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HAIF Happy Hour!


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i would vote for a place that serves food, but isn't necessarily a restaurant.

my favorite is Warren's (and Market Square), but maybe i need to get out more :blush:

Volcano isn't terrible but i have always been lucky and parked within a block or two of the place.

Past gatherings i can remember were at Berryhill (Heights), Kelvin Arms, and Warren's...they all seemed to accommodate well.

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I really dont think its hard to pick people out that are on the HAIF..one picked me out at the store, and the ones I have met just look like I imagined someone on the HAIf would look.

That is kind of scary/hilarious/bizarre!

I imagine having a photo on personal profile is the give-away? Hee Hee :lol:

Yucatan Liquor Stand (on Richmond) used to have that big bus that would drive around Houston and pick up partiers and cruise around the city. Can you imagine everyone here on the same bus?

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The Village sux. How about some place further our Westheimer (maybe in Carillion or somewhere)? I've been dying to try out Yao's.Or how about LaStrada's on a Sunday. That would be cool!

I think Uptown is as bout as far out that you're going to get the majority of haifers to go to.

For some people on here, if its outside 610, it doesn't exist.

From a realistic standpoint though, you have to assume we live all over... so going "out" in any one direction will be inconvenient for anyone that lives out in another direction enough that they won't show up and we won't have a good turnout.

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La Strada is weird, but so are many of the people on here.


La Strada is just a nice little restaurant. Expensive but not strange? Some people here worship Washington Ave. There are plenty of places there with free parking. Its kind of central to most.

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La Strada is just a nice little restaurant. Expensive but not strange? Some people here worship Washington Ave. There are plenty of places there with free parking. Its kind of central to most.

It's like a nightclub on Sunday Brunch complete with DJs, (sometimes) topless or nearly topless gals (if you're into that kinda thing and if they've had a bit too much to drink),and plenty of fun. Every swag under the sun.

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It's like a nightclub on Sunday Brunch complete with DJs, (sometimes) topless or nearly topless gals (if you're into that kinda thing and if they've had a bit too much to drink),and plenty of fun. Every swag under the sun.

Exactly, so why would you want to hang out with a bunch of HAIFers you've never met while the guy next to you is doing a line? It's not exactly a scenario for conversation, especially given the rhetoric some of you guys like to carry on with.

I envision a Saturday Night Live skit:)

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Exactly, so why would you want to hang out with a bunch of HAIFers you've never met while the guy next to you is doing a line? It's not exactly a scenario for conversation, especially given the rhetoric some of you guys like to carry on with.

I envision a Saturday Night Live skit:)

Who said anything about doing lines?

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I envision a Saturday Night Live skit:)

more like Mad TV

In fact, everyone should check back and see the last meet/greet topic from a few months ago.

Same scenario. :lol:

Washington Ave is more away from mad crowds/homeless/cops/breathalizers, etc. Oops not really HPD is closer, bummer. This is silly/fun topic nonetheless.

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Serious question.

What do people on here expect of HAIF partys/meet and greets ?

I expected to get to know people, have fun, drink, play darts or something.

What i got the one time i went was within half an hr, the 10 of there were rehashing whatever the big threads at the time were and it was like that the entire time. It was disappointing. Haifers don't have to meet over drinks to discuss threads. I guess it was semi-cool putting a few faces to names, but to be honest, i didn't find it fun.

So.... For the people that have done these numerous times before -

Was it fun?

Was it what you were expecting ?

For those that havent been to one -

What would you expect one of these haif partys to be like ?

*Not trying to scare away anyone... I was just expecting it to be more fun and getting to know people... not just "another day on haif.. but in person"... and i'm wondering if I'm the only one that feels that way.

Fun would be seeing Redscare and Niche go at it in a drinking contest.

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Serious question.

What do people on here expect of HAIF partys/meet and greets ?

I expected to get to know people, have fun, drink, play darts or something.

What i got the one time i went was within half an hr, the 10 of there were rehashing whatever the big threads at the time were and it was like that the entire time. It was disappointing. Haifers don't have to meet over drinks to discuss threads. I guess it was semi-cool putting a few faces to names, but to be honest, i didn't find it fun.

So.... For the people that have done these numerous times before -

Was it fun?

Was it what you were expecting ?

For those that havent been to one -

What would you expect one of these haif partys to be like ?

*Not trying to scare away anyone... I was just expecting it to be more fun and getting to know people... not just "another day on haif.. but in person"... and i'm wondering if I'm the only one that feels that way.

Fun would be seeing Redscare and Niche go at it in a drinking contest.

Ok, this is gonna be your Halloween costume this year. You must also wear it to the Xmas party.


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The real irony is the majority of the people on this forum are hardly what they seem in person. In fact almost the opposite. I would imagine it kind of like seeing an old friend from the good old days or like a class reunion. I would love talking about the funniest topics, like weird things, or words you hate.

I found most to be good humoured and quite hilarious. The angry persona is so passe'. Thats the part that puzzles me. Maybe The Men's Club would be a good meet place? (See sense of humor) :lol:

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  • 1 month later...
So how was it? With any luck, still going.

How often do HAIF people do get togethers? I'm sure this way more entertaining than the function I had. Or at least I would hope so, since I was with actuaries.

i'm still out with several members. i didn't realize santa was so haut.

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  • 10 months later...

Your friendly HAIF drunkards have decided that this Friday after work would be a grand time for another HAIFY Happy Hour. In an effort to broaden our horizons, RedScare and I were contemplating a downtown bar. He suggested GRAB, which I hear is closed now. Of course there's Warren's. I thought of Big Top (on Main next to the Continental Club). Also, Lucky's is quite the happening place these days.

Yays? Nays? Other Suggestions? Preference is for a full bar, (not a beer bar) and one with drink prices not in the stratosphere.

Edited by crunchtastic
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