come on every night. My source thinks weekends and Astros home games...whenever there is a crowd.

He says when they come on, the place looks good and energetic. I'll try to get down here on a weekend to get a pic. If anyone wants some aerial views, PM me. I have access to my building afterhours.

There are 2 lamps on each street pole along that area, but I can't figure why they only light one lamp at a time on each street pole ? It makes it seem as if someone isn't managing or making sure that they replace bulbs as they burn out. I am pretty sure that this isn't the case because the lighting was just installed.

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now if they could only get rid of the toyota center's tacky roof lighting. i hate it.

why does everyone seem to hate the lighting that adds color and shine to houston's skyline. In my opinion, i like the toyota center lighting. What Houston needs to get away from is the boring looking white christmas lights at night. I wrote a letter to the mayor about 2 years ago regarding this. I waisted my time.

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why does everyone seem to hate the lighting that adds color and shine to houston's skyline. In my opinion, i like the toyota center lighting. What Houston needs to get away from is the boring looking white christmas lights at night. I wrote a letter to the mayor about 2 years ago regarding this. I waisted my time.

I agree. I like the Toyota Center roof also, but don't like the year-around Christmas lights

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I waisted my time.

No kidding. I wrote one last year in regards to an undeserved parking ticket...but I only waisted my time. The response was terrible...they actually got someone to investigate the incident, but weren't quick enough at it and the fine on the ticket went up after a certain amount of time. I never heard back from the investigator that ended up waisting my time and money. Thigh...oh well.

I'd better go feet the cat, finger about on the sofa watching TV for a bit, and then get some much-needed breast. Goodnight, folks.

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