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Post Your Desktop!


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Nice pic 27. Did you take that one yourself?

Here's mine. It was a picture I took of the Houston skyline at sunset on a clear January day a few years ago from the Studemont overpass over Memorial, but the last few months I've had this picture of Mt. McKinley from my trip to Alaska last summer.


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Mancuso - I can tell from you're desktop that you are one cool mother... Why?

1. You use seti

2. You listen to Aphex Twin

I would dare say you're a mac fan at heart, and you don't even know it, as you use iTunes, FireFox, and ATI hardware.

It's okay Mancuso, you can come out of the closet :)

haha, thanks man. i do like macs, just can't afford one at the moment although my next desktop probably will be a mac.


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To post your desktop, press "print screen" on the corner of your key board. Let go. Then open Miscrosoft Paint(or whatever paint program). And press ctrl + v, and then a screen pops up,m yada yada, just answere yes. Then... save it as a JPEG, and load it onto Photobucket, or whatever image hosting service you use.

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This looks like the Ad-Aware support group LOL!! Sullivan that is the CLEANEST desktop I have EVER seen!! Nice though :)

I mean I feel bad mine is all cluttered with stuff and yours has 3 items!

Haha - yeah I've always been about keeping it uncluttered. One of those shortcuts on there - to my job search folder - will hopefully soon no longer be necessary too!

Occassionally there are a couple of other things I have on there temporarilly, but most of the time it's just what you see there. I tend to use the toolbar at the bottom next to the Start button for programs I access frequently and some shortcut keys on my keyboard for other folders I need to quickly access.

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Here's mine:


I blacked out a couple of family names, but otherwise it's how it is when I'm burning the almost midnight oil. Sorry if it scrolls to the right. The screen resolution is 1440x900, but I brought it back to 1000 to fit on more monitors. Do I get a prize for most mounted volumes?

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Thanks for the comments on my baby girl. She is my reason for being in Houston. Best reason possible. We have tons of fun together. She is currently wrapping herself in scotch tape... amazing what she can do with a single roll of scotch tape.

I've been playing with seti since about the time it started I think... 1997 or 1998?? No idea how many units. My current work account shows 312 and I just started that account last August. I dont take it to seriously. Its just an interesting aside.

Oh and points to whomever knows the band whose album name shows up in my iTunes.

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