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Weirdest Thing(s) You've Seen


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Oh!!! how could i forget?!?

I use to work at an optometrists off of I-45 in Greenspoint, located nexts to Brown Sugar's BBQ. And the crack head/bums in the alley were always a trip, but one time I saw this crack couple eating the thrown away (raw) meat in the dumpster!! :o

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Over on the East End on Lawndale Ave there was a small old house on the side of the road. This house was all alone with no other ones next door or behind it. Every now and then we would be driving back from store whatever and we would see this lady walking wearing a long old fashioned dress like back in the 1900's with long sleeves and lots of ruffles and holding a parasol, just like they did in the old western days. I thought that it was a joke or more like a costume, especially with the parasol twirling around. The traffic is slow so you can get real close ups. I could see quite a bit of makeup heavy lipstick, blush, false eyelashes, etc. The wig was long and curled golden blond hair. I knew it was a man.

Once my mom was with me and she said there goes that Baby Jane Hudson woman again! I said mom that is a man and she said yes I could tell by his walk and build. I said I feel sorry for him he is gonna get beat up around that area or worse, man is he brave! He would quickly slip into the door of that lone house. Very strange. Finally after a year or so we passed and the house was gone and no more Baby Jane H. Kind of miss him. Added character to an otherwise boring area. He really was in his own Private Idaho! but he was quite happy twirling his parasol and taking in the breeze. :P

Edited by Vertigo58
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a 5' bald headed drag queen at a gas station in wichita.

That reminds me of a road trip I took once. From Minneapolis to Houston down I-35 to I-45. The first night we stopped in Iowa City. The second night in Oklahoma City. Across the street from the hotel we stayed at in Oklahoma was a steak house, and we wandered over for dinner that night. We get about half-way through the meal and my girlfriend starts giving me this crazy look. She wanted to say something but couldn't. She eventually whispers to me, and I slowly survey the room...

About 30 tables in the restaurant. Probably 90% of them occuped by at least two people.

I'm the only dude in the room.

I don't know if it was a convention going on or what, but from then on we always referred to that place as "the Lesbian steakhouse." At least the food was good.

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In the 80's I was standing in line with a co-worker at Albritons-waiting to pay the check. There was the typical little old lady luncher in her perfect powder blue polyester 2-peice and aqua-net stiff washed once aweek hair-do. She was about 5' tall so I could see directly into her do. I froze and looked at my co-worker. He looked, froze and then proceeded to reach for the woman's shoulder to alert her. I grabbed his arm and shook my head "NO."

I didn't want either of us to be the one to cause the first death in Albritons from fear due to a 1 1/2" Palmeto roach in a hair-do.

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In the 80's I was standing in line with a co-worker at Albritons-waiting to pay the check. There was the typical little old lady luncher in her perfect powder blue polyester 2-peice and aqua-net stiff washed once aweek hair-do. She was about 5' tall so I could see directly into her do. I froze and looked at my co-worker. He looked, froze and then proceeded to reach for the woman's shoulder to alert her. I grabbed his arm and shook my head "NO."

I didn't want either of us to be the one to cause the first death in Albritons from fear due to a 1 1/2" Palmeto roach in a hair-do.

Now thats like right out of a John Waters film ie; Hairspray! :lol:

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I saw a dude walking outside this morning draped in only a towel. Don't really know why he was like this, or what he was doing, but it wasn't like at his house in the suburbs or something ... it was at a major apartment complex with at least 1,000 residents in close proximity and school children walking to school or waiting for their bus (don't think he was a pervert or anything, just looked like he stepped out of the shower and onto the sidewalk...)

Got me to thinking. What are the weirdest (strange, unusual, odd, peculiar, different) things you've actually seen before? This should be things you witnessed with your eyes in-person and not on television or the Internet.

One time I was working security at a Motel 6. There was a transvestite who locked him/herself out of his/her room, and I had to go and unlock it for him/her.

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This is a peculiar sort of funny/strange animal story.

There was this little stray cat that used to visit my house so I started feeding the cat since it seemed so friendly. I went ahead and bought a little flea collar so it would at least look like someone owned it. When I st placed the collar on the cat didn't struggle or seem uncomfortable. I went to work like usual. When I came home that evening I walked past a small tree stump in the yard that kind of stuck up in the air. Something caught my eye. I saw the flea collar hanging on the tip of the bark like someone just kindly hung it there?

Apparently, the kitty didn't think it was quite to her liking so she carefully and skillfully shimmed the collar off onto the tree stump. I tought it was the most hilarious thing ever. She must have wanted a collar from Tiffany or Cartier! Well! Talk about being finicky! :blink::lol:

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This is a peculiar sort of funny/strange animal story.

There was this little stray cat that used to visit my house so I started feeding the cat since it seemed so friendly. I went ahead and bought a little flea collar so it would at least look like someone owned it. When I st placed the collar on the cat didn't struggle or seem uncomfortable. I went to work like usual. When I came home that evening I walked past a small tree stump in the yard that kind of stuck up in the air. Something caught my eye. I saw the flea collar hanging on the tip of the bark like someone just kindly hung it there?

Apparently, the kitty didn't think it was quite to her liking so she carefully and skillfully shimmed the collar off onto the tree stump. I tought it was the most hilarious thing ever. She must have wanted a collar from Tiffany or Cartier! Well! Talk about being finicky! :blink::lol:

Ungracious little monkey!

That reminds me of a cat story. There is this neighbor's cat that is in 'heat' and all the male cats are coming by and making a racket trying to get to her. I took my dog on a walk and when I stepped outside there were at least 10 - 15 cat all strewn out in the moonlight yard area surrounding my apartment.

Weird. Looked like something out of a Harry Potter movie.

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There is this neighbor's cat that is in 'heat' and all the male cats are coming by and making a racket trying to get to her. I took my dog on a walk and when I stepped outside there were at least 10 - 15 cat all strewn out in the moonlight yard area surrounding my apartment.

That is indeed weird. When I was a little kid living out in the hill country, my dad let the cats breed and go semi-wild as a form of snake control. Every morning, my mom would unload a good portion of cat food into several bowls up on the porch. At that instant, between 50 and 70 housecats would emerge from underbrush, under the house, in hollowed out trees, and in some cases from up in the trees and converge upon the porch. STAMPEDE!

And then there was this one cat that, rather than go across the dam of the stream, would swim across the impounded body of water to get to the food. Strange.

Another strange cat story: my dad had bought a bleached horse skull in Mexico and propped it up against a wall near the pool when we lived in McAllen as a form of decor. One of our cats, a big muscled gray short-hair decided one day for some reason to take a nap on the skull. Somehow, it draped itself backwards across the skull and had its feet sticking up in the air in such a way as to maintain balance. My dad thought it was dead, but when he poked it with a stick, it just woke up, rolled off, and walked off.

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Since we are on animal 'weird' subject.

One evening as I walked into my moms kitchen I turned on the light and saw something run my fast in the corner of my eye. I hate when that happens because it means mouse!

Another day or two went by and I saw it again. Real fast or so he thought.

Finally again I walked in and he flew by but got cornered. I quickly pulled off my tennis shoe and threw it at him! I thought theres no way it got him, but it did.

As I picked up my shoe I was like... what!

He however might have got the last laugh. Even though he was squshed to all hell, his eyes were popped out and his little tongue was sticking out like to taunt me!

If you could picture that with a little red blood oozing out of the side of his mouth. :blink:

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Ungracious little monkey!

That reminds me of a cat story. There is this neighbor's cat that is in 'heat' and all the male cats are coming by and making a racket trying to get to her. I took my dog on a walk and when I stepped outside there were at least 10 - 15 cat all strewn out in the moonlight yard area surrounding my apartment.

Weird. Looked like something out of a Harry Potter movie.

You need a bigger dog.

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Here is a real mind joggers for everyone.

We all know about Deja vu right?

Well I assure you this is not from drugs or anything of the like. How often does this happen? I was driving home from work yesterday and I see a company truck in front of me the Logo read "Green" moving or something like that. While listening to the radio a news DL comes on and says "Green"sburg was the site of the terrible tornado, etc.

Point in case you see and hear the same word at the same time while doing something. Scary and weird!

There have been many such instances and are normally as I am driving. Once I was on the freeway and the radio played a song which contained a certain word or phrase and as I glanced at a billboard it was there! Yikes! well maybe not that scary but just plain one in a million odds! I better play lotto I guess! :lol:

Again, its not deja vu but what???? I read part of the Celestine Prophesies book years ago but its

just - a - book, ok. Again, no Maui Wowi or smoking peace pipe here. :ph34r:

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How can I forget this one?

One day I was in downtown waiting for the bus. I could see the bus stop across the street. There was a woman sitting next to a small girl, I imagine her daughter. The woman leans over and lets out a huge gob of spit on top of the girls head then starts to arrange or fix her hair. That simple.

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How can I forget this one?

One day I was in downtown waiting for the bus. I could see the bus stop across the street. There was a woman sitting next to a small girl, I imagine her daughter. The woman leans over and lets out a huge gob of spit on top of the girls head then starts to arrange or fix her hair. That simple.

I s'pose in today's society weird = gross.

This thread has been hilarious. And disturbing.

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In 1985, my older sister was driving me to a friend's house. We were near Richmond @ Chimney Rock sitting at a light when my sister screams out of the blue. I look over and see that a man had jumped out of his car and come over to the driver side window and pumped a load of his love juice all over the window. We couldn't take off right away because we were the 2nd or 3rd car in line at the light. The strange thing was he was dressed in a biz suit and driving a nice car. He wasn't old or ugly or anything. Totally odd and totally gross. Thank God it was a hot and humid day or else the windows might have been rolled down!

In another driving around Houston story, I was with my other sister about two years ago on Memorial Drive near Voss. We are sitting in the turning lane and I look over and a man driving a suburban and also dressed in a suit is smoking from what looked like a crack pipe. It was broad daylight and the back of his car had his kid's Memorial High School Mustang stickers all over the rear windows.

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In 1985, my older sister was driving me to a friend's house. We were near Richmond @ Chimney Rock sitting at a light when my sister screams out of the blue. I look over and see that a man had jumped out of his car and come over to the driver side window and pumped a load of his love juice all over the window. We couldn't take off right away because we were the 2nd or 3rd car in line at the light. The strange thing was he was dressed in a biz suit and driving a nice car. He wasn't old or ugly or anything. Totally odd and totally gross. Thank God it was a hot and humid day or else the windows might have been rolled down!

In another driving around Houston story, I was with my other sister about two years ago on Memorial Drive near Voss. We are sitting in the turning lane and I look over and a man driving a suburban and also dressed in a suit is smoking from what looked like a crack pipe. It was broad daylight and the back of his car had his kid's Memorial High School Mustang stickers all over the rear windows.

The first one might be considered a turn-on for some.

The second one is just hilarious!

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In 1985, my older sister was driving me to a friend's house. We were near Richmond @ Chimney Rock sitting at a light when my sister screams out of the blue. I look over and see that a man had jumped out of his car and come over to the driver side window and pumped a load of his love juice all over the window. We couldn't take off right away because we were the 2nd or 3rd car in line at the light. The strange thing was he was dressed in a biz suit and driving a nice car. He wasn't old or ugly or anything. Totally odd and totally gross. Thank God it was a hot and humid day or else the windows might have been rolled down!

In another driving around Houston story, I was with my other sister about two years ago on Memorial Drive near Voss. We are sitting in the turning lane and I look over and a man driving a suburban and also dressed in a suit is smoking from what looked like a crack pipe. It was broad daylight and the back of his car had his kid's Memorial High School Mustang stickers all over the rear windows.

Note to self: Never drive anywhere with KinkaidAlum's sisters.

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A friend and I were riding down the Southwest Freeway, going maybe 60 mph. A car passed us on the left, going quite a lot faster.

Then it slowed down suddenly; probably because it was on its roof!

Oh, here's one where you really had to be there to believe it. I was standing behind a very large woman in the checkout line at Kroger. She was wearing a summer dress of some lightweight material. Without warning, she loudly expelled a huge quantity of gas, and the force was such as to cause the dress to flutter in the breeze! She continued to stand there looking straight ahead as if nothing had happened.

I quickly changed lines.

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A friend and I were riding down the Southwest Freeway, going maybe 60 mph. A car passed us on the left, going quite a lot faster.

Then it slowed down suddenly; probably because it was on its roof!

I saw the same thing happen on I-45 @ Nasa Rd.1 back in 1995 or '96. Some Jackass in a 300ZX twin turbo, thought he would show off to my '92 Stang GT, and decided to go about 120 mph or so to pass me as I was doing about 70 or so, but slowing down now to make the exit, he was trying to make the exit also @ Nasa Rd. heading south, he clips the curb and flipped, landed on the roof, and in a shower of sparks, skidded and stopped about a football field or more down the feeder just before the overpass. I got there just in time to see what looked like a tickertape parade of 8x11 papers floating back down to the ground that had flown out of his car, it was very cool, looked like a big snowfall. I stopped, as well as about 7 other cars, to see if he was ok. It was about 8pm at night right around Christmas, and I had a party to go to. So, I checked to make sure he was ok, didn't need any aid, someone had called 911 for wreckers and all, so I went about my merry way. Admit it bigtex, it was a cool feeling seeing that wasn't it ? Kinda OMG! but then like, HA HA! after you see that the Jackass is ok.

Edited by TJones
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