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Crime In The Woodlands


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I have one more question for you, RedScare. Do you always feel that you need to make fun of someone, call them names, or belittle them in any way you can when you disagree with them?

didn't you he's actually chris baker in disguise?

i think its very important for everyone to be multilingual. the job opportunities are greater when you know more than one language.

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And how do you feel that will strengthen our country?

You didn't answer my other two questions, I'd appreciate it if you would.

The advantages of being fluent in more than one language should be self-evident. For instance, there are more speakers of Spanish as a native language in the Western Hemisphere than English. More than 500 million people worldwide speak Spanish. Rare is the day that knowing how to communicate with twice as many people is considered a weakness.

Other question #1 - No.

Other question #2 - Compound question.

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the article above says, "...an urban element has crept into The Woodlands".

sounds like a good movie opener. i am an urban element myself, but i think

i'm a decent law biding person. most of the smaller crimes seem like the work

of bored youth to me.

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wet. :lol: the demographic for w.e.t. would be 18-35 year old men. advertisers would be beer, liquor, deodorant, nascar, UFC, energy drinks and so on.

do you see why there's crime in the woodlands? we can't stay on topic and we get bored when we can't go outside. ;)

Oh wait my hubby watches it...It is Spike TV...lol :lol:

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I'm not racist by any means, and I have Black friends

:wacko: My how tolerant of you. I'm sure your black friends cherish your friendship.

Note: There are two things racists usually say. "I'm not racist" and "I have black friends", a variation on "some of my best friends are black".

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Hey I would say the same thing if it was called Indian Entertainment television, or Italian Entertainment television. Isn't it racist to promote such a thing since it segregates? Too many groups want to be their own entity and then they are mad because they aren't the same as other groups. To me it's saying "Let's be seperate but equal". And to my recollection that law was repealed.

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Hey I would say the same thing if it was called Indian Entertainment television, or Italian Entertainment television. Isn't it racist to promote such a thing since it segregates? Too many groups want to be their own entity and then they are mad because they aren't the same as other groups. To me it's saying "Let's be seperate but equal". And to my recollection that law was repealed.

I didn't say anything about BET. I really have no opinion on that. It's just you don't really convince anyone you are not racist by declaring you are not racist. It has the opposite effect. Kind of like when the used car salesman says "trust me".

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For the few centuries the United States has been around, all the waves of immigrants, up until this last one, learned english when they came into this country.They had to in order to get a job, and most were so honored that they made it here they wanted to learn it..... and most of them came here legally.

So what makes this wave of Mexicans so special that they not only get to come over here illegally and work tax-free, but they don't have to learn english in school or learn it in order to become employed?



I agree. I think that it's a good idea to know some Spanish (to order food; advise the maid that she missed a spot, etc.) and agree that all immigrants (legal and illegal) should learn English. It's something that should serve to unify the country. But, hey, look at it this way: if they don't learn English it might be easier to exploit them. Just kidding...

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:wacko: My how tolerant of you. I'm sure your black friends cherish your friendship.

Note: There are two things racists usually say. "I'm not racist" and "I have black friends", a variation on "some of my best friends are black".

i knew that was coming the second i read that.

what are the best things a non-racist person can say when

they are accused of being racist? there was a black woman

at work who accused many people of being racist for really

random reasons. she was an unlikeable person but for

absolutely no reason was it her color... i've always wondered

what the correct reply should be... any defense seems to

sound like as silly as the statements above.

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The advantages of being fluent in more than one language should be self-evident. For instance, there are more speakers of Spanish as a native language in the Western Hemisphere than English. More than 500 million people worldwide speak Spanish. Rare is the day that knowing how to communicate with twice as many people is considered a weakness.

Other question #1 - No.

Other question #2 - Compound question.

Allow me to clarify. I am speaking of multilingualism, or several languages in one country--not necessarily the ability to speak all of them.

Name one country for me that is multilingual that is in the position we are in currently in the world. Do you not believe that being multilingual will weaken us defensively and economically?

As for my other two questions...um, not sure how asking if you insult people you disagree with is a "compound question", but I'll just file your answers under the category "unknown" also known as "no comment" which is pretty much the answer I was anticipating. :lol:

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Allow me to clarify. I am speaking of multilingualism, or several languages in one country--not necessarily the ability to speak all of them.

Name one country for me that is multilingual that is in the position we are in currently in the world. Do you not believe that being multilingual will weaken us defensively and economically?

As for my other two questions...um, not sure how asking if you insult people you disagree with is a "compound question", but I'll just file your answers under the category "unknown" also known as "no comment" which is pretty much the answer I was anticipating. :lol:

NO country is in the position the US occupies in the world, so that question cannot be answered in this context. However, numerous countries exist in the world that function very well with multiple official languages, Canada being the most like the US. In Asia, many, perhaps even most countries have two official languages. Some have four. Multi-lingualism, like multi-tasking, allows one to accomplish more than a mono-linguist. It allows communication with a larger group.

I cannot think of a single rational reason why multiple official languages would weaken the US defensive or economic position. In fact, those companies that succeed in non-English speaking countries, do so BECAUSE they make efforts to understand the language and customs of the prospective customers. As for defense, one of the US's biggest obstacles in in foreign intelligence is the LACK of agents who understand Arabic. In that regard, the US's English Only arrogance puts the country MORE at risk, not less. Consider the biggest problem officials had in New Orleans. The radios used by different law enforcement groups did not operate on the same frequency. They may have well have been speaking French. I have never heard an argument for English Only that makes an argument other than nationalism. Of course, in educating our children, they should be taught English. But, why should only the Hispanic kids get the benefit of being Bi-lingual? Shouldn't non-hispanics get to be bi-lingual, too? And, it must be a good thing. I have never met a person who is multi-lingual who wasn't immensely proud of the fact that he spoke more languages than me.

It is important to make two points clear. The first is that non-English speaking immigrants is nothing new. In the Northeast and Midwest, there are entire neighborhoods that speak only Polish, Italian or Spanish. In the early 1900s, it was even more common. Second, a law mandating English as the official language will not change anything. Hispanics who get on the elavator with you will still speak Spanish, if they choose to...especially if they are talking about you or me. Those who are offended at the sound of a foreign language in the US are probably embarrassed at their own language deficiencies. Case in point: In my office, there are 6 people, in addition to me. All speak English. But, one speaks Russian, one speaks Greek and Spanish, and three are fluent in Spanish. ALL are US citizens. Only I cannot speak a second language. I consider that MY problem, not theirs.

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great post redscare. i cannot understand why we do not require language studies at the elementary school level. it seems it would be easier to teach language then. at the high school level, many students are uninterested.

...........back to the issue at hand.

Five arrested in pipe bomb case

By: JAMIE NASH, HCN/Courier staff


Two suspects were arrested at their home on a quiet street in The Woodlands after their house was searched because of their alleged involvement in creating an improvised explosives device.

An investigation by federal and local law enforcement agencies has resulted in federal charges against five Woodlands residents who allegedly were involved in manufacturing improvised explosive devices in a home.

Skyler Rice, 23, Ian Rice, 21, Douglas Harvey 23, William White, 41, and Brittney Davis, 21, were charged recently after indictments were issued. Montgomery County Fire Marshal Jimmy Williams said the suspects, who have been linked to white supremacists, were charged with conspiracy to build or possess a destructive device and manufacture and possession of a destructive device. Skyler and Ian Rice also face federal charges of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, Williams said. The Montgomery County Fire Marshal's Office contacted the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms after a June 22 incident in which a pipe bomb was detonated beneath a vehicle in the 25000 block of Timber Lakes Drive.

full story

someone in law enforcement is doing their job. :)

there's more.

Warrants lead to string of arrests

By: JAMIE NASH, HCN/Courier staff


The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Special Investigations Unit served search warrants and arrested five people on various charges. They were assisted by the Department of Public Safety Conroe narcotics division.

Benjamin Michael Nauss, 20, of Spring, was charged with delivery of a controlled substance, a second-degree felony punishable by a sentence of 2-20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. He was also charged with delivery of marijuana, possession of a prohibited weapon and money laundering, which are all third-degree felonies, punishable by a prison term of 2-10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Demetri Umar Singh, 24, of Conroe, was arrested at another location. Singh was charged with money laundering of an amount more than $20,000 and less than $100,000, a third-degree felony.

At the same location, SIU arrested Celeste Rentiers-Broughton, also known as Celeste Kelly, 45, who was charged with possession of a controlled substance, a third-degree felony, and possession of marijuana, a class B misdemeanor punishable by a jail term of up to 180 days and a fine of up to $2,000.

Broughton's brother, Johnny William Thompson, 43, and her son, Jason Miles Broughton, 18, were arrested and charged with possession of marijuana.

full story

many petty crimes, such as vandalism, could be greatly reduced if parents/adults would heed the warning of the oak ridge north police chief.

Don't forget the family when striving for success

By: ANDY WALTERS, Oak Ridge North police chief


It was a two story house, in a nice neighborhood, at the end of the street.

The couple bought the house thinking that it would be a great place to raise their kids and have a good life. They had always dreamed of a house like this one.

The kids were little, and although they didn't like the idea of leaving their old school and friends, they were excited about the house. The kids would each have their own rooms upstairs.

Between the rooms was a large game room where maybe one day they could put a pool table. They moved in and life was good. The children all went to school and made new friends, but for some reason, they never brought their friends to the house.

Mom and Dad got really busy with work. Along with the nice two story house, came a monthly mortgage and the cost of utilities and the landscaping and the amenities it took to live in such a nice house.

full story

you gotta love this guy. :wub:

Edited by bachanon
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Hispanics who get on the elavator with you will still speak Spanish, if they choose to...especially if they are talking about you or me. Those who are offended at the sound of a foreign language in the US are probably embarrassed at their own language deficiencies. Case in point: In my office, there are 6 people, in addition to me. All speak English. But, one speaks Russian, one speaks Greek and Spanish, and three are fluent in Spanish. ALL are US citizens. Only I cannot speak a second language. I consider that MY problem, not theirs.

i seriously enjoy listening to my co-workers that speak spanish.

although i am not at 100% i hear some wild, wild talk (which they think

goes right over my head).

the only problem is not laughing or not looking at what/who they are

talking about at the time... and not seeming upset if they are speaking

poorly of me. ;)

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Face it, we live in a new world. Even when I was young, I recognized tyhe need to speak both English and Spanish. Now that we have a huge spanish speaking population, the need has grown to huge proportions. Anyone not telling their children that they need to know that language is hurintg their children's future. I did learn it in high school and college, although not until a few years ago did I realize that education must be in real life practice, not in textbooks. We now understand more about forcing the English language on immigrants. They do need to learn English but it will be their second language forever, if they are not under about 12 years old. English as a second language means you cannot go as deep into expression as you can with your first language. Native born Americans used to think that other cultures were stupid. I hope now everyone understands this. They are not stupid and in fact, often exceptionally smart and overcome diversities that most native born Americans would not have a clue how to do. Illegal immgration is not really the issue on this particular subject. We have many legal residentws in this situation. It is so sad to go to San Antonio or other parts of Texas and run across hispanics who can not speak Spanish. It is because their parents were made ashamed of their heritage. In my mind, those people failed to successfully immigrate due to discrimination. Every literate hispanic should be proud of his heritage and ability to read and write his language. Not all are literate but these days, most are.

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great post redscare. i cannot understand why we do not require language studies at the elementary school level. it seems it would be easier to teach language then. at the high school level, many students are uninterested.

At River Oaks ES, kids had to attend Spanish lessons - Albiet I don't think the Spanish department was that strong at the time I went there.

As for kids who were better at Spanish than English, they were whisked away to English tutoring sessions (In my third grade class we had two kids who were better at Spanish than English)

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I probably need to clarify that I don't mind other languages, think Spanish is beautiful, but I feel it is very important that if Americans have to learn Spanish, it should be reciprocated.

I will have to ask my darling hubby about the multi-lingual thing, he knows more about that than I do. He talks about the US losing its position strategically/defensively by becoming multi-lingual. You brought up Canada, and I think that was one of his very points...I mean--it's CANADA! :lol: Is that what we strive to be? I hope not!

Edited by Parrothead
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let's try to redirect one more time. B)

Five arrested in pipe bomb case

By: JAMIE NASH, HCN/Courier staff


Two suspects were arrested at their home on a quiet street in The Woodlands after their house was searched because of their alleged involvement in creating an improvised explosives device.

An investigation by federal and local law enforcement agencies has resulted in federal charges against five Woodlands residents who allegedly were involved in manufacturing improvised explosive devices in a home.

Skyler Rice, 23, Ian Rice, 21, Douglas Harvey 23, William White, 41, and Brittney Davis, 21, were charged recently after indictments were issued. Montgomery County Fire Marshal Jimmy Williams said the suspects, who have been linked to white supremacists, were charged with conspiracy to build or possess a destructive device and manufacture and possession of a destructive device. Skyler and Ian Rice also face federal charges of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, Williams said. The Montgomery County Fire Marshal's Office contacted the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms after a June 22 incident in which a pipe bomb was detonated beneath a vehicle in the 25000 block of Timber Lakes Drive.

full story

someone in law enforcement is doing their job. :)

there's more.

Warrants lead to string of arrests

By: JAMIE NASH, HCN/Courier staff


The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Special Investigations Unit served search warrants and arrested five people on various charges. They were assisted by the Department of Public Safety Conroe narcotics division.

Benjamin Michael Nauss, 20, of Spring, was charged with delivery of a controlled substance, a second-degree felony punishable by a sentence of 2-20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. He was also charged with delivery of marijuana, possession of a prohibited weapon and money laundering, which are all third-degree felonies, punishable by a prison term of 2-10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

Demetri Umar Singh, 24, of Conroe, was arrested at another location. Singh was charged with money laundering of an amount more than $20,000 and less than $100,000, a third-degree felony.

At the same location, SIU arrested Celeste Rentiers-Broughton, also known as Celeste Kelly, 45, who was charged with possession of a controlled substance, a third-degree felony, and possession of marijuana, a class B misdemeanor punishable by a jail term of up to 180 days and a fine of up to $2,000.

Broughton's brother, Johnny William Thompson, 43, and her son, Jason Miles Broughton, 18, were arrested and charged with possession of marijuana.

full story

many petty crimes, such as vandalism, could be greatly reduced if parents/adults would heed the warning of the oak ridge north police chief.

Don't forget the family when striving for success

By: ANDY WALTERS, Oak Ridge North police chief


It was a two story house, in a nice neighborhood, at the end of the street.

The couple bought the house thinking that it would be a great place to raise their kids and have a good life. They had always dreamed of a house like this one.

The kids were little, and although they didn't like the idea of leaving their old school and friends, they were excited about the house. The kids would each have their own rooms upstairs.

Between the rooms was a large game room where maybe one day they could put a pool table. They moved in and life was good. The children all went to school and made new friends, but for some reason, they never brought their friends to the house.

Mom and Dad got really busy with work. Along with the nice two story house, came a monthly mortgage and the cost of utilities and the landscaping and the amenities it took to live in such a nice house.

full story

you gotta love this guy. :wub:

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I will have to ask my darling hubby about the multi-lingual thing, he knows more about that than I do. He talks about the US losing its position strategically/defensively by becoming multi-lingual. You brought up Canada, and I think that was one of his very points...I mean--it's CANADA! :lol: Is that what we strive to be? I hope not!

Last time I checked actual FACTS, Canada was the shining Northern Star!


Canada- YES



Canada- 79.6

USA- 77.5


Canada- 4.69 out of 1,000

USA- 7.2 out of 1,000


Canada- 19.5% of the population

USA- 12.8%


Canada- 44%

USA- 38%


Canada- 15.4% and decreasing

USA- 18.9% and increasing


Canada- 1.9 per 100,000 people

USA- 5.9 per 100,000 people

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Speaking of crime in the Woodlands, I was just driving down Woodlands Parkway by the lake, traffic was backed up pretty bad, as there were something like 10 cop cars and 5 or 6 fire & rescue trucks parked along side the road, with a search and rescue boat & divers searching the area right off the lookout feature. There was police crime scene tape and a news crew as well.

Anyone know anything about it? Did they find a body or something?

Edited by mrfootball
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Speaking of crime in the Woodlands, I was just driving down Woodlands Parkway by the lake, traffic was backed up pretty bad, as there were something like 10 cop cars and 5 or 6 fire & rescue trucks parked along side the road, with a search and rescue boat & divers searching the area right off the lookout feature. There was police crime scene tape and a news crew as well.

Anyone know anything about it? Did they find a body or something?

found a body of a teenager that drowned...somehow trying to retrieve a soccer ball or something.

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How do you drown retreiving a soccer ball?

He must've dove in head first, hit his head and drowned.

How deep is that water?

Very sad.

they were saying that he had to swim about 50 yds and suddenly disappeared when he was fairly far out. don't think any diving was involved.

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