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Boycott Home Depot- Shop At Lowe's Instead


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Home Depot engages in racist pandering and should be boycotted. The Houston store on 610 Loop in the Heights now has every sign within their store listed in English and Spanish. Why not German? Does Home Depot not care about German-Americans? Where's the French? No Vietnamese? Are the corporate heads of Home Depot simply racists? Yes.

A corporate response from Home Depot stated that they "have Spanish language advertisements and signs to support diversity". What they're really doing is taking political action to radically change American culture.

Foreign languages in the public marketplace do not embrace diversity; it's simply divisive. Foreign languages alienate Americans one from the other. For a huge corporation to support foreign nationals over Americans is irresponsible and unacceptable.

Home Depot is embracing a racist attitude, polarizing the country, and undermining Amercan families. They need to be boycotted.

Maybe you should read the text of "The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo" which promised all Mexican citizens living in the US equal citizen rights as the US citizens. This applies to their heirs as well. White settlers moving into the southwest treated the Mexican peoples as foreigners even in 1848. We do things like that, ask the Apaches! My Mexican friends, who live in Mexico, believe that we stole their land and their heritage, did we??

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I feel that the fact that Texas and California are now U. S. soil should be set in stone.

However, it is not unusual for a world city to have signs in multiple languages. In Japan I noticed signs in English, Chinese, and Korean (with English as the most common) - the bullet trains had announcements in English. Restaurants served me and my father even though we did not speak Japanese.

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Maybe you should read the text of "The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo" which promised all Mexican citizens living in the US equal citizen rights as the US citizens. This applies to their heirs as well. White settlers moving into the southwest treated the Mexican peoples as foreigners even in 1848. We do things like that, ask the Apaches! My Mexican friends, who live in Mexico, believe that we stole their land and their heritage, did we??

Here's a detailed account of the history that might help you with your answer.


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Maybe you should read the text of "The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo" which promised all Mexican citizens living in the US equal citizen rights as the US citizens. This applies to their heirs as well. White settlers moving into the southwest treated the Mexican peoples as foreigners even in 1848. We do things like that, ask the Apaches! My Mexican friends, who live in Mexico, believe that we stole their land and their heritage, did we??

Technically Mexico is also stolen land... stolen by the Spaniards from those who lived there before they invaded.

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and now a short interruption by our sponsors!

Hey kids, be the 1st on your block to own an orginal Speedy Gonzalez bobble head.

To heck with the polital correctness garbage your parents warned you about ! have fun! Yeah!

and now back to your regularly scheduled controversial program... :lol:


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Home Depot engages in racist pandering and should be boycotted. The Houston store on 610 Loop in the Heights now has every sign within their store listed in English and Spanish. Why not German? Does Home Depot not care about German-Americans? Where's the French? No Vietnamese? Are the corporate heads of Home Depot simply racists? Yes.

A corporate response from Home Depot stated that they "have Spanish language advertisements and signs to support diversity". What they're really doing is taking political action to radically change American culture.

Foreign languages in the public marketplace do not embrace diversity; it's simply divisive. Foreign languages alienate Americans one from the other. For a huge corporation to support foreign nationals over Americans is irresponsible and unacceptable.

Home Depot is embracing a racist attitude, polarizing the country, and undermining Amercan families. They need to be boycotted.

...and why don't they have every sign in Stupid so you can get around a store that is not in the Heights? Wouldn't that work better for someone like you who can't distinguish between race and ethnicity and the location of a business that is not in the Heights? Perhaps a hook-up with Miss Teen daIraq might give you a leg up. I'm betting she has a map written in Stupid made just for you.

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i read somewhere (sorry i don't have a source, maybe reason magazine.) that the majority of third generation mexican immigrants no longer speak spanish. in other words, the children of immigrants generally learn english. the grandchildren of the original immigrants know little spanish.

my questions are these:

will catering to spanish reduce the importance of learning english for immigrant's children and grandchildren?

should we implement a required second language in all public schools from elementary through high school?

personally, i think that if a business or corporation wants to cater to a certain population, that is there prerogative. i cannot see how it is racist to pander to the population that contributes to your bottom line. and, if you think mexican immigrants aren't contributing to the profits of businesses and the tax base in houston, you ain't right in the head.

it is my opinion, that people who have an issue with the representation of other languages haven't traveled much. try finding what you need in a country that doesn't have english represented. if you've had that experience, you would be a little less shocked when you see spanish, korean, vietnamese or chinese beside or under english here.

Edited by bachanon
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In Canada, almost everything is in English and French, and I didn't ever hear anybody complain. The reason being, those are the two most frequently spoken languages. English and Spanish signs make sense here in Texas, because those are the most commonly spoken languages. There simply aren't enough German customers to make it worth anybody's while to translate all of the signs to German. There probably aren't enough Spanish speakers in somewhere like Mississippi to bother translating signs into Spanish, but here in Texas, apparently it's worth their while, and it doesn't bother me.

What I do have a problem with is that in Quebec, they sometimes leave the English part out of signs (even tourist signs and plaques). Having only French doesn't make much sense when you're trying to encourage tourism/business from the rest of North America. That's something I'll never understand. Quebec politics are even weirder than US politics. :)

You're right about Quebec -- some store owners have even been fined for having English language signs.

Ordinarily things like the Home Depot situation get on my nerves. But not this time. I guess it's mostly because Home Depot is private property. It can do whatever it wants on its land. Just like if I have a store of my own, I'm free to have my signs in English/German. I don't get annoyed too much until there is clear favoritism (such as the strip mall in Florida that kicked a store out because its signs weren't in Spanish),or it's on public property.

A couple of my observations from here and there:

Minneapolis has an unusual number of English/Japanese signs, especially at the airport. I assume this is because for years Northwest Orient (headquartered in MN) was the only American airline allowed to fly to Japan.

Chicago has a LOT of signs in English/Polish/Spanish/Chinese (in that order). Russian is starting to become more common on signs, too.

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A couple of my observations from here and there:

Minneapolis has an unusual number of English/Japanese signs, especially at the airport. I assume this is because for years Northwest Orient (headquartered in MN) was the only American airline allowed to fly to Japan.

Did you happen to notice whether there was a "NO TAPPING OF FEET or REACHING FOR TOILET PAPER" sign also written in Japanese in the bathrooms at the airport ?

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One thing a lot of people don't realize is that these Mexicans who don't learn English are usually older people who have a hard time learning a new language, and who are working in construction / cleaning just to put food on the table for their kids. They work long hours doing jobs I'd never be able to do, and don't really need to learn English. Nor do they have a lot of time. When you work minimum wage, you need to work long hours to make enough money to live. Keep in mind, it's only the older people who don't learn English. They realize that they will never succeed without learning English, but that's not the point. The point is to give their children (who will ultimately learn English) a better life.

Hispanic immigrants are not trying to radically change our society. Their real goal is to bring their children up in a country where they will have more opportunities. The children of Mexican immigrants always learn English (it's easier for young people to learn a second language, you know). Everybody knows that you need English to succeed beyond being a maid or a construction worker. So if one generation of older Hispanics doesn't learn English, but they bring their children up to learn English, I don't see what harm that causes. If putting Spanish signs up in a Home Depot makes this older generation feel more comfortable, and helps the company at the same time, I don't see what harm that causes.

For those that "think" it's easy in mexico head to the border and tell me you'd let your 5 year old child sell candy to make a few bucks. Would you do it?

I'm glad to see SMART intelligent positions, Other than "DEPORT THEM!" I work retail in a predominatly white side of town. Guess what a lady came last week looking for "Encre" pen and couldn't speak a work of english. I've had my share of "whites" who can't speak english. I get tired of reading "they use up our resources!" Ok, let the goverment blow it on even more dumb stuff like NASA and space shuttle launch(as an example.) That doesn't benefit tax payers at all... Corporations will jump over backwards IN THIS DATE AND TIME TO WIN OVER CUSTOMERS! It's business. Look how boost mobile targets black people. Speaking of signage in spanish a lowes commercial just came on with dual language signs. Me being hispanic hate seeing dual language signs. I frequent a few canadian sites and hear them talk smack about Quebec and everything is in French. You'll never win.

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Now I got some good news for you Toggle.

Arrest policy changed on illegal immigrants

County's new procedure may make it harder to elude deportation


The Harris County Sheriff's Office has stopped issuing "non-arrest" bonds to illegal immigrants, closing what victim advocates called a loophole that allowed some suspects to dodge deportation.

The new policy was implemented on Aug. 22, the same day the Houston Chronicle published a story on Juan Felix Salinas, an illegal immigrant accused of causing a crash that killed three people while he was free on a non-arrest bond.

"We certainly applaud the change," said Andy Kahan, director of the Mayor's Crime Victims Office.

Before the policy took effect, Harris County Jail officials allowed suspects with outstanding warrants for certain relatively minor crimes to pay "non-arrest" bonds without being formally booked, sheriff's Sgt. D.M. Mackey said.

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You can't be serious?

Is he being serious?

I think he is being serious!


Toggle is real passionate about the issue and such, he thinks that you can change things over night. We need to do a better job enforcing the borders from the real danger not the laborers. until then I will stand back and get a contact high from his post/dreamland.


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