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HAIF Nano Contest


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Good evening.

Thank you for inviting me into your laps.

Friends, the press and the government are in bed together in an embrace so intimate - and wrong - they could spoon on a twin mattress and still have room for Ted Koppel.

Journalist used to question the reasons for war and expose abuse of power. Now, like toothless babies, they suckle on the sugary teet of misinformation and poop it into the diaper we call "the six o'clock news".

Demand more of your government. Demand more of your press.

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Good evening.Thank you for inviting me into your laps.Friends, the press and the government are in bed together in an embrace so intimate - and wrong - they could spoon on a twin mattress and still have room for Ted Koppel.Journalist used to question the reasons for war and expose abuse of power. Now, like toothless babies, they suckle on the sugary teet of misinformation and poop it into the diaper we call "the six o'clock news".Demand more of your government. Demand more of your press.
Um .. okay!
I wonder if I should lower the winning post number to get this over with.
No ... keep the mystery ... keep it as it is.
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Now a woman who'll kiss on a very first date, Is usually a hussy,

And a woman who'll kiss on the second time out, Is anything but fussy,

But a woman who'll wait 'till the 3rd time around,

Head in the clouds, feet on the ground,

She's the girl he's glad he's found,

She's his Shipoopi.

Shipoopi, Shipoopi, Shipoopi, The girl who's hard to get.

Shipoopi, Shipoopi, Shipoopi, But you can win her yet.

Walk her once just to raise the curtain,

Then you walk around twice and you make for certain.

Once more in the flower garden,

She will never get sore if you beg her pardon.

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do, Si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do.

Squeeze her once when she isn't lookin'.

If you get a squeeze back that's fancy cookin'.

Once more for a pepper-upper,

She will never get sore on her way to supper,

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do, si, do,

Now little ol' sal was a No-gal,

As anyone could see,

Look at her now,

She's a Go-Gal,

Who only goes for me,

Squeeze her once when she isn't lookin'.

If you get a squeeze back that's fancy cookin'.

Once more for a pepper-upper,

She will never get sore on her way to supper,

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do, si, do,

Shipoopi, shipoopi, shipoopi,

The girl who's hard to get,

Shipoopi, shipoopi, shipoopi,

But you can win her yet.

(Musical/Dance Break)

Shipoopi, Shipoopi, Shipoopi,

The girl who's hard to get.

Shipoopi, shipoopi, shipoopi,

But you can win her yet.

You can win her yet!


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I don't know. It's just a cute number they did on Family Guy that I saw recently. I think it's about the virtues of a girl who won't put out on the first date or something.

Since I mean to win the NANO for one of my 13 poor starving children so that he or she can have a xmas present this xmas, instead of the usual left over chicken bones fresh from the KFC dumpster that I usually fill their stockings with, I thought I might as well steal jokes and songs from immature adult oriented cartoon shows - just to pad my posting numbers and increase my odds of winning.

Hey sexy judges, I'll do anything for a free NANO.

...Anything. ;););) I'm no shipoopi.

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I don't know. It's just a cute number they did on Family Guy that I saw recently. I think it's about the virtues of a girl who won't put out on the first date or something.

Since I mean to win the NANO for one of my 13 poor starving children so that he or she can have a xmas present this xmas, instead of the usual left over chicken bones fresh from the KFC dumpster that I usually fill their stockings with, I thought I might as well steal jokes and songs from immature adult oriented cartoon shows - just to pad my posting numbers and increase my odds of winning.

Hey sexy judges, I'll do anything for a free NANO.

...Anything. ;););) I'm no shipoopi.

I think the posts should mean something. Shouldn't they?

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I don't know. It's just a cute number they did on Family Guy that I saw recently. I think it's about the virtues of a girl who won't put out on the first date or something.

Since I mean to win the NANO for one of my 13 poor starving children so that he or she can have a xmas present this xmas, instead of the usual left over chicken bones fresh from the KFC dumpster that I usually fill their stockings with, I thought I might as well steal jokes and songs from immature adult oriented cartoon shows - just to pad my posting numbers and increase my odds of winning.

Hey sexy judges, I'll do anything for a free NANO.

...Anything. ;););) I'm no shipoopi.

lol. funny post

family guy. not so funny.

one more entry for me

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