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Developments On Studewood St.


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I agree that Berryhill's is not a jungle gym, but the original comment was more sweeping than that. The patio is not for people to do anything "without kids crawling around". My kids aren't in the toddler range anymore, but I think a patio invites a looser approach toward children. No one wants a kid running around a table, but toddlers are going to run back and forth to that fountain. There's no way to stop that without raising other complaints about crying children, which I think most people who have dealt with a toddler would know.

Your tone was the source of my comment, not your class. Your post fairly cries out that you have never had children and will get a rough shock if you ever do.

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Your tone was the source of my comment, not your class. Your post fairly cries out that you have never had children and will get a rough shock if you ever do.

You make many assumptions when you really don't know anything about me.

That doesn't mean that I "passively parent" in any way.

The word I used was "permissive" not "passive."

I do not mind if kids are a little loud sitting at the table next to me because they are kids and parents have the right to take them out to dinner. I am only referring to the ones who are allowed to run around without regard to others.

I've made my opinion known and that's the beauty of these boards. I'm finished hijacking this thread now.

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Good Afternoon All,

hope your week goes well!

Just seeking some ideas,opinions, or input for those with and without kids.

What are some kid/toddler friendly restaurants with above average food in the Heights ?

Does this debate now lead to the question Inner City vs Suburbs ? Are there a lot more

kid/toddler friendly restaurants and places in the suburbs as oppose to the inner city ?

Is this why many with kids leave for the suburbs to avoid conflicts in NON kid/toddler

friendly places ?

What type of neighborhood is the Heights ? Family oriented , single people,couples, or retirees ?

Thank You

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I went to Bedford this past weekend. Very nice. Entrees about $30 each, but you can get 3 and 4 course meals where you can make your own from the list of appy's/entrees/desserts on the menu. Quality is A+, quantity is minimal. Dont expect to walk away from there with a full stomach....heck, you might even walk away hungry. My $30 entree was spectacular, but it arrived in a bowl about the same size as I use for ice cream or cereal. Dessert was good. I had homemade banana pudding. But artistry aside, it was one vanilla wafer with a spoonful of pudding on top. That was $8. Pretty absurd in my opinion.

The decor was nice. 1.8 million kts of emeralds under glass is what awaits you at the Chefs Table ($150pp).

Its a special occasion place to be sure, and we'll be back in due time, but I'll save my money and get my homemade banana pudding at Beavers.

Thanks for the mini-review!

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Wow, from the responses I'm getting I guess that it is now acceptable let children run around restaurants while other patrons are dining. I'm seeing this permissive parenting style more and more often. I just wasn't raised that way. While in a restaurant, we sat at the table and ate. We were not allowed to "run around." You need to consider how your child's behavior affects others around you. I can also see it being a safety situation with restaurant staff delivering food and busing tables. Originally, I did not view Berryhill as an atmosphere such as Joe's Crab Shack or Lupe Tortilla with their sand boxes and playgrounds. Apparantly, I was wrong. I do not understand your comment about "mix with the commoners." I'm a very middle class, laid back professional who enjoys having a drink and meal without someone else's children continuously running by my table. Obviously, Berryhill isn't the place. I will mix with the commoners elsewhere.

the berryhill in the heights thrives b/c of the families that enjoy going there. it absolutely has become a place along the lines of Lupe Tortilla, where parents can let off steam with a margarita and their youngins can play on the patio. we take my son out to eat probably 3 nights a week. he knows how to sit in a chair and behave at a restaurant, but friday night at BH is something we all enjoy b/c it's laid back and we all have a little fun. it is obviously just not the place for you. i will go so far as to say that some parents are indeed too lax, letting their kids just run totally wild. however, it's all in good fun at a place that is set up perfectly for it. sounds like you don;t have kids, so yeah, you may want to eat eslewhere

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the berryhill in the heights thrives b/c of the families that enjoy going there. it absolutely has become a place along the lines of Lupe Tortilla, where parents can let off steam with a margarita and their youngins can play on the patio. we take my son out to eat probably 3 nights a week. he knows how to sit in a chair and behave at a restaurant, but friday night at BH is something we all enjoy b/c it's laid back and we all have a little fun. it is obviously just not the place for you. i will go so far as to say that some parents are indeed too lax, letting their kids just run totally wild. however, it's all in good fun at a place that is set up perfectly for it. sounds like you don;t have kids, so yeah, you may want to eat eslewhere

The problem isn't the children - it's the parents who feel that they are entitled to any behavior they choose which includes the behavior of their children at anyone else's expense. People in general have poor manners, and it's getting worse all the time. Witness someone making a valid point about children being allowed to run amok on a bar patio (is this really where the child would have chosen to play if given even a passsing thought by the parent?)and being told to eat elsewhere, as if her choice to eat out is less important than a parent's. And to further criticize her by making comments about her child-bearing status just brings my point home. Rude indeed! I feel sorry for the children being denied the opportunity to learn how to behave in public and being mocked and hated by fellow patrons in the process. It's not their fault, it's their parents' fault for caring more about their need for a margarita and relaxation than for their children's dignity.

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That said, if the atmosphere/environment ALLOWS her to wander around a little, I don't have a problem with it. That doesn't mean that I "passively parent" in any way.

Aye.. that is what I was trying to bumble around to say as well..

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  • 6 months later...

During my weekly breakfast burrito trip to the Houston Tamale Factory on the SE corner of Studewood and 11th, I was informed that the building has been leased to a new tenant so they will be looking for a new home in the next couple months. Apparently the new tenant will be along the lines of a wine tasting venue, so I suspect they'll have quite a bit of renovation to do on that corner before it takes on the appearance of a cozy wine place.

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During my weekly breakfast burrito trip to the Houston Tamale Factory on the SE corner of Studewood and 11th, I was informed that the building has been leased to a new tenant so they will be looking for a new home in the next couple months. Apparently the new tenant will be along the lines of a wine tasting venue, so I suspect they'll have quite a bit of renovation to do on that corner before it takes on the appearance of a cozy wine place.

I won't hate the new tenant if they repaint the building.

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That sounds nice (hopefully they will be open during normal hours). Isn't that area dry though? I'm also concerned about the parking across 11th street. There isn't much parking available at the brazilian arts foundation. I hate having to park in that lot over behind someburger (it just looks like a place to have your car broken into). Since the capoeira and samba classes take place during dinner hours, that could create some havok i'm sure.

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That sounds nice (hopefully they will be open during normal hours). Isn't that area dry though? I'm also concerned about the parking across 11th street. There isn't much parking available at the brazilian arts foundation. I hate having to park in that lot over behind someburger (it just looks like a place to have your car broken into). Since the capoeira and samba classes take place during dinner hours, that could create some havok i'm sure.

Assuming they will renovate and depending on how that is, they could easily hold 10+ parking spots onsite. I suspect they will get a fair amount of business simply from residents walking to the location as it really is central to a good residential population. I hope they put a bike rack out front.

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During my weekly breakfast burrito trip to the Houston Tamale Factory on the SE corner of Studewood and 11th, I was informed that the building has been leased to a new tenant so they will be looking for a new home in the next couple months. Apparently the new tenant will be along the lines of a wine tasting venue, so I suspect they'll have quite a bit of renovation to do on that corner before it takes on the appearance of a cozy wine place.

this is very exciting. at first, they thought it was going to be rented to yet another tamale place. a wine place in that spot will make up for my disappointment upon moving in to my house and learning The Vinyard is a church.

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Isn't there a law that a bar has to be a certain distance from schools and churches? It's only a few hundred feet from Hogg MS and the Vineyard. Or am I imagining things?

But--what is the exact distance? They can't open until their licensing is in order. Except--wasn't that the issue with Spec's on Washington? Somehow they opened legally--then "problems" occurred.

11th Street Cafe was originally on its way to getting a beer & wine license. Then the church in the old theater complained & the TABC folks "re-measured." Gosh, sorry! No booze at 11th Street!

It's apparently not a simple matter.

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I'm going to throw out my Big Mamou mini-review here. I'd been watching its long development and finally dropped in last week for some eats with some friends. Food was decent ( I had the chicken/sausage gumbo), service attentive, ambiance clean and casual. Stopped by just about closing time last night after some chores, and the owner/staff agreed to make me a quick to-go order even as they were cleaning the kitchen area. I think they're a great addition to the neighborhood and hope they succeed. The husband/wife team seems really eager to please. My only reservation is their closing on Sunday/Monday. Everyone wants some time off and that's hard to come by in a family-owned business, but I think both of those days are prime dining-out days in the Heights 'hood. They might even want to have some kind of special to lure folks in on Monday nights. I hope being closed those nights don't hurt them in the long run.

On another note, I'm still P.O.'ed about Berryhill discontinuing their discount fish taco Monday nights promo. While it was running last summer/fall, the place was SRO on Monday nights, I'd always run into friends there, the community was responding. Just after Ike, they stopped it, kind of suspiciously I think when they were one of the only places fully open. Went there a couple of Mondays ago, and the place is dead compared to what it used to be.

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But--what is the exact distance? They can't open until their licensing is in order. . . .

It's apparently not a simple matter.

From the TABC FAQ: "How far away does a location that sells alcohol need to be from a church or school? How is that distance measured?"

"The state statute permits city councils or county commissioners courts to adopt a local ordinance prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages within 300 feet of a public or private school, church and/or public hospital. The distance from a school can be increased to 1000 feet under certain circumstances. [section 109.33]

Distances from schools are measured in a straight line from property line to property line.

The law requires that the distance from a church or hospital be measured from front door of the proposed establishment to the street front. If on the same side of the street, measurement continues along the along street frontage to a point perpendicular to the front door of the church or hospital, and then from the street frontage to the front door of the church or hospital. If a street has to be crossed, then measurement continues from the street front point that is perpendicular to the front door of the the establishment to the nearest intersection, across that intersection in a straight line and then back along the street frontage to a point perpendicular to the front door of the church or hospital and then from that point to the church or hospital's front door.

Cities and counties can also adopt ordinances requiring a 300-foot distance between certain types of permits and day-care centers or child-care facilities, [section 109.331]

Cities and counties are not required to have these ordinances (the statute is merely permissive) and are free to grant variances as they see fit."

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i wonder if they would be willing to grant it for a business that is only open when school is out- evenings after 4 for example?

No exceptions.

Houston (or HISD) has adopted the 1000 foot rule. It is measured property line to property line, as stated above. However, if the establishment sells less than 50% of its revenue in alcoholic beverages the 300 foot rule applies.

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No exceptions.

Houston (or HISD) has adopted the 1000 foot rule. It is measured property line to property line, as stated above. However, if the establishment sells less than 50% of its revenue in alcoholic beverages the 300 foot rule applies.

so i am guessing a wine bar in that location will not be granted a permit. too bad.

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  • 1 month later...

Possibly a wine restaurant. I doubt a wine bar would fit.

so, lance feagan (glasswall) and the guy from belvedere are opening a sandwich/burger place in the texas tamale factory building. i believe they do "plan" on selling wine or having a wine aspect to the place. of course, ask lonnie allsbrooks about "planning." LOL. anyway, i see that as a welcome addition to the hood since i imagine they will have better hours than dacapo's.

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so, lance feagan (glasswall) and the guy from belvedere are opening a sandwich/burger place in the texas tamale factory building. i believe they do "plan" on selling wine or having a wine aspect to the place. of course, ask lonnie allsbrooks about "planning." LOL. anyway, i see that as a welcome addition to the hood since i imagine they will have better hours than dacapo's.

Thats what I heard too, although I didn't realize Lance was involved. Talking to the Tamale folk prior to them closing down, they said that site used to be a gas station or quickie mart that sold beer/wine on site so whatever the magical distance is away from schools, they apparently have it.

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The owner said they have a place on Houston Ave close to Dharma Cafe, but they need to build it out and that will take some time. Maybe towards year-end. They mentioned possibly getting a taco truck in the meanwhile until the new place is done, but its just an idea and hasn't progressed beyond that.

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Thats what I heard too, although I didn't realize Lance was involved. Talking to the Tamale folk prior to them closing down, they said that site used to be a gas station or quickie mart that sold beer/wine on site so whatever the magical distance is away from schools, they apparently have it.

Different permit, but that suggests that the site at least meets the 300 foot requirement. Convenience stores get off-premise consumption permits. Obviously, a restaurant would get an on-premise consumption permit.

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well, i guess we just wait and see for now... unless someone wants to get out there with a couple tape measures. lol!

tamale factory has a sign "moved to x address" on the door. i'll look next time i go by unless someone else posts it first.

i think it will be neat to see more happen in that area by dharma. the building over there are gorgeous.

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