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Cedar Creek Bar & Grill At 1034 W. 20th St.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am glad this new restaurant is booming. Just be careful driving in the area. It tends to get congested with vehicles parking on the street shoulders. It makes it difficult to see who is flying up & down on 19th / 20th Street. I had a close call last Thursday evening (crossing 19th from Beall Street).

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Shady Acres Civic Club requested a meeting with HPD, Parking Division and Gary (the owner) about the driving condition near Cedar Creek.

This came from one of the participant of the meeting.

"At the meeting, the parking managment/traffic group agreed to 1) put in an expedited request to post no parking signs at all corners around 19th/20th and Beall (so no parking within 20 ft of each corner and may take 4-6 weeks before signs are posted), and 2) someone will come into the area on a weekend night around 10:00 pm and assess the traffic issues to see if further no parking signs or stop signs are warranted, especially along the West side of Beall since parking on both sides may create a safety problem for emergency vehicles to get thru. They also encouraaged owners of neighboring properties to post tow away signs at all drives. They did not seem very supportive of putting in stop lights or additional stop signs or humps because they believe emergency vehicles need free access to get thru these streets quickly. My impression is this is work in progress and we'll first post additional no parking signs and enforce towing. Then we'll see what else needs to be done.

I think we have to enforce all laws to protect our neighborhood. Even with additional no parking signs, I don't think the problem will be fully resolved since people may just flow over to neighboring streets. The owner of Cedar Creek did mention that he would try to acquire/create additional parking space, so we'll see what he does. "

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I have not been to Cedar Creek since it has opened. Given its location in an area that has previously been pretty much undeveloped, I am happy for its success.

But I am surprised - really surprised - at the crowds and the level of its success. Is it the outdoor area? The creek? The food? This is a model worth repeating.

Big Star is around the corner - has it been enjoying some of these crowds?

Edited by Shamrock
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  • The title was changed to Cedar Creek Bar & Grill At 1034 W. 20th St.

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