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Fort Worth Economic Growth - Gaining on Dallas?

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Gas Fields have Headquarters? OK then...

Too bad it's ran by East Coast Yankees (Chesapeake Energy ((the ugly Bush daughter's Hubby works there as an MBA turd)).


The gas fields just popped up at the perfect time. It will help DFW airport as there is gas underneath it also. My ex (All my Mexican exes live in Fort Worth) receives a royalty check for her property of $200.00 and she will do so for the next 20 years. How can that not be a tremendous boon for the Tarrant county economy which sits at the heart of the gas field?

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I have a quest in here. While you just insult, which is fine with me, my plan is to make you cry because the mixed use projects in Dallas are far wider than Houston's buildings are tall.

I assume you are a stranger to the DFW area being that you live in the Houston area. This is normal because the distance between Dallas and Houston is probably further than the distance between New York City and Boston. Anyway, DFW creates industries and spins them off fairly quick. All of the sudden it looks like downtown Dallas might once again regain its designation of the financial capital of the southwest while Fort Worth, as was just mentioned, has become headquarters for the second largest gas field in North America.

The industries in DFW are very subtle in how they emerge from no where overnight. Like the way the Telecom industry established itself in Richardson.

Not significant you say?

Imagine creating something of the size of the medical center in Houston in about 10 years? Granted TI and Collins Radio was already there as a base, but the vast majority of the total 25 million of high quality tech space was built in a fairly short period of time.

That is the benefit that the DFW area has in not being a one horse town like Houston but diversified in numerous industries.

I assure you no one is crying in Houston these days. Do you know how many mixed use developments AND tall buildings are under construction or in the planning stages for Houston? Go do a check around the internet. You are the one who will be crying when all is said and done. Our beautiful 'one industry' city has stood tall through oil booms and oil busts and continues to thrive. Every time you fill up your car you are adding another floor to our skyline. As a proud Houstonian, I thank you for your continued support.

It must be like a thorn in the side Dallas. Dallas will never reign Queen of Texas as long as Houston exist. NEVER!

Plus, never mind my silly (and mostly light hearted) insults going in your direction. I seriously think you are quite mad. Either that or you are going for some kind of trolling award I haven't heard of. Whatever your story is, it is quite obvious that you are completely obsessed with Houston. I don't blame you. It's a very exciting place to be. Unlike DFW who's boom has come and gone without anyone in the nation even knowing about it.

BTW, I love how this thread that was supposed to be about Dallas and Fort Worth has turned into another thread about Houston by someone living in Dallas. It is a great example of how obsessed the DFWers are with Houston.

Edited by Mister X
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I assure you no one is crying in Houston these days. Do you know how many mixed use developments AND tall buildings are under construction or in the planning stages for Houston? Go do a check around the internet. You are the one who will be crying when all is said and done. Our beautiful 'one industry' city has stood tall through oil booms and oil busts and continues to thrive. Every time you fill up your car you are adding another floor to our skyline. As a proud Houstonian, I thank you for your continued support.

It must be like a thorn in the side Dallas. Dallas will never reign Queen of Texas as long as Houston exist. NEVER!

Plus, never mind my silly (and mostly light hearted) insults going in your direction. I seriously think you are quite mad. Either that or you are going for some kind of trolling award I haven't heard of. Whatever your story is, it is quite obvious that you are completely obsessed with Houston. I don't blame you. It's a very exciting place to be. Unlike DFW who's boom has come and gone without anyone in the nation even knowing about it.

BTW, I love how this thread that was supposed to be about Dallas and Fort Worth has turned into another thread about Houston by someone living in Dallas. It is a great example of how obsessed the DFWers are with Houston.

Great post! The city of Houston should be proud of the pride you have in the city of Houston while the businesses in Houston should be proud of the pride you have in Houston businesses. I'd really like to go back to Galveston one day. In my opinion, that is the one thing Houston has that Fort Worth doesn't. Thousands of resort hotel and motel rooms along the beaches of Galveston.

Getting back to the city of Fort Worth. In my opinion, it should be more worried about the pocket Hercules of Irving -- Las Colinas. When this area goes through an economic expansion, it adds an area in development greater than Uptown. That would be over 10 million square feet of space and countless housing and apartments. I mean, why does Fort Worth only worry about downtown Dallas? It is about to get squashed by Las Colinas even further. I guess that is a question I need to ask the person who started this thread.

Like downtown Fort Worth, downtown Dallas is not an expanding office market. What Uptown has built recently in office space downtown Dallas has lost even more over the last 20 years. The real expanding business districts in DFW are Las Colinas, the Platinum corridor and the Telecom corridor.

Also consider the area that has been added onto Las Colinas eastern side that is larger in size to that of downtown Dallas. This would be the land which is going to be gained when the Cowboys vacate Texas Stadium. That is going to become a great lead in development to the massive business district Las Colinas will become (4 billion in private investment in TODs).

(Look, I am bullish on Las Colinas. Not Central Dallas. Please get that straight. Central Dallas while it is doing fine now just isn't an expanding market. The politics in that area go to hell any time someone just uses the N word. That black cat (this would be the black panthers) is always ready to pounce over the Trinity. And now Chico Hernandez is intent on wearing his sombrero down Cesar Chavez Boulevard. So, why do you keep pestering me? I think downtown Dallas sucks when compared to downtown Houston. Now I do think downtown Houston sucks when compared to Las Colinas, but we aren't talking Las Colinas. We are talking downtown Fort Worth. So, can we please get along. Like the great Rodney King once said himself, "Can't we all just get along?")

Edited by nucklehead
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Banking and Telecom ain't what it used to be...

Compared to Boston, the Telecom research and development in Richardson is a bargain. The Telecom corridor is a unique setup where UT Dallas and Richland Junior College have been tuned to feed it with employees.

The Fed is in downtown Dallas while Comerica's relocation of its base there sets a precedent.

DFW creates new industries because of the new business districts that emerge every decade or so. As the Alliance business park north of Fort Worth matures, a distinctive industry will tend to be based there. I really like the entertainment district around the new Cowboy Stadium because of its momentum. It doesn't have the rail for TODs though.

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The entertainment district around the Cowboys new stadium? If you're talking about Glorypark, then that thing fell through.

Arlington is an entertainment district with its two Six flags theme parks and 2 sports stadiums. Grapevine is also an entertainment district to a lessor degree. More important than the Glorypark development is how significant this part of Arlington will develop in the future.

The pressure being put on developments all around the nation has been caused by the over building in places like Las Vegas and Miami. Talk about over building? The home prices in Dallas have not fallen that much as the DFW area has had steady development in comparison to other parts of the nation. Look at Phoenix? While real estate development might tank in DFW for a bit, it always is the first out of the starting gate during a recovery.

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All you have is two sports stadiums that aren't open year round. I'll give you Six Flags though. Just came back from there. I guess Houston area two entertainment districts will be Bay Area Houston and in the NE suburbs with the largest theme park/resort in the South outside of Disney World (Earth Quest). Hopefully the "Ski Houston" goes up there, too.

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All you have is two sports stadiums that aren't open year round. I'll give you Six Flags though. Just came back from there. I guess Houston area two entertainment districts will be Bay Area Houston and in the NE suburbs with the largest theme park/resort in the South outside of Disney World (Earth Quest). Hopefully the "Ski Houston" goes up there, too.

Yes. I guess you could put downtown Houston and Dallas in there to. Dallas has Fair Park and American Airlines Center plus the conventions and the market center. The Arts District is going to be big time because of the unique way it is gathered in one area. Houston has the baseball and basketball stadiums, the convention center and its downtown arts district. I liked going to Herman park more than going to Astroworld. Shoot. You have to consider the museum district too. The thing about Houston is mainly located in close proximity while Dallas and Fort Worth are 30 miles apart. Fort Worth itself has a world class Arts District while most think its zoo is better than Dallas'.

Oops. I forgot about that Texas Motor Speedway thing. That place in itself is already a classic.

Edited by nucklehead
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