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Global Warming Impact on Houston

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complete hooey? Maybe. Maybe not. Nature will survive humanity.

Without taking a position one way or the other on global warming, I have a question for us to ponder.

IF the world is going to be warming up as much as the Church of Global Warming hysterics say, I think there's a lot of money to be made by those with money to invest in companies and industries that will benefit from the warming.

Think about it. No matter how the paradigms change, some companies are harmed and go under, while other companies make money and grow.

The trick is knowing which is which, but it's not rocket science. Those that will make money are those with products and services designed to make people comfortable in warming weather.

The secret to getting rich is simple. Throughout history, countless individuals have made their fortunes by identifying a need that's not being met, and finding efficient inexpensive ways to meet that need. If global warming is real, it's going to create a host of new needs that someone will have to find ways to meet. Count on it.

If you can't start a company to fill that need, buy stock in companies that are already doing it. Wouldn't we all love to have bought Texas Instruments or Intel when they were selling at five dollars a share. Nobody thought those companies had a ghost of a chance of succeeding.

Edited by FilioScotia
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Wow, we went from global warming science to global Marxist conspiracy theories!

EDIT: The global marxist conspiracy theory in the above thread has now been deleted (just posting that so people don't think I'm crazy)

Edited by Jax
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At the personal and individual level, they also want to control just about every aspect of our lives, from the cars we drive to the appliances we have in our homes, to the food they allow us to eat. They also want to control what we see, hear and read.

I am curious as to who you think controls this now.

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Soylent Green is good for you. There are more Soylent varieties coming soon.


Red, nevermind the man behind the curtain, please avert your eyes and eat your Soylent.

Filio, you only get rich 3 ways, either inventing or stealing the idea for a product that we do not have and desperately need, or improving on an already existing product. i.e. Microsoft Windows.

Edited by TJones
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Soylent Green is good for you. There are more Soylent varieties coming soon.


Red, nevermind the man behind the curtain, please avert your eyes and eat your Soylent.

Filio, you only get rich 3 ways, either inventing or stealing the idea for a product that we do not have and desperately need, or improving on an already existing product. i.e. Microsoft Windows.

I'd put Microsoft in the "stealing" category, but then again, I'm a Bill hater from way back.

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The fact is, for all of the study and debate, we do not know with certainty the cause of global climate change. If you choose to confidently cry "Hooey!", surely you would not fault me for laughing derisively at you...for it would be as well deserved as you laughing at me for claiming the debate has ended.

While we're arguing over what is causing global warming, or if it exists, we're still filling the water and air with poison. I really don't care about global warming, it's not going to have much of an effect in my lifetime. I do know that the exhaust coming from my car and industrial sites is extremely unhealthy and we should do everything in our power to reduce the amount of crap we expel.

Global warming or not, we're doing a massive amount of damage to the place we want to live on.


And enough with the attacks on Gore. At least he's trying to do something positive. I personally thought the Clinton administration screwed the environment just as much as every other president, but he seems to really care about this issue and is putting alot of effort into supporting the side he believes in. And really, if people do what he says what will happen? We'll use less gas? We'll not need to go to Iraq to protect our resources? Exxon won't post the highest quarterly profits ever? Again?

Edited by SirTonk
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While we're arguing over what is causing global warming, or if it exists, we're still filling the water and air with poison. I really don't care about global warming, it's not going to have much of an effect in my lifetime. I do know that the exhaust coming from my car and industrial sites is extremely unhealthy and we should do everything in our power to reduce the amount of crap we expel.

Global warming or not, we're doing a massive amount of damage to the place we want to live on.


And enough with the attacks on Gore. At least he's trying to do something positive. I personally thought the Clinton administration screwed the environment just as much as every other president, but he seems to really care about this issue and is putting alot of effort into supporting the side he believes in. And really, if people do what he says what will happen? We'll use less gas? We'll not need to go to Iraq to protect our resources? Exxon won't post the highest quarterly profits ever? Again?

seeing that you're 28, sirtonk, you may not be aware of the "environmental decade", the 1970s. i would like to see data on how much pollutants have decreased since the seventies. the epa has 10-20 years of data. do we know if catalytic converters have made a difference? what about the clean air act of 1970? what about cleaner burning fuels and recycling? there have been new environmental costs since the seventies, are they working? where's the data? IMO things are better than they were in the 70s as far as emissions are concerned, remember freon and certain aerosols? there are all kinds of pollution regulations that have increased the cost of oil products, manufacturing in general, cleaning products, fertilizer, tires and so on. i'd like to see the benefits of these things (regulations) before we make other, costly, commitments.

gore said "the global warming debate is over!". the cause of global warming and the long term effects of it is certainly not over. he is getting mileage from this issue. if there is any real debate on the issue, his books and movies can become (and will IMO) irrelevant.

seeing as we elect our leaders, it is we who screw the planet, not an administration. lets see, how would we pay for government officials to fully inspect every factory or refinery in the country? even the companies themselves cannot fully inspect all of their sites. see how many people the IRS come down on who are avoiding taxes? it's less than 1% (if i remember correctly). government bureaucracy cannot solve environmental issues, there must be financial incentives and potential profit. government cannot police on a national level.

camille paglia answers letter from salon.com

I too grew up in upstate New York. I am an environmental groundwater geologist (who almost majored in fine arts). Your take on the Al Gore/global warming pseudo-catastrophe was right on target. Anyone can read up on Holocene geology and see that climate changes are caused by polar wandering and magnetic reversals. It is entertaining, yet sad to read bloviage from Leonardo DiCaprio, who is so self-centered that he thinks the earth's history and climate is a function of his short personal stay on this planet. Still he, Al Gore, Prince Charles and so on, ad nauseam, continue with their jet-set lifestyles. What hypocrisy!


Thank you for your input on the mass hysteria over global warming. The simplest facts about geology seem to be missing from the mental equipment of many highly educated people these days. There is far too much credulity placed in fancy-pants, speculative computer modeling about future climate change. Furthermore, hand-wringing media reports about hotter temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere are rarely balanced by acknowledgment of the recent cold waves in South Africa and Australia, the most severe in 30 years.

Where are the intellectuals in this massive attack of groupthink? Inert, passive and cowardly, the lot of them. True intellectuals would be alarmed and repelled by the heavy fog of dogma that now hangs over the debate about climate change. More skeptical voices need to be heard. Why are liberals abandoning this issue to the right wing, which is successfully using it to contrast conservative rationality with liberal emotionalism? The environmental movement, whose roots are in nature-worshipping Romanticism, is vitally important to humanity, but it can only be undermined by rampant propaganda and half-truths.-camille paglia


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  • 5 weeks later...
complete hooey.

as i've suspected for some time, the earth's atmosphere regulates heat. energy from the sun supplies a system that regulates itself within our atmosphere. the power of this system far outweighs the negative aspects of human pollution.

this is not simply my opinion, i've confirmed this ideology with scientists in geology and astrophysics.

note: shorelines have historically receded, the planet has cooled and warmed, the atmosphere ebbs and flows as do oceans and other "controlled" systems. to think that man can influence the massive system that is the earth's atmosphere is as naive as thinking the earth is the center of the universe! we could blow up ten nuclear bombs, a hundred nuclear bombs, and not permanently change the atmospheric system we need to survive. the volcanic eruption of mount pinatubo (sp?) released more "greenhouse" gases than the entire industrial revolution.

nature will survive humanity.


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  • 3 months later...
...IMO things are better than they were in the 70s as far as emissions are concerned, remember freon and certain aerosols? there are all kinds of pollution regulations that have increased the cost of oil products, manufacturing in general, cleaning products, fertilizer, tires and so on. i'd like to see the benefits of these things (regulations) before we make other, costly, commitments...

You're right. All those regulations we put in place to limit certain types of freon and aerosols have increased the cost of some items, marginally (I would argue). But you know what else those regulations are doing? - closing the ozone hole (link). You can

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