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Kroger At 1035 N. Shepherd Dr.


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But do you know where the secret door is? ;)

Are you kidding???... it was my idea to install the secret door! My first thought was a secret window, but I realized beautiful people WOULD NOT climb through windows, so I recommended a secret door. :ph34r:

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But do you know where the secret door is? ;)

This fiesta is just a few blocks away from my house.. Until I find the secret door, I'll have to keep going to Kroger's on W. Gray

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Well, on our way back from Dairy Queen last evening my bf and I decided to stop by Foodarama off T.C. Jester... never been there so we wanted to see what it was like. It was actually not that bad... nicer/cleaner than I thought it would be. Limes and onions (which we use a lot of) were so cheap!! We also picked up some meat since we are big grillers.

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Am I the only one who would prefer a West University type Signature store to a W.Grey/43rd type?

Kroger, if you're going to do it, don't do it halfway...

Well, Lily, looks like you are going to get your wish after all! Per houstonray's suggestion, I did email Kroger corp with a request for an expanded natural foods section and more organic produce. I not only received a personalized (as in-- not a form letter) email back from corp, I got a call from someone at the store thanking me for my comments. She said that after the expansion the store will be over 80,000 sq ft and will be the largest Kroger in the southwest division. THat would have to make it bigger than Buffalo Speedway. Well, look at the little ole Heights! We're going Big Time! :lol:

I still hope there is no "furniture" section at the new store, though. <_<

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yesterday the manager at Krogers on 11th told me that they are adding 25,000 sq. ft. to the store. Construction is to begin after the first of the year with a construction time of 4 to 5 months.

One of the managers on duty this week said they are taking in the area all the way to the bank. TSO is re-locating to another part of the center.

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So...the question is...has the neighborhood demographic changed enough that the revamped Kroger will have a live sushi chef? :lol:

I can actually name plenty - and I'm talking 15 to 20 - couples in the Heights that currently drive all the way to West Gray Kroger, or Central Market, because they think the existing 11th street Kroger is "dirty".

I don't think the demographics are really changing all that much. Everytime I drive or walk around in the Heights, it's the same people I've seen the past 10 years.

The Kroger at 11th and Durham isn't in the Heights, it's in Merchant's Park/Timbergrove. People in the Heights shop at the Kroger on 19th/20th and Yale or Fiesta on 14th. I suppose if they lived on the western edge, they would shop at the Signature Kroger on 11th or if they lived in Heights Annex or Shady Acres.

Really? I personally think the one up on 20th street is small and a bit dirty... but I really like the one on 11th, that's the one my bf and I shop at all of the time since it's closest to our house. Central Market is really nice, but a bit too expensive. We only go there occasionally.

I bet the soon to be revamped Kroger on 11th will do something nice in some way to accomodate the changing demographic in the Heights... I guess we will see.

Explain how the demographics are changing. I really don't see it, despite the large number of tear downs and new home construction. The home values have gone way up, but all that should mean is that the people who have always lived in the Heights will be living in a home that is worth a lot more.

Edited by PureAuteur
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I don't think the demographics are really changing all that much. Everytime I drive or walk around in the Heights, it's the same people I've seen the past 10 years.

The Kroger at 11th and Durham isn't in the Heights, it's in Merchant's Park/Timbergrove. People in the Heights shop at the Kroger on 19th/20th and Yale or Fiesta on 14th. I suppose if they lived on the western edge, they would shop at the Signature Kroger on 11th or if they lived in Heights Annex or Shady Acres.

Explain how the demographics are changing. I really don't see it, despite the large number of tear downs and new home construction. The home values have gone way up, but all that should mean is that the people who have always lived in the Heights will be living in a home that is worth a lot more.

Really? Thanks for educating me. I could have sworn I was driving from my house at Columbia and 10th to the Kroger at 11th, but I guess I was wrong. I sure am glad that I have you here to set me straight, Auteur. Next time I drive to Kroger, I'll call you up and ask you which one I am going to.

Oh, and you are right about the demographics. You should see all of the "working poor" moving into those $800,000 slums across the street from me. Definitely Fiesta shoppers.


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I was getting new contacts at TSO next to Krogers last week and had a short discussion with the owner of the TSO office. She said they are looking at office space over on Heights Blvd due to the Kroger expansion, she indicated they would be moved out by December of this year. She also mentioned that 24hr Fitness is looking to build a gym in the center as well. Anyone hear or know anything about this?

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The Kroger at 11th and Durham isn't in the Heights, it's in Merchant's Park/Timbergrove. People in the Heights shop at the Kroger on 19th/20th and Yale or Fiesta on 14th. I suppose if they lived on the western edge, they would shop at the Signature Kroger on 11th or if they lived in Heights Annex or Shady Acres.

We live in the Heights and we shop at the Kroger on 11th. Also, friends of ours who just built a new house a couple blocks away from us (in the Heights) also shop at the Kroger on 11th.

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We live all the way :rolleyes: over in the Woodland Heights, and do a lot of shopping at the 11th street Kroger. We prefer the Fiesta on 14th, but they don't stock everything we would like.

I won't set a foot in that Kroger on 20th, IMHO that's a nightmare of a store.

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People in the Heights shop at the Kroger on 19th/20th and Yale or Fiesta on 14th. I suppose if they lived on the western edge, they would shop at the Signature Kroger on 11th or if they lived in Heights Annex or Shady Acres.

Really? Because I live in the Heights and thought I have been shopping at the Kroger on 11th all these years. Thanks for letting me know where people in the Heights shop.

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Really? Because I live in the Heights and thought I have been shopping at the Kroger on 11th all these years. Thanks for letting me know where people in the Heights shop.

What?! there's another Kroger other than the one on 11th? I need to get out more..

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Sorry about my last post. I didn't mean to type it the way I did. I meant to say that the Kroger on 20th is more accessible to most of the people in Heights proper, but I suppose they will go to the one in Merchant's Park on 11th if they prefer it to the other. It is a Signature store, after all.

About the demographics, RedScare, I see all the 500k to 800k homes going up, but I have yet to see the people who buy them. I drive around in the Heights pretty frequently, and over the past 5 years or so, I still see mostly hispanic poor/renters and whites (renters or homeowners) who look like they are native to the Heights and not new demographics. I guess these people who are buying the really expensive new homes are just staying inside all the time. Even businesses and the commercial visual aesthetic in the Heights are not reflecting any kind of demographic change. It still looks like and feels like the same old neighborhood. (Not that that's a bad thing.) You'd think with all the super-expensive homes that are going up, and the desirability of the area, the Heights would begin to look like Santa Monica, California or Boston, MA, but if you drive down Studewood or Shepherd from I-10 all the way to the 610 loop north, it's still the same overall look of the last few decades.

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I've met some of them before and the ones I've met are very nice. They're people you'd meet at Beer Island or OC but wouldn't guess them to be living in a McVic or anything like that. I think it shows proof positive that people that move here aren't looking to alter the overall feel of the Heights since you dont even recognize them on the street. This is why I prefer the Heights to West U...there are those with money and those without and they seem to cohabitate in the neighborhood quite nicely. But I think in the next year you'll see a large transformation on Studewood between WhiteOak and 11th....something tells me the money in the area will become readily apparent very soon.

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Sorry about my last post. I didn't mean to type it the way I did. I meant to say that the Kroger on 20th is more accessible to most of the people in Heights proper, but I suppose they will go to the one in Merchant's Park on 11th if they prefer it to the other. It is a Signature store, after all.

About the demographics, RedScare, I see all the 500k to 800k homes going up, but I have yet to see the people who buy them. I drive around in the Heights pretty frequently, and over the past 5 years or so, I still see mostly hispanic poor/renters and whites (renters or homeowners) who look like they are native to the Heights and not new demographics. I guess these people who are buying the really expensive new homes are just staying inside all the time. Even businesses and the commercial visual aesthetic in the Heights are not reflecting any kind of demographic change. It still looks like and feels like the same old neighborhood. (Not that that's a bad thing.) You'd think with all the super-expensive homes that are going up, and the desirability of the area, the Heights would begin to look like Santa Monica, California or Boston, MA, but if you drive down Studewood or Shepherd from I-10 all the way to the 610 loop north, it's still the same overall look of the last few decades.

I don't know how to really say this properly, but there is a strange way people talk about the Heights in Houston. A lot of people refer to it as "the ghetto" and the same people will also say it's too expensive. Anyway...

I think that people who move to the Heights want what it offers as a neighborhood but are still not immune to the sq ftg obsession that exists all across TX. I know a lot of people in the hood and, for the most part, they are all what many on this board characterize as "yuppies." However, on a Sat afternoon you wouldn't know them from any of the peeps on my block who have lived in the Heights for 10+ years.

They (I guess I should say "we") live here b/c they like it. They don't want the pretension of West U or even Montrose (where we lived before heading to the Heights). They want where they live to to be more laid back, have diversity, have history... The Heights offers all these things. Personally, I have made a commitment to spend money in this neighborhood. I have yuppie friends who never leave the Heights. I think more people with higher incomes moving in is just going to clean up some of the ugly, neglected store fronts and trashy vacant lots, but the character of the neighborhood is what draws people here and it will only make the community tighter knit.

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  • 6 months later...
Yesterday the manager at Krogers on 11th told me that they are adding 25,000 sq. ft. to the store. Construction is to begin after the first of the year with a construction time of 4 to 5 months.

The manager on duty yesterday said construction is scheduled to begin at the end of February but they are waiting for final corporate approval.

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  • 4 months later...
The manager on duty yesterday said construction is scheduled to begin at the end of February but they are waiting for final corporate approval.

Has anyone heard any updates on this Kroger expansion? I am anxiously awaiting the sushi chef and it's already June!


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People in the Heights have always considered Merchant's Park their shopping center. I can still hear my grandfather telling my father to "run down to Henkes will you and get us some more beer". I always wanted to go along. It was usually "Grand Prize".

I still have grandpa's 3/8" electric drill that he bought on impulse at "Grants".

In later years I would drive my grandmother to Hen.......I mean "Krogers". She would tell me to "park here, right up front". When I'd object to her that these were the "handicapped spots", she'd respond back. "hell I'm old, that's handicapped enough". I'd agree and park her right up front.

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I was told the expansion will start late summer.

Thanks! I was in there this past weekend and noticed that their organics/natural foods area has a much larger selection than it used to. I think they stacked the shelving higher to cram more inventory in that corner of the store for now. Looking forward to seeing the wall get knocked out.

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They do need a much bigger alcohol section. I think that's a given. I've been to gas stations in Louisiana that have twice as much beer and wine, and they have liquor too.

No liquor in Texas grocery stores due to Stat elaw. Louisiana is a little more liberal in what can be sold in grocery stores. California allows liquor in grocery stores too.

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They do need a much bigger alcohol section. I think that's a given. I've been to gas stations in Louisiana that have twice as much beer and wine, and they have liquor too.
I know grocery stores can't sell liquor here (stupid law), I was just commenting that the Kroger has HALF of one row for all alcohol, which is weak.

A little weak. It's still the best basic wine selection in the Heights when compared to the liquor stores and HEB. While not in the same echelon (no pun intended), I believe they carry more labels than Corkscrew or Cova. I like their 10% discount on 6+ bottles, although I execise my right to it too often ;) . I would expect they may grant some more space to this section with the expansion.

So, there are prodigious amounts of beer attainable in a Lousiana gas stations? I would never have guessed :D . Ayeee!

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I was told the expansion will start late summer.

Yesterday the checkout lady told me that the Kroger employees have been told work on the expansion will start in September. I also saw a "for lease" sign in some of the office space that I thought Kroger would be expanding into, so I'm a little confused about that.

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