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Embassy Suites Hilton Houston Downtown Hotel At 1515 Dallas St.


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Does that mean there is most likely engineering and design work to be done before construction starts, or are they collecting data to be used during the construction?

Engineering and design goes into specifications for piling depth and foundation characteristics. Since I've never seen a building that gets built from the top-down--only the other way around--these bits of knowledge would seem to be important prerequisites to starting construction.

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I guess you didn't really understand my question. I know that soil data is an important prerequisite to starting construction.

I was wondering if anybody knew whether soil data was something that is generally collected immediately before construction starts, or does it generally take months/years of analysis/design work using this type of data before construction starts. Since they also collected soil samples a year ago, I fear that this does not mean construction is imminent.

I guess we'll know soon though.

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Terracon are environmental consultants. They probably conducted Phase I and/or Phase II environmental studies last year to satisfy lender requirements, ....

Question about Phase I and Phase II - what other stakeholders TYPICALLY or ROUTINELY require the first or both in a development? (permitting, lending, etc. ) I will repost this in the Development and Real Estate thread if anyone can answer there

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I guess you didn't really understand my question. I know that soil data is an important prerequisite to starting construction.

I was wondering if anybody knew whether soil data was something that is generally collected immediately before construction starts, or does it generally take months/years of analysis/design work using this type of data before construction starts. Since they also collected soil samples a year ago, I fear that this does not mean construction is imminent.

I guess we'll know soon though.

Jax, I'd like to know the same thing, so hopefully we can get an answer from someone in the field on this. I would presume this would be used a few months before construction starts, but who knows.

Is there anyone who has knowledge/experience with mid/high rise development that can give an overview of the soil-testing process??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hotel could get a tax deal

Houston is poised to provide a $9.6 million tax subsidy for an Embassy Suites downtown, part of a raft of public-private hotel development that has sprung up since the completion of Discovery Green.

City Council today is expected to consider the deal, which would provide the hotel developer up to $1.4 million a year for seven years if it agrees to set aside at least 70 percent of the planned hotel

Edited by musicman
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I thought they had already agreed to subsidize this development.

Dallas is voting on a ban of public financing for a convention hotel next week... the anti-government intervention folks are rabid up there.

I think they always planned to subsidize a new convention center hotel, but that's not this one. That project is on hold until banking stabilizes. I think it's interesting that we just voted for subsidizing private convention hotel development last October and Dallas is to vote on banning it.

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Impatience is costly and perhaps foolhardy, as Houston Pavilions should have taught us.

HP just happened to come online at the wrong time. If we were in a positive economic environment, impatience would have been a genius move.

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I noticed that the estimates for construction have changed from around $55M in earlier articles to $34.5M in the most recent one. Is that a reasonable figure based on declining prices related to construction or is it just wrong?

It certainly doesn't have anything to do with construction price deflation. My bet is that the costs were quoted differently, one figure reflecting only hard costs, while the others include the soft costs and/or land price.

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I noticed that the estimates for construction have changed from around $55M in earlier articles to $34.5M in the most recent one. Is that a reasonable figure based on declining prices related to construction or is it just wrong?
It certainly doesn't have anything to do with construction price deflation. My bet is that the costs were quoted differently, one figure reflecting only hard costs, while the others include the soft costs and/or land price.

Can anyone find out the story? I am a little panicked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the chron last week there was an article that there was going to be a vote in City Hall or wherever on whether to approve this hotel to get the tax incentives that presumably it needed to get started.

Does anyone know what happened with this Council meeting / vote on the proposed hotel last week?

Hopefully there was a positive outcome and this thing will break ground soon?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rock on! I am almost surprised it happened so soon in this economy. Have they broken ground? Anybody got any photos? I was there 2 weeks ago and didn't see anything going on. I like the fact that it will have a street level cafe near the park.

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Amazing!!!!! Of all things.... a hotel starting construction in an economy where tourism is on the skidz... good job for Houston and the financiers!

I'm glad that people recognize how much the hotel rooms are needed in downtown. We've got a very low hotel capacity (within the CBD) when compared to other cities of similar size.

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