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When Will The Light Rail & Commuter Rails Start Construction?


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You're talking about completely eliminating those charged with implementing it. How this will help bus riders is unclear. The phrase "designed to fail" comes to mind, especially in the context of the absolute and utter disingenuity of anti-transit advocates, particularly on this forum.

I don't understand what the point of confusion is, but you aren't getting me. METRO as an organization sucks. I'd prefer for an organization that sucks less (whether by way of better accountability, or through privitization, or whatever it takes) to handle regional mass transit.

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While we should strive to improve all forms of transit, the notion that mass transit should be of secondary importance to sole occupant transit is entirely backward.

The notion that all non-LRT vehicle traffic that would be in conflict with LRT is sole-occupant is entirely false.

And I'd suggest that you look up traffic count data to get a better sense of who's really getting priority...and where.

I'm done with you on this thread.

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You're right, of course. But, you gotta admit, it was funny.

I probably should also reprimand those who refer to you as "The Pedant".

No one's perfect.

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