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Kemah Boardwalk At 215 Kipp Ave.

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The tranquil view of Galveston Bay that Tim and Hahn Tran enjoy from their front porch is the perfect antidote to the ups and downs of life. But there's apparently not much they can do about the roller coaster in their backyard.

Only 200 feet from their back door, nine stories high when completed, is the Boardwalk Bullet. And there are only a couple of weeks left before the Bullet comes to life with thundering cars and screaming riders.

Building the roller coaster did not require any special permits from the city of Kemah, City Administrator Bill Kerber said. Since all setback requirements were met and the city has no zoning, a building permit for the coaster was issued without any variances. No public hearing was required to inform area residents.

full article

wow, that stinks

here is an aerial, for a frame of reference


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That was a cool story. Not sure why he calls it massive though. Another good place for a Haif meet?! Na.... someone might push me onto the tracks for laughs! lol :lol: Hmmmm :ph34r:

they way they described it in the story, it is taller, faster and longer than the texas cyclone was.

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they way they described it in the story, it is taller, faster and longer than the texas cyclone was.

Overdramatized. I had parked next to it right on the side of the house in the picture. It is all squshed in like a big/tiny playdoe coaster. Massive makes one think its covering a couple of acres or at least thats my perception of massive. TX Cyclone dwarfs this sucker in a NY minute. In fact that aerial pic seems dated?

As I mentionend from a distance it appears large but drive up and... surprise!

I wish they would add a Fun House like the old fashioned ones from turn of the century times. Warped mirrors, slides, air blasts from under you, shifting stairs, swirling floors you get the picture. :D

Edited by Vertigo58
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The Texas Cyclone was 92 ft., the Boardwalk Bullet is 96 ft.


The Texas Cyclone had 3180 ft. of track, the Boardwalk Bullet has 3236 ft. of track.


The Texas Cylcone (claimed) 60 MPH, the Boardwalk Bullet (claims) 51 MPH.

--Not Faster.

Not sure why, but roller coaster speeds are always kind of debatable. They do move at slightly different speeds depending on weather and temperature. The BB should be a very nice coaster, but it should not be referred to as MASSIVE in this day and age. Some full circuit coasters are over 300 ft tall now. Some launched coasters are over 400 ft. tall.

But don't let the numbers fool you, a good coaster has nothing to do with statisics. Some of the highest rated coasters that exist today (by authority of internet polls, and enthusiast magazines) are no taller, longer or faster than the Boardwalk Bullet is.

We will know very soon if this coaster can live up to the hype. The design is very unique - thats going to be a major plus in the coaster lover community. I predict that this coaster will be a big hit with my fellow coaster geeks and the general public alike.

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In fact that aerial pic seems dated?

yeah, the picture is pre-construction, but it shows the plot of land and its proximity to the houses

and i remember the texas cyclone being really really loud

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I thought you all were kidding about the name Boardwalk Bullet. Too bad it couldnt have a Texas related nickname, like Texas Silver Bullet, Texas Star Chaser, I know silly. :)

MisterX might be one of the Coaster rider contests they might offer. Whomever rides the longest wins tons of $$$. Guinness has "longest rides ever by a person". I'm getting nautious.

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The Texas Cyclone was 92 ft., the Boardwalk Bullet is 96 ft.


The Texas Cyclone had 3180 ft. of track, the Boardwalk Bullet has 3236 ft. of track.


The Texas Cylcone (claimed) 60 MPH, the Boardwalk Bullet (claims) 51 MPH.

--Not Faster.

Not sure why, but roller coaster speeds are always kind of debatable. They do move at slightly different speeds depending on weather and temperature. The BB should be a very nice coaster, but it should not be referred to as MASSIVE in this day and age. Some full circuit coasters are over 300 ft tall now. Some launched coasters are over 400 ft. tall.

The person they interviewed didn't use the word massive, in fact, he was very proud that they could put so much in such a little space particularly for a wood coaster.

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Normally, even the smallest wooden coasters ARE pretty massive. This one is an exception. All that track is so tightly wrapped in that small (less than one acre) plot that you can only see about 20% of the actual track layout from just looking at the coaster. The sensation of passing through all that thick, tightly compressed supporting structure through narrow passages at high speeds is going to be a total blast! This coaster is quite an accomplishment, it could set a trend, especially in small parks with limited space to grow. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Gravity Group (the designers of this coaster) be flooded with orders for coasters like this from around the country.

It's not uncommon for a metal style coaster to be on a small plot of land, (AstroWorld had several of them) but wooden coasters need so much support and bracing that they usually require large amounts of space to construct. By comparison Judge Roy Scream at Six Flags over Texas is only 65 ft tall and covers almost 10 acres. It has no cross-overs. It's concidered an "out and back" coaster. The Texas Cyclone, The Texas Giant, and the Boardwalk Bullet are/were "twister" coasters. But the Bullet is the twistyest wooden coaster I've ever seen.

This thing will ROCK! - especially at night!

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So are they going to put any finishing touches on it, like painting it (white or blue would look good), maybe put lights along the track. That would look really cool in the reflection of the water at night. They should add a tunnel shaped like a big shark or something. Tilman likes sharks, doesn't he?

Mister X:

By comparison Judge Roy Scream

That is the coolest name of any roller coaster ever. That name makes me smile.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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Check out these photos from Jason Knutson at coasterphotos.com





There are lots and lots more. He's been taking beautiful photos of the coaster since November, when there was nothing on that plot of land but a cement slab and a pile of lumber.

I'm sure they will not paint it and I am very happy about that. They rarely paint wooden coasters anymore. Painted wooden coasters look horrible unless they get repainted on a regular basis. Remember how badly the Texas Cyclone aged? After years of neglect and peeling white paint, that coaster looked so beat up. Natural wood color is the way to go!

I understand the lighting effect in these photos is permanent. I think it would be great if they added chaser lights too.

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Yeah, it's a good setting. Too bad about those homes though. I think if Tillman built a large parking garage that could cover have the same capacity as all the surface lots now (maybe even more), that they would have a bit more room to expand.

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Yeah, it's a good setting. Too bad about those homes though. I think if Tillman built a large parking garage that could cover have the same capacity as all the surface lots now (maybe even more), that they would have a bit more room to expand.

A parking garage is immanent. I've set on my buddies deck on many weekend days over the last few years, and the neighborhood is packed. Especially in the Spring and Fall. In fact there were so many people walking in front and behind his house, that we looked into getting a beer and wine license and selling $1.00 beer out of a cooler.

Both of the lots on either side of his home were eventually purchased by Ferttita and turned into parking lots. While it certainly helped with his rat problem, it immediately became a different place to live.

I really did fall in love with this little neighborhood, of course it's all changed now.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The billboards all over town are sure getting everyone all fired-up anxious to see it open!

Sure tempted to grab that there banner too! :D

That's an old pic... they are getting close to finishing. Can't wait 'til they are finished so I can get down there and ride it!

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That's an old pic... they are getting close to finishing. Can't wait 'til they are finished so I can get down there and ride it!

I know its old but I wanted everyone to see the banner. Cool! :lol:

Funny promo, have people wear bullet style outfits to promote coaster! Mill about the boardwalk, etc. Any volunteers?!

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I know its old but I wanted everyone to see the banner. Cool! :lol:

Funny promo, have people wear bullet style outfits to promote coaster! Mill about the boardwalk, etc. Any volunteers?!

I figured you knew it was an old pic... sorry :) ... i just wanted everyone else to know they are almost done with it. :D I do like the billboards i've seen... there's one on 45 near my work in southeast Houston.

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Maybe Tillman thought he could buy that house for future boardwalk expansion at a reduced price if he built a loud, obnoxious (yet beautiful and much needed) roller coaster inches away from it. I hope they keep the coaster running 24 hours a day! I want to see more rides on the boardwalk next year.

go man go!

Wow, how very kind. All this compassion for the potential loss of someone's home somehow underwhelms me. The desire I've seen on this board to dismantle an entire little town to put in an amusement park, is mind boggling. The Boardwalk is only a percentage of Kemah. The rest of Kemah is neighborhoods whose residents want nothing more than the quiet enjoyment of the homes they have invested in and worked hard for. Just like you and your home. What are you people thinking?

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Too hell with them. (Just kidding)

I'm not saying that I'm getting any pleasure knowing that anyone's neighborhood is being changed out from under them or people are being squeezed out. But afterall, what is the Houston area? Answer: Houses, houses, and more houses. Endless sprawling suburban neighborhood after neighborhood in every direction for miles and miles. How many roller coasters do we have? Until this one opens, ZERO! How many amusement parks do we have today? One very tiny one. Like I said earlier on this thread, I may not be saying this if AstroWorld was still around. But it isn't, and I think it is very selfish for anyone in Kemah to do anything to try to stop millions from enjoying the one place we have for this kind of entertainment. There's always another house and neighborhood down the road.

Too many people in the Houston area are only concerned with whats going on in their own back yard without much regard for the greater public interest. (Hear that Afton Oaks?) Amusement parks and roller coasters may be a silly thing to have in the first place but, I think it's time there was a little more attention paid to provide the greater Houston area with some more recreational options for the masses of this city, instead of worrying about whether a few privileged people can enjoy their views of the bay in peace. People work hard all over town, why should recreation near the bay be something only Kemah residents should be able to have. As the area's only amusement park, it serves the greater good and the public interest.

It all comes down to the personal happiness of a few hundred people vs. the occasional happiness of 5.5 million people. And I'm one of the 5.5 million without a view of the bay - so guess who's side I'm on?

Just go buy some ear plugs before the Walmart runs out and you'll be fine.

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Amusement parks and roller coasters may be a silly thing to have in the first place but, I think it's time there was a little more attention paid to provide the greater Houston area with some more recreational options for the masses of this city, instead of worrying about whether a few privileged people can enjoy their views of the bay in peace. People work hard all over town, why should recreation near the bay be something only Kemah residents should be able to have. As the area's only amusement park, it serves the greater good and the public interest.

It all comes down to the personal happiness of a few hundred people vs. the occasional happiness of 5.5 million people. And I'm one of the 5.5 million without a view of the bay - so guess who's side I'm on?

Sir, it's is not the responsiblity of the people of the city of Kemah to provide the people of the city of Houston with more recreational options for the masses.

tAnd then we get to the jest of the whole subject. Yes, of course, most people work hard. No one doubts that. But the few privileged people that live on the bay in Kemah bought their property, pay the astronomical insurance on and the outrageous taxes on their property that provides the "view of the bay". So, you are saying they should give up their homes for you and all the residents of Houston to ride a rollercoaster, perhaps, two times a year...maybe? And make no mistake. The Boardwalk is not for the good of 5.5 million people. Your good does not come into play It is to line the pockets of Landry's, Inc. They could care less what you, me or anyone else thinks or enjoys.

If you are not enjoying your view of the bay, then that means you are missing some "0's" on the check you wrote when you purchased your home. Sorry, just the truth.

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So, you are saying they should give up their homes for you and all the residents of Houston to ride a rollercoaster, perhaps, two times a year...maybe?

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying word for word. They can find another ugly house anywhere. The rest of us have no other roller coaster options at the moment. I will ride it 2 times a year (probably more) and a couple of million others will be riding it 2 times a year also.

I can't wait to give my money to Tillman for building this awesome coaster for Houston. Since I like his restraunts just fine, I'm sure I and my family and friends will be eating at the boardwalk a lot more than we used to because of this coaster. Tillman can charge whatever he wants, he's still my hero for bringing something fun to Houston for a change. We have plenty of factories and warehouses around town. I'm glad some people can still make a buck in Houston by providing some joy.

I'm sure the folks that live in those homes in Kemah could care less about my personal happiness and enjoyment. So, why should I care about their's. They can live on the street for all I care. I can say this because I know it won't happen. I know the property values have gone up in Kemah so boo-hoo if a few people choose to move down the bay a bit to get away from the noise- or God forbid, have to move into a normal home not built on stilts. They will survive. Just be glad the city of Kemah didn't allow a big ugly, smelly, refinery or power plant to be built in that spot instead of an amusement park, like so many other bay side towns have done in the past.

For what it's worth, Kemah would not have been my first choice of places on the bay to put the boardwalk park at. I love the bay setting but, there's not enough room for it to grow easily. The Boardwalk is already pretty small and it will have a hard time becoming too much bigger than it is. I can't imagine the roads in that area will ever be adequate to handle the traffic the park brings. And Kemah does look a little trashy for my taste. I wish Tillman would have picked a more secluded spot on the bay, away from so much build up AND HOUSES, but he didn't and I am prepared to live with it. :P

Perhaps if Houston gets at real theme park again (hopefully Earthquest will happen) then the Kemahns can have their weird little town back. But for now it's all we have and your neighbors on the bay are in the way of progress. It's really no different than people trying to stop the Grand Parkway from helping the rest of us move around town a little easier. Or the anti-rail folks trying to make the rest of us go the long way. Power to the People, baby! It's all about making the Houston metro a better place for EVERYONE to live, not just folks that wrote too many 0's than they should have when they bought their homes. And a little amusement park on the bay helps a little. Not a lot, but again, it's all we have for now.

It's no more Kemah's responsibility to provide the rest of the metro with an amusement park any more than it is Galveston's responsibility to open up the beaches to the public, but everyone has to chip in to make the metro the best it can be. And as far as providing a place to scream, it's Kemah's turn.

I think the days of writing too many 0's on your morgage payments than what your house is worth will soon become highly unfashionable in Kemah. If you ever hear some extra obnoxious screaming in your neighborhood in the middle of the night, it will probably be me and my friends riding the bullet and spitting on the stilt houses below. >:)

And sorry about that trash in your yard, but that wasn't me. :D

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Guest Marty

That would be nice to live that close to a roller coaster. the noise would not bother me since i lived within 1-4 miles from IAH all my life.

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That would be nice to live that close to a roller coaster. the noise would not bother me since i lived within 1-4 miles from IAH all my life.

I bet when all is said and done, there probably are plenty of people who don't mind living in that area even with all the intrusions. I really don't think Tillman is going to drive that many people away. In fact, I bet a whole lot of the neighbors figure out ways to capitalize off owning land in such close proximity to the park.

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I bet when all is said and done, there probably are plenty of people who don't mind living in that area even with all the intrusions. I really don't think Tillman is going to drive that many people away. In fact, I bet a whole lot of the neighbors figure out ways to capitalize off owning land in such close proximity to the park.

Yes you are very correct. The people of Kemah don't mind living in the area (they would laugh at the concept) and there really are few intrusions. When you live here you know that there are crowds and traffic on weekends. But it is very similar to living around a big party that you can go to anytime if you wish. And Marty is right when he says that it would be nice to live there. It's very, very nice. And because of that very fact, new homes are being built along the coast right now. And yes, they are building them close to the coaster. There is so much expensive real estate along the Kemah coast that it would take a long, long time for that to be built out as a park. And apparently you don't know Kemah very well. You keep talking about houses on stilts. Well, yes, there are some, but I would say that the majority of houses in Kemah are not stilt houses.

And the noise is minimal down the way, like where Papillion's cousin moved to Courtsey lane (That is a really gorgeous home, by the way. Your cousin will love it). There is just the lilting of the train whistle in the background that doesn't bother anyone. And oh yeah, the fireworks. The people of Kemah can get into their swimming pools and watch the fireworks all through June and July, or attend one of the many private parties the residents give up and down the water on Friday evenings during fireworks. Oh, and they can pop down to the restaurants for happy hour during the week when the crowds aren't bad. And all their friends want to come to their house of the weekends because there is no place in Houston like a view from a Kemah bayfront yard!!

Please Mister X, you don't have to be jealous, nor spit on the residents of Kemah. They understand that not everyone can live there. They are willing to share their little bit of waterfront living with you on your 2 visits a year. (pat, pat on the head) A large named hurricane with a direct hit, is the only chance there is of having that little city turn into Astroworld anytime soon. No one is worried, I promise. They are walking around with big smiles all weekend long.

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I'm not sure what you are griping about anymore, Baywatcher. Your original post made it sound like there was something wrong with living in Kemah. It sounded like you thought people at this website should have some sympathy because the Kemah folks were being deprived of "quiet enjoyment of their homes" and being displaced. But now you make the town sound fantastic and that everyone should be jealous of you because you live at party central. Make up your mind. Is it good or is it bad living near an amusement park? I could relate to not wanting so much traffic and people walking around near my home although I don't really care about Kemah home owner's problems in particular.

And yes, if I had my way I would dismantle the entire town so that the boardwalk could be better. Sue me. It's not likely to happen anyway.

I think you are jumping to some unjustified conclusions. I don't know why you would think that I am jealous of people with bay front homes. I know that many are, but I can assure you that I'm not one of them. Bay views are fantastic. I had one myself for 8 years when I lived in the San Francisco area (a much nicer view than anything there could possibly be in Kemah). Please believe me when I say that this is not about me wanting revenge on people with bay views. And it is certainly not about me not being able to own a bay view home if I wanted one. It's about weighing the pleasure of many vs. the pleasure of a few. My only point was that I have no genuine sympathy for people in Kemah who are annoyed by our area's only amusement park when there are thousands of other places to live without amusement parks next door. And I would rather the masses be able to enjoy the views from Kemah than a few people who live on the waterfront. Plus, I was just kidding about the spit - I don't do that.

You seem rather quick in defending the rights of people who live in expensive homes, and as one of them I won't argue that point. But, I would not expect other people to worry about my or my neighbor's problems - especially when most people probably don't have it as nice as I do. Most people can't afford to have a great view in Houston, so I wouldn't expect the masses to care if a few lose theirs' - like you seem to think they ought to care. Dream on. I would not be expecting too much support for your cause (whatever that is).

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