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Post 510: Multifamily At 510 Richmond Ave.


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Noticed that 4208 Garrott is undergoing asbestos abatement prior to its demolition, so the same may be true for the Colquitt property (especially since much of the wood is termite-ridden).

That is what I was thinking. They have totally stripped out the building, and all the copper wire was probably stolen long ago; so asbestos is the only reasonable explanation I can think of.

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That's because it is. I'm sure the views would be interesting enough, though. The view of the Medical center would be more prominent than downtown.

But the view of the grassy canopy offer some pleasant sights and if you're high enough, the greenway area. The views facing downtown will offer plenty of entertainment, though.

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Driving by this project late last week, I have noticed that all the heavy equipment has been removed, but a single structure (which I don't have a previous picture of) remains standing and appears that it hasn't even been touched. Does anyone have any idea if this is going to be incorporated into the future structure, or is there an issue with the demolition of this building?

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Driving by this project late last week, I have noticed that all the heavy equipment has been removed, but a single structure (which I don't have a previous picture of) remains standing and appears that it hasn't even been touched. Does anyone have any idea if this is going to be incorporated into the future structure, or is there an issue with the demolition of this building?

If you mean the red brick squarish apartment building towards the southwest corner of the property, I think it's still undergoing asbestos abatement.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My neighbor has been in tough with Post's project manager. Last week the project manager told him that hopefully the red brick building will come down within a month, but construction has been put on hold probably til December. They are now trying to acquire the last apartment building on the northwest corner--something about new regulations aimed at Ashby highrise (not sure what these are) affecting this development, so that the parking may no longer be in the center of the development, but on the western side of the property. Apparently, Post is also looking at buying and developing the property directly south of Richmond from this development. Obviously, everything is up in the air at this point, but it's still kind of interesting to imagine two new developments across from each other as you enter Montrose from under the spur. Would be quite a transformation from present, esp. with the addition of rail.

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Great location, however I was curious as to how they are negotiating the setback w/r/t the future lightrail and the site impacts by Metro if imminent domain is used. It was my understanding that Metro would be expanding the Richmond Ave. ROW in that area around 1st montrose commons.

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  • 1 month later...

While passing by the site, I saw quite a few bricks were removed from most of the building. The salvaging of this building is taking forever. I realized why it was taking such a long time as I drove past it: I saw ONE guy casually hammering away at a single brick in his hand.

He didn't seem very enthusastic about it.

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While passing by the site, I saw quite a few bricks were removed from most of the building. The salvaging of this building is taking forever. I realized why it was taking such a long time as I drove past it: I saw ONE guy casually hammering away at a single brick in his hand.

He didn't seem very enthusastic about it.

Bricks were salvaged from several of the buildings demolished for this project.

I wonder to what use they'll be put.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yeah, they had been deconstructing that house for ages...alas.

Well, I'm wondering if they foresaw it taking THAT long to take care of that home.

I'm sure they couldn't have a contractor on standby with heavy equipment while that was going on, so if the financing is in place, they probably have to wait on equipment/worker availability as well as get their infrastructure in place (construction trailer...etc)

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OT: Ricco, the Miata is a fantastic driver's car; inexpensive, lightweight, good power to weight, rwd, excellent handling, fantastic gearbox... I mean, I'd find your sig offensive anyway, but to disparage one of the best ever cars at the same time is a crime.

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OT: Ricco, the Miata is a fantastic driver's car; inexpensive, lightweight, good power to weight, rwd, excellent handling, fantastic gearbox... I mean, I'd find your sig offensive anyway, but to disparage one of the best ever cars at the same time is a crime.

FYI: I think th Miata is awesome, I drove a friend's for awhile to try it out and almost got one, but it wasn't practical for me. But if you finish reading the sig, you'll see it was something I overheard. It was a great line between two guys disparaging each other's cars AND sexuality.

me and a couple of friends almost died laughing.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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I live a few blocks from here and often drive by it, and it is one of those places that blends in to the scenery now. So either my brain refuses to acknowledge the site any longer or nothing is happening.

The apartments appear to be safe, but that doesn't hold much...

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  • 2 months later...

I hope it works out. It is a sad block of land.

Kind of off-topic, but kind of related - in our neighborhood newsletter someone mentioned that he was walking his dog on Colquitt near the Spur and there were some homeless folks doin' it right there in the street (much to the horror of passers-by, apparently -- and him). Maybe some development will scoot away some of the behavior, if not the folks (probably eastward to the existing little homeless camp on Travis behind the Texaco).

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I hope it works out. It is a sad block of land.

Kind of off-topic, but kind of related - in our neighborhood newsletter someone mentioned that he was walking his dog on Colquitt near the Spur and there were some homeless folks doin' it right there in the street (much to the horror of passers-by, apparently -- and him). Maybe some development will scoot away some of the behavior, if not the folks (probably eastward to the existing little homeless camp on Travis behind the Texaco).

glad you told us. i will continue to walk my dogs in the other direction. the cops have been busting the homeless on both sides of the richmond and spur intersection lately.

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