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World's Tallest Skyscraper Proposed for Houston?


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A billionare/realtor named Zaya Younan (never heard of him) wants to build the world's tallest skyscraper to bring back "the glory of the United States of America." He proposes a building so tall that "I want it to be the tallest for as long as I am alive", Younan told the Sun-Times. However, here's the question. Which city will it be built in? He either wants to build it in Houston (in the state where he has a large amount of reality), Los Angeles (where his company is located), or Chicago. He wants to go past 3,000 feet which is double-the-Sear's Tower. It could cost up to $4 billion.

For more discussion, here's the article.

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Unless he's absolutely set on bankrupting his company, it'll never happen. ...and even then.

Yep, let him take a little peek at the numbers for the Dubai project going on, and he will shrink back and say, "Ok, let's just build a theme park."

Edited by TJones
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The article doesn't elaborate on Houston. Not even once. Why Houston anyway? Kind of random. I don't think we have the economy to sustain a building that big anyway. Not to mention it would be a magnent for terrorists. No thank you. It seems that the earthquakes in LA would deter a project like this for them and Chicago, if you were building a big building, wouldn't you want it to stand out? There is a lot of competition up there.

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The article doesn't elaborate on Houston. Not even once. Why Houston anyway? Kind of random. I don't think we have the economy to sustain a building that big anyway. Not to mention it would be a magnent for terrorists. No thank you. It seems that the earthquakes in LA would deter a project like this for them and Chicago, if you were building a big building, wouldn't you want it to stand out? There is a lot of competition up there.

I think you may have just answered your own question.

It certainly would stand out in Houston.

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I think you may have just answered your own question.

It certainly would stand out in Houston.

Well maybe. I'm still not sure if it's a good idea. A building that tall would not look good in Houston I don't think. It would truely stick out like a sore thumb. You'd be able to see it in Huntsville. Were would you put something like that? That would make the Williams Tower look like a low rise.

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I think you may have just answered your own question.

It certainly would stand out in Houston.

Well, seeing that we do can't seem to get past 74 stories, I doubt very seriously it will happen here in Houston.

Also, I thought in the states, the taste for super-talls had kinda wanned after 9/11 ...?

Edited by houstonmacbro
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Well, seeing that we do can't seem to get past 74 stories, I doubt very seriously it will happen here in Houston.

Also, I thought in the states, the taste for super-talls had kinda wanned after 9/11 ...?

I thought JP was 75 stories? Not that it matters

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Well, seeing that we do can't seem to get past 74 stories, I doubt very seriously it will happen here in Houston.


Only 6 US buildings exceed 75 floors. One is 76, another 77. The other 4 are in Chicago (3) and New York. In other words, no one goes past 75 floors. This is not a Houston problem.

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You people are right. The only thing that Houston can hope for--that makes sense--is Hines' 47 stories, but even that's really only 37 stories. Houston is much more sensical than these other poser cities. What do they know?

Seriously, if the guy wants to build the thing in Houston, let him. As you can see, he has said NOTHING in his article about the economics. This is only about status and bragging rights. Isn't that what was said on this very forum about what it would take to have a building constructed here of 800-900 feet or more, like the giants from the past oil boom? If I remember correctly, the forum economists and realists thought that anything taller than 40 stories begins losing its economic feasibility (or something like that). If he's trying to brag, let him brag. After all, that used to be one of the great things about Texas--the ability to brag and then back it up.

Now, we've become *too* realistic here (I personally think that the city is gun-shy from the energy bust in the 80s). Besides, who said that the guy wan't 3,000 feet of office space? 3,000 feet of condo space? Think outside the box fo a moment...maybe it'll be like CN Tower in Toronto or maybe like Freedom Tower in New York (not 1776 ft. worth of usable space).

I think that we should get out of our own way and let the guy take a look at us. If he decides that Houston can't host his trophy building, let him do that--it's his money. But we shouldn't say, "Mr. Younan, you don't wanna look at Houston. You'll just fail here."

After all, who among us would say to a person looking to hire for a job, "Yes, I know that you want me to manage this division in your company, but trust me, you don't want me. All I'm good for is crunching numbers. The increase in pay would be nice, but you don't want me--I'm not qualified." Most of us would at least go for the interview and let the company decide if we were qualified or not.

Sometimes outside eyes can see things that inside eyes can't.

Edited by GovernorAggie
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Well maybe. I'm still not sure if it's a good idea. A building that tall would not look good in Houston I don't think. It would truely stick out like a sore thumb. You'd be able to see it in Huntsville. Were would you put something like that? That would make the Williams Tower look like a low rise.

Huntsville? Yeah right. Maybe Conroe.

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You people are right. The only thing that Houston can hope for--that makes sense--is Hines' 47 stories, but even that's really only 37 stories. Houston is much more sensical than these other poser cities. What do they know?

Seriously, if the guy wants to build the thing in Houston, let him. As you can see, he has said NOTHING in his article about the economics. This is only about status and bragging rights. Isn't that what was said on this very forum about what it would take to have a building constructed here of 800-900 feet or more, like the giants from the past oil boom? If I remember correctly, the forum economists and realists thought that anything taller than 40 stories begins losing its economic feasibility (or something like that). If he's trying to brag, let him brag. After all, that used to be one of the great things about Texas--the ability to brag and then back it up.

Now, we've become *too* realistic here. Besides, who said that the guy wan't 3,000 feet of office space? 3,000 feet of condo space? Think outside the box fo a moment...maybe it'll be like CN Tower in Toronto or maybe like Freedom Tower in New York (not 1776 ft. worth of usable space).

I think that we should get out of our own way and let the guy take a look at us. If he decides that Houston can't host his trophy building, let him do that--it's his money. But we shouldn't say, "Mr. Younan, you don't wanna look at Houston. You'll just fail here."

After all, who among us would say to a person looking to hire for a job, "Yes, I know that you want me to manage this division in your company, but trust me, you don't want me. All I'm good for is crunching numbers. The increase in pay would be nice, but you don't want me--I'm not qualified." Most of us would at least go for the interview and let the company decide if we were qualified or not.

Sometimes outside eyes can see things that inside eyes can't.

I agree, plus look at the guy in Dubai he just spends like its is nothing, albeit he has more money. I think maybe Younan might just want to build something grand with his money seeing how you cant take it with you when you die.

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You people are right. The only thing that Houston can hope for--that makes sense--is Hines' 47 stories, but even that's really only 37 stories. Houston is much more sensical than these other poser cities. What do they know?

Seriously, if the guy wants to build the thing in Houston, let him. As you can see, he has said NOTHING in his article about the economics. This is only about status and bragging rights. Isn't that what was said on this very forum about what it would take to have a building constructed here of 800-900 feet or more, like the giants from the past oil boom? If I remember correctly, the forum economists and realists thought that anything taller than 40 stories begins losing its economic feasibility (or something like that). If he's trying to brag, let him brag. After all, that used to be one of the great things about Texas--the ability to brag and then back it up.

Now, we've become *too* realistic here (I personally think that the city is gun-shy from the energy bust in the 80s). Besides, who said that the guy wan't 3,000 feet of office space? 3,000 feet of condo space? Think outside the box fo a moment...maybe it'll be like CN Tower in Toronto or maybe like Freedom Tower in New York (not 1776 ft. worth of usable space).

I think that we should get out of our own way and let the guy take a look at us. If he decides that Houston can't host his trophy building, let him do that--it's his money. But we shouldn't say, "Mr. Younan, you don't wanna look at Houston. You'll just fail here."

After all, who among us would say to a person looking to hire for a job, "Yes, I know that you want me to manage this division in your company, but trust me, you don't want me. All I'm good for is crunching numbers. The increase in pay would be nice, but you don't want me--I'm not qualified." Most of us would at least go for the interview and let the company decide if we were qualified or not.

Sometimes outside eyes can see things that inside eyes can't.

As buildings become taller, the general trend is for the cost per additional floor to escalate at a geometric rate. There are a few thresholds where the cost structure changes, but the bottom line is that taller is more expensive. If Younan was talking about building X,XXX number of housing units, X million square feet of office space, X,XXX hotel rooms, and XXX,XXX square feet of retail, and didn't specify a height or site, I'd take him as credible because that kind of a goal can be accomplished within a reasonable cost in any of those markets given a suitable site. But that kind of a plan in such a vertical building is going to be a flop.

I'm not going to shy away from saying it because he's smart enough to know it himself. I'd think that being ingenuine could only possibly be taken as an insult by such a masterful capitalist.

After all, who among us would say to a person looking to hire for a job, "Yes, I know that you want me to manage this division in your company, but trust me, you don't want me. All I'm good for is crunching numbers. The increase in pay would be nice, but you don't want me--I'm not qualified." Most of us would at least go for the interview and let the company decide if we were qualified or not.

I've had that kind of conversation before with headhunters. If you can't do something, there's absolutely no point to putting yourself deep into a no-win situation, or worse yet, blowing your reputation all to hell by dropping the ball on a multi-million dollar deal.

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If he wants to do it, fine by me.

That said, I am currently loving the city getting filled with buildings that are 10 to 40 stories tall. That's a more human scale in my mind.

I also don't really get all the "woe is me, poor Houston, she doesn't build anything" mentality. The city is BOOMING right now.

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As buildings become taller, the general trend is for the cost per additional floor to escalate at a geometric rate. There are a few thresholds where the cost structure changes, but the bottom line is that taller is more expensive. If Younan was talking about building X,XXX number of housing units, X million square feet of office space, X,XXX hotel rooms, and XXX,XXX square feet of retail, and didn't specify a height or site, I'd take him as credible because that kind of a goal can be accomplished within a reasonable cost in any of those markets given a suitable site. But that kind of a plan in such a vertical building is going to be a flop.

I'm not going to shy away from saying it because he's smart enough to know it himself. I'd think that being ingenuine could only possibly be taken as an insult by such a masterful capitalist.

I agree that he likely knows these things. However, like I said--so far he's said nothing about whether or not it makes (dollars and) sense. He wants to do it because, well, he can. It's more economical to buy certain goods or pay for certain services at the lowest cost possible, but we don't always do that, do we? Sometimes we pay for and do things just because we can. His "because he can" is just at a different scale from most of us.

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If he wants to do it, fine by me.

That said, I am currently loving the city getting filled with buildings that are 10 to 40 stories tall. That's a more human scale in my mind.

I also don't really get all the "woe is me, poor Houston, she doesn't build anything" mentality. The city is BOOMING right now.

Humans are adaptable creatures. If humans can make a mile-high tower, that is human scale.

Are termite mounds in the African savannah that are many thousands times taller than any individual termite out of termite scale? Does that mean anything. My two cents: no.

I agree that he likely knows these things. However, like I said--so far he's said nothing about whether or not it makes (dollars and) sense. He wants to do it because, well, he can. It's more economical to buy certain goods or pay for certain services at the lowest cost possible, but we don't always do that, do we? Sometimes we pay for and do things just because we can. His "because he can" is just at a different scale from most of us.

On that note, I'm not sure that he actually can.

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Humans are adaptable creatures. If humans can make a mile-high tower, that is human scale.

Are termite mounds in the African savannah that are many thousands times taller than any individual termite out of termite scale? Does that mean anything. My two cents: no.

Oh my God, you are tiresome.

If you want to think that a 3,000 foot tower is human scaled compared to say something like the Mosaic with ground floor retail, public spaces, and a focus on Hermann Park, more power to ya!

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I usually think that nay sayers are just losers with no vision, but this idea is really off the charts wacko. I want Houston to have nice tall skyscrapers as much as anybody, hopefully some higher than what we have now, but a 3000 ft. tower would look like a joke in this or any city. It sounds so completely pointless, not to mention the fact that it would throw our beautiful downtown skyline all out of balance forever. There would never be another nicely composed photo taken of downtown again.

I don't believe this idea will ever even be mentioned in public again after today, let alone be built anywhere, but if somehow it is built in Houston, I would hope that it is nowhere near downtown. Anything this freakish would need its own district because it wouldn't fit in anywhere. It should be built next to a tourist attraction like NASA or Reliant Stadium or something, because it would be more of a spectacle than anything usable. Who would want to work or live on the 300th floor?

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I do not know if a 3,000 ft building would be any more of a joke in Houston as the Williams Tower is in uptown. After all they do say everything is bigger in Texas and what would be better than having the biggest building in height then in Texas biggest city.

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Williams is no joke. It may be purposely out of scale for uptown but it doesn't exceed into cartoonish levels. Maybe I would change my mind after I saw it for myself in real life, but as a concept, a 3000 ft tower just seems ridiculous.

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I don't get why people are already bashing this tower. He has not even picked a city yet, and more so we don't know if he is "REALLY" going to build the worlds tallest tower. Seems like to many people in Houston and around the country see Houston as still being a redneck southeast shady town in Texas and not see it as what it really is: A diverse city in every way, major city in America and around the world whether you believe it or not, a city of 5 million plus, it is the Energy and Oil Capital of the World and their is so much more that could be said. Why can't Houston have the worlds tallest tower some people on here think simply because we are not good enough and that is some crap.

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I don't get why people are already bashing this tower. He has not even picked a city yet, and more so we don't know if he is "REALLY" going to build the worlds tallest tower. Seems like to many people in Houston and around the country see Houston as still being a redneck southeast shady town in Texas and not see it as what it really is: A diverse city in every way, major city in America and around the world whether you believe it or not, a city of 5 million plus, it is the Energy and Oil Capital of the World and their is so much more that could be said. Why can't Houston have the worlds tallest tower some people on here think simply because we are not good enough and that is some crap.

O.K. I'm convinced now. Bring it on.

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don't mind my rudimentary photoshopping skills, but i wanted to put some perspective to this

not that the tower would be in the CBD necessarily, but this gives a tiny idea of something 3,000 ft (about three times the height of Wells Fargo):


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Cartoonish is the perfect word. Your talking about a building that would more than TRIPLE the height of Williams. Not to mention, did anybody forget we have hurricanes here? A tower like that could only be built in certain cities. LA is to earthquake prone along with San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle. We get hurricanes along with Miami, N.O., NYC, Tampa and any other city on the coast. That leaves San Antonio, Atlanta and Chicago and possibly Denver. However you'd probably need oxygen masks at the top in Denver.

don't mind my rudimentary photoshopping skills, but i wanted to put some perspective to this

not that the tower would be in the CBD necessarily, but this gives a tiny idea of something 3,000 ft (about three times the height of Wells Fargo):


LOL! Ok, if that doesn't make a mochery of our skyline, I don't know what does. I'm officially against this project. I mean that is obscene. Our skyline has forever popped a boner.

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On that note, I'm not sure that he actually can.

Maybe you're not, but it's not really for you to say whether he can or not. Do you know his porfolio? Do you know his level of wealth?

Let's not forget people that the silly $500 million Astrodome conversion project seemed like a white elephant and unfeasible to the "all-knowing" Houstonians but Deutsche Bank (of all entities) saw fit to finance this thing that most everyone just knew would fail.

Is the idea outlandish? Yes. Is it crazy? Yes. Is it unreasonable? Yes. However it begs the question as to why? Is it because we can't imagine something that big and expensive being built in Houston? Is it because we can't wrap our minds around it? If this was Shanghai or Hong Kong or Seoul or especially Dubai, this would be a ho-hum development that would not surprise them as much as it surprises us.

I still maintain that we don't know what kind of "building" he has in mind. Maybe someone can superimpose a 3,000 foot CN Tower or Tower of the America's over downtown and see what that looks like.

Last thing, this is still Houston, and if he buys the land for the building and commits to building it, well there's nothing that can be done to stop him.

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