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Former Exxon Building Conversion To Residential At 800 Bell St.


Exxon Building, Love it or hate it?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. Exxon Building, Love it or hate it?

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I had an occasion to walk by the LA Water Department building this past summer that I believe had the same architect as Exxon.


It was a smaller scale version, but extremely similar visually. The interesting thing about that building, in water scarce LA, they surrounded it with a large water feature that sits atop the underground parking, must be an acre of 2' deep water with fountains.


Picture for reference from the intertubes (not mine)



Edited by Nate99
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  • 1 month later...

@ Subdude - The tunnel traffic also kinda depends on what's on top of the tunnel.  600 Travis has always had a pretty active tunnel business, even when it was the Texas Commerce Tower in United Energy Plaza at the dead end of the tunnel system (save for the nearly hidden link to the Chron).  IIRC, Calpine doesn't have a whole lot of tunnel level retail space to start with.

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@ Subdude - The tunnel traffic also kinda depends on what's on top of the tunnel.  600 Travis has always had a pretty active tunnel business, even when it was the Texas Commerce Tower in United Energy Plaza at the dead end of the tunnel system (save for the nearly hidden link to the Chron).  IIRC, Calpine doesn't have a whole lot of tunnel level retail space to start with.


Yes, that's correct.  The path to the Calpine building through the Chronicle wasn't very inviting the last time I walked through.  I would still be concerned that the proposed tunnel to the Exxon building would be a bit of a dead zone.  Any retail under the Exxon building would have to be extremely attractive to draw people from outside the immediate area (which is largely the Parking District).

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah, but it seems that buildings at the end of tunnels where there aren't a lot of retail business don't get all that much traffic. As I recall there isn't that much now around the Wedge Bldg. It's like going to the Calpine Bldg. at the opposite end of the tunnel system.

i always thought one of the empty blocks around ExxonMobil would make a great place for a submerged/underground-yet-open-air plaza/courtyard lined with retail/cafes around the 4 sides under the streets, with direct access into the tunnel system from the submerged park/plaza. it would solve the issue of wanting to build a new park for southern downtown, while spurring development on the other empty blocks around the site, just like the other new parks in downtown have done, while providing a location for all the new developments to tie into the tunnel system, boosting the number of people who use that stretch of underground, and providing a crucial link up to the surface that the mayor is trying to work on improving.

with all that said, i find it sad this thread is in the Crater Houston Alliance subforum when 3/4ths of the people who voted on this like the building. i wish there were a way we could start a petition to save 800 Bell and convert the structure into residential/turn the fins into balconies. they could land 15,000$ per unit in incentives with the residential program. that alone should be enough to entice someone into converting the structure to residential. not to mention all the new office space coming on the market over the next 5 years that this will have to compete with. residential just seems like a safer bet, while preserving the historic/iconic structure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not a fan of this tower, I actually hate it a lot and voted that way, but I sympathize with you.  The only way I could see the design being left alone is if a new tenant leases a majority of the space and they want to move in right away (as soon as Exxon leaves).  I think that's your best bet for canceling the renovation plans, and I don't think that's likely. 


Like I said before, when Exxon announced that they were leaving the tower completely, that sealed the fate of the tower's current facade.  Kind of like what the Astros did to the Astrodome, Exxon did it to this building.  To think that Exxon was even there all these years, with a front view of the Days Inn, suprises me.  They must be a very tolerant bunch.

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Tolerant? That is stupid.

They are supposed to spend the day working not gazing out the window lamenting on the aesthetics of neighboring buildings.

Its a freaking building not a factory emitting noxious gases.


I think what he meant was, it's surprising that such an almighty oil company kept their top Houston offices in such a neglected part of downtown for so long. Kind of surprises me as well. Then again, their top brass were in Irving, with a nice green field outside the hq, The aspiring upper management man (or woman) who saw the Days Inn out his (or her) window could eventually hope to make it to the big office and see the field.

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I know what he meant, but sheesh the neighboring building not being one of the prettiest seems so petty to me. A lot of corporate offices in new York and Chicago butt up against dank and grey neighbors. To me the percentage of ugly stock in new York is far higher than Houston. For every Chrysler there are like 20 Days in.

Oil company workers seem to be highly spoiled

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  • 2 weeks later...

The current PC had a very cool Swanky feel. At least it did the last time I was there. I wish they would keep a similar theme/design. Hope they have a sale.

The Houston PC was very tired and worn out. If you've ever been to the Dallas PC you would see a truly class and swank club. The houston PC has struggles for years to attract the next membership group. It's at a very serious risk of going extinct as members die out. The old bastards just always liked everything feeling like some 1950s plantation, and young executives don't want that. Hopefully the move will be a good transition to a new PC.

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I hope the top portion of the tower is all glass and not a golden 80's shield. Based of the rendering they have totally redesigned the facade (not the shape). It looks more along the lines of something in the Energy Corridor now. A shame because I was really liking the first rendering. If you're going to bastardize a mid-century gem might as well make it look very modern.

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The current PC had a very cool Swanky feel. At least it did the last time I was there. I wish they would keep a similar theme/design. Hope they have a sale.


I had been there a few times, very Mad Men, from what I have gathered about the show second hand. Appropriate I suppose given a club that had not needed to change a thing since the mid-60's.


It's an interesting bit of short term archaeology. About the time that they might have done a comprehensive re-styling, the bottom fell out of the oil market an Houston in general. So, missing that opportunity, it stayed as it was for long enough that people actually liked the styling again. 

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they are actually trying to open up the tunnel system to the surface to bring more of the mole people outside.. which has been on the mayors agenda for a while now. as of right now the only external street level entrance to the tunnel system that i know of is at Wells Fargo. 

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I hope the top portion of the tower is all glass and not a golden 80's shield. Based of the rendering they have totally redesigned the facade (not the shape). It looks more along the lines of something in the Energy Corridor now. A shame because I was really liking the first rendering. If you're going to bastardize a mid-century gem might as well make it look very modern.

haha i totally agree. wtf were they thinking with the gold? and you are right.. the new facade looks straight out of the energy corridor. unfortunate.. though the building could look really neat if the recessed portions were lit with color changing LEDs or something? im still bitter they arent keeping the design and converting it to residential. ah well...

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