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I love Gehry's stuff. I always like the Howard Library in L.A.

The Guggenheim is simply amazing, I can't imagine the mathmatics involved with this design. I love the fact that they've got most of the facade coated in Titanium (100 year warranty), and those glass curtains are awesome.

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gehry's work is definitely eye candy. i would hate to be responsible for the maintenance though.

philip johnson said that he cried when he first entered the bilbao guggenheim.

for awhile, people were discussing the "bilbao effect". many cities (la, nyc, dallas) have tried to get a gehry to try to recreate the international sensation that occurred in bilbao. la's disney theater is quite impressive from what i've seen. although, i think that maybe the bilbao effect has waned with each new building. some critics have called gehry's attempts to recreate bilbao as redundant. others have said that his buildings lack functionality, or that they are style over substance.

whatever they are, i enjoy them. i'm glad i don't have to be responsible for them.

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some critics have called gehry's attempts to recreate bilbao as redundant. others have said that his buildings lack functionality, or that they are style over substance.

I've read this regarding Gehry as well. Really, it's not hard to see where functional space could be a problem with some of his designs, I still love his stuff though.

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I think what makes his stuff great to me is that he literally "thinks outside the box". He dosen't follow the guidelines that you learn in school as far as precedents in designing a structure. Some people I have talked to said that they disliked his work because it was sculptural and didn't relate to anything. I personally like that approach of freedom that he expresses, because I believe that architecture is what ever you make it. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...


Couldn't believe I saw this on Yahoo today. I love this guys work, what do you folks think of his designs.

I am a HUGE FG fan! Take a look at Sidney Pollacks, Sketches of Frank Gehry. It is worth a look see.

I would love it if Gehry had either a museum, house of worship or highrise in every major US city.

He, along with Calatrava, are setting new standards and creating new horizons in terms of architecture.

i think he is an architectural genius, who, as many of you have said, thinks WAY out of the box!

i am so glad i live in this era (missing the 20s-30's art deco) and i am glad i did not have to witness the boxy international style. Too boring.

Some critics (there are not that many) say he builds too iconically. UH HMMMM. And the Empire State Building or Chrystler Building or Sears Tower are not icons???


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I though that was the whole point of being an Architect. Isn't that every designer's dream, to have an ICON, that everyone can point at and say, "OH, that's a so-and-so's work." Give me something to look at, not something that make's me go,"What were THEY thinking?"

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Everytime I see a picture of the Bilbao Guggenheim, I think "It will die in 7 days".

I'm not a fan of these "Modern & Organic" european designs, but I think the museum is a balancing scale. It seems so far from the environment & surrounding buildings, but at the same time, Its too perfect at blending in. At sunset, its onfire. Being next to the river and that bridge, they both compliment it. Or maybe it goes the otherway around.

Sometimes it looks like an iceburg. Others, a dark palace.

Edited by Montrose1100
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Couldn't believe I saw this on Yahoo today. I love this guys work, what do you folks think of his designs.

The first building I ever saw in person was the American Center in Paris:


I thought that was the most butt-ugly building I'd ever seen-until I went inside. The way he used the space in that jumble of shapes was genius. Years later I saw the Guggenheim Bilbao and was just hypnotized. I bet I spent 2 hours just walking around the outside before going in. It looked like something from another world set down in this ancient city but looked as if it had always been there at the same time. Again the use of interior space was incredible.

I hope someday I can get back to LA to see the Disney Concert Hall and listen to the organ:


Thanks for this thread, TJ! You da man o' da day! :D

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I though that was the whole point of being an Architect. Isn't that every designer's dream, to have an ICON, that everyone can point at and say, "OH, that's a so-and-so's work." Give me something to look at, not something that make's me go,"What were THEY thinking?"

Exactly what i thought when hearing and reading this criticism. Frank L. Wright was not creating for personal prestige??? Just a cursory glance at his bio. tells us all..........YES, that is exactly what he wanted to do. And how does FG differ from Pei, Foster, or Johnson in that respect? Sometimes i think some people just want something to criticize just because everyone else likes it. Whatever.


Everytime I see a picture of the Bilbao Guggenheim, I think "It will die in 7 days".

I'm not a fan of these "Modern & Organic" european designs, but I think the museum is a balancing scale. It seems so far from the environment & surrounding buildings, but at the same time, Its too perfect at blending in. At sunset, its onfire. Being next to the river and that bridge, they both compliment it. Or maybe it goes the otherway around.

Sometimes it looks like an iceburg. Others, a dark palace.

See Sketches of Frank Gehry....... or maybe you have. That is almost verbatim what some critics are saying. Somehow FG was able to take something so alien to a landscape, yet make it blend in.

What do you mean by, "it will die in 7 days?" Do you think it is just pop culturally desirable, but won't stand the test of time? Please, explain. :)

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See Sketches of Frank Gehry....... or maybe you have. That is almost verbatim what some critics are saying. Somehow FG was able to take something so alien to a landscape, yet make it blend in.

What do you mean by, "it will die in 7 days?" Do you think it is just pop culturally desirable, but won't stand the test of time? Please, explain. :)

I want to see it! (Next HAIF meet?).

edit: Darn, nevermind.

About the "dying in 7 days" thing... Have you ever seen the movie The Ring? Well, in the movie, if you 'watch the tape', you die in 1 week. And if someone takes a picture of you inbetween the viewing and your death, your face is displaced, warped, disoriented, etc. - So I was just kidding about that, since it looks like a normal building watched the evil tape.

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I want to see it! (Next HAIF meet?).

edit: Darn, nevermind.

About the "dying in 7 days" thing... Have you ever seen the movie The Ring? Well, in the movie, if you 'watch the tape', you die in 1 week. And if someone takes a picture of you inbetween the viewing and your death, your face is displaced, warped, disoriented, etc. - So I was just kidding about that, since it looks like a normal building watched the evil tape.

Thanks for clearing that up. I only saw half of the ring, and I was NOT even watching it. So, that flew right over me.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
There are only a few of Mr Gehry's works that I truly like and here it is. There was a reception last night at ARCH. His works are on display for any fans of his designs. Just thought I would pass on. Benvenuto! Ciao! :)


Wow. Those are sweet. I love it!

I really like this one too. I think it would fit in Houston well.


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Wow. Those are sweet. I love it!

I really like this one too. I think it would fit in Houston well.

Yes that one would fit just perfect!

Heres another I can see here. Apparently my Bladerunner mentality is alive somewhere in this universe. I should go work with Mr Gehry. We think alike.


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Gehry is so 1999.

All he does is grind out variations on the same idea.


What arthitects/firms out there do you think have actual different ideas seen in each piece of work?

What idea do you believe is being done over and over? Curvature and protrusion?

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What arthitects/firms out there do you think have actual different ideas seen in each piece of work?

What idea do you believe is being done over and over? Curvature and protrusion?

Yeah, I guess he's made that curvature and protrusion thing all his own. I suppose there's nothing wrong with it, but it's never worked for me as a style. In all fairness to Gehry, I read that he has tried to move away from the style, but his clients still want it, presumably so people know they got their money's worth as a genuine Gehry. His initial idea for the Millenium bandstand was apparently quite different, but the park developers came back and asked for the swirling metal look as per Bilbao.

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Yeah, I guess he's made that curvature and protrusion thing all his own. I suppose there's nothing wrong with it, but it's never worked for me as a style. In all fairness to Gehry, I read that he has tried to move away from the style, but his clients still want it, presumably so people know they got their money's worth as a genuine Gehry. His initial idea for the Millenium bandstand was apparently quite different, but the park developers came back and asked for the swirling metal look as per Bilbao.

It's good to hear different views. Ironically these viewings/receptions offer an opportune chance to hear all opinions. I met a couple that were perfectly honest and she stated she despised his work. Husband was opposite loves it. I confessed there were some I loved but not most. So its just like an artist exhibit different thoughts. It's what makes the world go round.

PS, I am just dying to see what the inside of some of these look like. I want to live in one of these twisted buildings. :P

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in school i didn't care much for Gehry, but then i saw a special on him on how he comes up with his stuff, and well i found myself having more respect for the guy. i'm still not a big fan but i wont be dissin his stuff as quickly as i use to.

although i did laugh when the simpson's poked fun of how he comes up with his ideas. i can't find that particular episode on youtube, but it was funny, lol.

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i can't get in to youtube to search, but here are some frames from the episode:


That was a riot!

The funniest thing is Matt Groenig creator of Simps live near F. Gehry in LA. Matt in Santa Monica and Gehry I think in Pacific Palisades so they must be good chums :ph34r::lol:

Yikes! maybe Gehry did those 4th ward, corrugated aluminum, deals I smashed the other day.Ooops! Run!

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