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Attention shutterbugs: HAIF Gallery


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oooo...new shiny button!

So do we upload to a 3rd party or directly to HAIF?

Directly to HAIF. No more middle man required. No more copying and pasting URLs.

In addition to posting pictures in the different categories, you can create photo albums of your own pictures.

You can also rate people's pictures, mark them as favorites, send them as e-cards and lots more.

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Directly to HAIF. No more middle man required. No more copying and pasting URLs.

In addition to posting pictures in the different categories, you can create photo albums of your own pictures.

You can also rate people's pictures, mark them as favorites, send them as e-cards and lots more.

Great idea Editor! :rolleyes:

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You can create an album of photos in the Members Albums section. In there you can have albums of all your work separated from everyone else.

The other categories are set up to accept individual photographs so that the categories didn't get clogged up with a bunch of albums from different people that might only have one or two photos in them. That would seem to be frustrating to navigate compared to a large gallery featuring everyone's photos together.

You're right -- it's all a bit confusion. But it's new to all of us and we can learn its quirks together.

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Cool!Are there any storage space limitations, like the attachment / upload feature? THis will be great if it means I won't have to use imageshack.us every time I post a photo!
Right now there are no restrictions on the number or size of the images you can upload, though I should probably change that. Disk space is finite, after all. Any suggestions what a reasonable size is? I propose 3072x4096 and 4MB for JPEGs simply because that's what my camera takes. That should be enough for most people, I'd think.I can also enable a feature that will display the code for embedding the image inside a HAIF message right under the image description. I have it turned off right now because I thought it might confuse people.As always, dissenting opinions are welcome.
I just tried to create an album in the Texas Medical Center section and it keeps telling me that I need to use another section.Are all sections not available yet to create albums?
At this time only the Members Albums section will take albums. The other sections will only take individual pictures. I did this to reduce the clutter that would come from people having to create albums even if they only want to post one picture.

Is this counter-intuitive? I want to make it do whatever is easiest for the most people to encourage them to post pictures.

Cool. I just noticed that if you create a photo album you get a "My Albums" link near the top of the page. Interesting.

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I talked to the people who make the gallery software. They confirm that at this time categories can either hold individual pictures (like our Houston Pictures, Houston Skylines, and Cityscapes and Street Scenes categories) or photo albums (like Members Albums and Official HAIF Gallery) but not both.

They intend to let us mix-and-match in a later upgrade.

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I've changed the neighborhood/regional sections to accept albums instead of individual photos. I think that better reflects how people take pictures. You might spend the day wandering around the Galleria, and thus have enough for a Galleria album. Or you might go on vacation and take a bunch of snaps from the same city and can now put them in an album.

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I've changed the neighborhood/regional sections to accept albums instead of individual photos. I think that better reflects how people take pictures. You might spend the day wandering around the Galleria, and thus have enough for a Galleria album. Or you might go on vacation and take a bunch of snaps from the same city and can now put them in an album.

I think that's a good move. Is each member allowed only one album per section?

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When I try to click on any category inside of "cityscapes and street scenes" I get this error:

Board Message

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

There are no albums to display. If you would like to create an album in this category, click 'My Controls', and click 'Your Albums' to create an album in this category.

I was trying to upload a downtown street scene.

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I think that's a good move. Is each member allowed only one album per section?
No, there are no restrictions. If you go to Austin and it snows you can make a big album for that. If you go again in the Summer you can make another album.
When I try to click on any category inside of "cityscapes and street scenes" I get this error: Board MessageSorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.The error returned was:There are no albums to display. If you would like to create an album in this category, click 'My Controls', and click 'Your Albums' to create an album in this category.I was trying to upload a downtown street scene.
I've changed it so that all sections take albums now instead of individual pictures. It seemed more in line with how people take pictures -- they go out and do a whole bunch from one area together.If you have a stray picture that doesn't seem to warrant a full album of its own you could create a Jax's Miscellaneous Photos album in the Members Albums section and put the photo there. That way you'll also have a place to add more stray photos.
Also the gallery button in the menu seems to be positioned kind of strangely, at least in Safari 3.0.screenshotxj1.jpg
It does that because the Gallery is an add-in piece of software, and not a full part of the forum code. Built-in items are aligned left. Additions are aligned right. If we add the blog option to HAIF it will end up next to Gallery. I'm not sure why they designed it this way.
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I want to add a photo, so I click on Gallery, then Cityscapes and Street Scenes, then Downtown and I get the following message:

Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information.

The error returned was:

There are no albums to display. If you would like to create an album in this category, click 'My Controls', and click 'Your Albums' to create an album in this category.

What am I doing wrong, and how do I add a photo to the Houston album in Cityscapes and Street Scenes?

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Okay, maybe I figured it out. Before there was an image for downtown already, but when I clicked downtown I got that error. So I went into my controls and created a new album inside "downtown" and added a photo. Now when you click downtown you see my album and the button to create a new album. I guess I was confused because I thought there would be a way to add a photo to "downtown" without creating a new album (since I thought downtown was an album). Anyways, seems to be working now...

Quick question: can anybody upload photos into my album "Jax's Downtown photos", or only me? If it's open to the public, then Jax's Photos probably isn't the best name for it...

Here goes a test of the BBCode..


Edited by Jax
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Quick question: can anybody upload photos into my album "Jax's Downtown photos", or only me? If it's open to the public, then Jax's Photos probably isn't the best name for it...

Dunno. I think it would be cool if you could have communal albums, especially for a new building going up or something. Try uploading to one of my albums and see what happens.

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  • 6 months later...

I created a member album and uploaded a photo - it worked except that the photo has "theHAIF.com" printed across it. I'm assuming that will happen to any photo that I upload - I guess I just hadn't noticed it before on others' photos.

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I created a member album and uploaded a photo - it worked except that the photo has "theHAIF.com" printed across it. I'm assuming that will happen to any photo that I upload - I guess I just hadn't noticed it before on others' photos.


HAIF enters your camera when you think you're going to upload a picture and implants itself on your photos seeing the signature that you have.


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It wasn't a criticism - or confusion - just an observation. If I want to share a photo I'd taken with others in a thread, it won't stop me from doing that. But it would likely keep me from using the gallery for two other purposes:

(1) Posting photos I found on other internet sites. Normally, I'd just link to the photo, but I'd thought that adding it to the gallery along with an attribution to the site might insure that the photo doesn't disappear the way some photo links have in older posts. But I wouldn't feel right posting someone else's photo (even with an attribution) with a HAIF message added onto it.

(2) Using the gallery for storage. I have a number of historic photos I keep on an external drive - many from postcards or of things that were briefly on ebay for sale - and thought I might be able to move some of them to the gallery. But I wouldn't want my only copy of an historic photo to have a message written on it.

Like I said, though, I'll likely still use the gallery to upload photos I've taken myself if I want to post them in a thread.

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Having the HAIF watermark on the photo is intended to do a couple of things:

  • Prevent people from casually stealing the photos of people who post them here.
  • Give us a tiny bit of compensation (in the form of free advertising) if someone hotlinks to an image in the HAIF gallery.

(1) Posting photos I found on other internet sites. Normally, I'd just link to the photo, but I'd thought that adding it to the gallery along with an attribution to the site might insure that the photo doesn't disappear the way some photo links have in older posts. But I wouldn't feel right posting someone else's photo (even with an attribution) with a HAIF message added onto it.

Taking a photo from one web site and re-posting it on another web site without the owner's permission is a violation of copyright law. While your intentions are good, it's better just to link to the original image and just hope it doesn't go away (though some web site owners frown upon hot linking, too).

(2) Using the gallery for storage. I have a number of historic photos I keep on an external drive - many from postcards or of things that were briefly on ebay for sale - and thought I might be able to move some of them to the gallery. But I wouldn't want my only copy of an historic photo to have a message written on it.

You should never entrust your precious memories to anyone but yourself. I welcome copies of your images posted in the Gallery, but tyou should always keep a copy for yourself. What if HAIF gets sued out of business by someone? What if this internet thing turns out to be a passing fad? People thought Pac-Man, Ricky Martin, and the Macarena would last forever, too.

Like I said, though, I'll likely still use the gallery to upload photos I've taken myself if I want to post them in a thread.

Glad to hear it. I look forward to seeing your work.

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