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Barack Obama to walk Picket Lines when President


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As a democrat I have been torn between supporting Obama or Clinton. To hear someone who would be president say he would walk a picket line as President disturbs me. The President should not walk a picket line Ever! Clinton will get my vote!

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  • 2 weeks later...
As a democrat I have been torn between supporting Obama or Clinton. To hear someone who would be president say he would walk a picket line as President disturbs me. The President should not walk a picket line Ever! Clinton will get my vote!

Neither one will get elected. Vote Republican like most thinking Americans will do.

The Democratic Party has really become a bunch of haters in the past few years. Alec Baldwin ranting about killing Henry Hyde, lefties of all stripes calling President Bush profane names. Yuck. More frightening is the unwillingness for many Dems to allow dissent. It's all quite Sig Heil with the liberals lately; a very conformist kind of mentality.

Too bad it's still thought to be 'oh so chic' and trendy to be liberal....an idealogy that seems very anti-American.

Vive Thomas Jefferson!

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  • 1 month later...
Neither one will get elected. Vote Republican like most thinking Americans will do.

The Democratic Party has really become a bunch of haters in the past few years. Alec Baldwin ranting about killing Henry Hyde, lefties of all stripes calling President Bush profane names. Yuck. More frightening is the unwillingness for many Dems to allow dissent. It's all quite Sig Heil with the liberals lately; a very conformist kind of mentality.

Too bad it's still thought to be 'oh so chic' and trendy to be liberal....an idealogy that seems very anti-American.

Vive Thomas Jefferson!

As a conservative I would obviously NEVER vote for Clinton or Obama as they scare the hell out of me. Having said that, don't be so quick to call the Republicans a thinking mans party. They have done an awful job at listening to their constituants, and in my opinion left us as conservatives with know one to vote for. In other words... They (Republicans) might not be as slimey as Hillary, but they should hang their heads in shame for what they've done to the party and it's supporters.

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  • 2 weeks later...
everyone's acting as if party politics are just now getting slimy on either side!

Ha! No kidding. Politics -- particularly these days -- is a Punch and Judy Show, with everyone aiming their kicks below the belt.

That said, I completely agree with what has been said about the GOP. The neo-cons have wrecked it.

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