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Former Exxon Building Conversion To Residential At 800 Bell St.


Exxon Building, Love it or hate it?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. Exxon Building, Love it or hate it?

    • Love it!
    • Hate it!

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I can't vote either. I can't imagine anyone 'loving' this building. And why would anyone hate it - it pulls it's weight in DT. There are prettier and uglier buildings in this city. This one is somewhere in the middle - probably just below the 50% mark. But that's not enough to say I hate it. It just needs a shampoo or something.

However, I would give this building a few extra points simply because of its mid century moderness. I'm a big fan of that style, but it's just kind of hard to pull off in anything over about 7 floors unless you are the Seattle Space Needle.

If you add an "it isn't hurting anyone" button, then I can play this game too.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say I love it, but it isn't bad either. I do like the MCM look, and the ledges make a lot of sense in our climate. Several of the skyscrapers built around the time incorporated devices to shade the exterior: First City, Exxon, Wortham Building, Fannin Bank, Tenneco, etc. That is something I would like to see more of now.

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I voted Hate It, because I do. I think it's just awful. It's like a parking garage for people. Or a concrete prison.

if the exxon building is a concrete prison what do you think of the Bob Casey Federal Courthouse Building?


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I voted Hate It, because I do. I think it's just awful. It's like a parking garage for people. Or a concrete prison.


Oh no!!! It's the 60's!

Even after recent outer renovations it still looks dated. Its 1966 all over again and thats serious coming from a major fan of the 60's. I'm with JJ above!

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The exterior wasn't renovated. It looks like early 1960s because that is when it was built.

About 4 years ago our bus (Monroe 244) always passed by and the scaffolding was up. There were some outside touches or repairs being done for the longest time. I recall other riders griping about how long it was taking. Godzilla needs to just pound on it a bit. :P or they could film that new 60's TV show everyone discussed the other day.

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Oh no!!! It's the 60's!

Even after recent outer renovations it still looks dated. Its 1966 all over again and thats serious coming from a major fan of the 60's. I'm with JJ above!

That explains why you posted a pic from a series that premiered in 1974.

Me, I love "The Radiator". It completely catches the look of 1960s architecture. And the petroleum club at the top has some hilariously dated interior design, as well. You can picture the slick haired and buzz cutted executives from the 60s talking abou the "oil bidness" just from looking at it.

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isn't there an exterior renovation going on now?

i think the building has potential. currently, it looks dingy and dark. it needs to be brightened up. the concrete needs to be cleaned or painted and the glass panels should be replaced. additionally, it could have soft, ambient light on the exterior, illuminating the dark spaces between each level. the crown needs work as well.

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I've never seen it without those grey tarps covering windows. I said I hate it, but I may reconsider if I have a chance to see it when the renovations are done. The ledge things may be practical as sun shades, btu it makes the building look almost like scaffolding, like an unfinished structure or something.

Edited by Jax
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That explains why you posted a pic from a series that premiered in 1974.

Red, I am unsure as to why you always seem to over - analyze everyones replies. That silly pic (of JJ) had nothing to do with my reply. I was being a bit silly by tossing in JJ's old hilarious line of Dynomite! Thats all. Older haif members and I were around when those shows premiered and are perfectly aware of the dates, etc. I try not to read too much into replies or I would be a basket case. Your a good guy I know it. We just misinterpret sometimes. If we could send haifers a brewskie through this forum I would.(and charge it to Haif) :lol:

The old bldg strikes many long time Houstonians as an eyesore mostly because we have seen it there since 1966 or what ever date it was completed. Just as if we had an old couch and it just irks you because its outdated and is embarassing for visitors to see. The bldg has been undergoing renovations since the end of time and someone above clearly mentioned the gray draped covers. Its like an old shower that is just needing to be put out of its misery. I see it as a giant avocado green frig in a 1965 Frigidaire commercial :lol:

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what is that "tarp" or mosquito-net-looking stuff covering a lot of the building? that's the ugly part, and its been there for several years. i thought it was an abandoned building or something by the way it looks.

the architecture is nice, but it just looks in disrepair.

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what is that "tarp" or mosquito-net-looking stuff covering a lot of the building? that's the ugly part, and its been there for several years. i thought it was an abandoned building or something by the way it looks.

the architecture is nice, but it just looks in disrepair.

That's what I been talking about y'all.

Now, Let's flip a coin to see who lights the fuse. :ph34r: Light it up like a 4th of July roman candle! :lol:

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what is that "tarp" or mosquito-net-looking stuff covering a lot of the building? that's the ugly part, and its been there for several years. i thought it was an abandoned building or something by the way it looks.

the architecture is nice, but it just looks in disrepair.

The tarp, canvas, or whatever the material is, is used to cover portions of the building as exterior renovations are being done.

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I don't mind them covering it with a tarp during renovations but damn, those renovations are taking a long time. There has been a tarp on the building since I have lived in Houston (a year and 2 months). That seems like a long time to me.

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