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HAIF Happy Hour!


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Years ago, I was told that the Lone Star was a favorite hangout for off-duty cops. Any truth?

that was probably fuzzy's which was in the parking garage at milam and jefferson. it was owned by a cop.

Edited by musicman
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Not sure if cops hang there, off duty or on duty. However, the free speech question reminds me of a Supreme Court case I read in law school. A student of politics was arrested for peeing in the snow. He claimed that since he was actually writing with his pee, it was protected speech. So, my considered legal opinion is that as long as you are writing something, you are protected.

What is the pissing equivalent of penmanship? And does it count?

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What is the pissing equivalent of penmanship? And does it count?

The last time I remember seeing snow pissing was Christmas of '89, I think, and my boyfriend at the time (a lawyer) and his friend (an older lawyer) decided to piss in the snow outside of 11th st cafe. They switched hands (their own, freaks!) to see who's writing was most legible. True story.

What is it with lawyers?

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. So, my considered legal opinion is that as long as you are writing something, you are protected.
What is the pissing equivalent of penmanship? And does it count?

For those of us with middle-aged prostates, does Morse Code count?

-.. .- -- -. / - .... .. ... / .. ... / - .- -.- .. -. --. / ..-. --- .-. . ...- . .-.

(Translation: Damn this is taking forever)

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The last time I remember seeing snow pissing was Christmas of '89, I think, and my boyfriend at the time (a lawyer) and his friend (an older lawyer) decided to piss in the snow outside of 11th st cafe. They switched hands (their own, freaks!) to see who's writing was most legible. True story.

What is it with lawyers?

A better question: what is it with you and lawyers?

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see yall at lone star then.

Would love to join....... Unfortunately have some visitors from out of town; earliest I will be done probably be 11-12.

Have fun and be safe.

p.s. Need heavy drinking though; Just saw that I'm in last place on the HAIF Challenge..... and I'm not doing any better in real life!!!

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Not sure if cops hang there, off duty or on duty. However, the free speech question reminds me of a Supreme Court case I read in law school. A student of politics was arrested for peeing in the snow. He claimed that since he was actually writing with his pee, it was protected speech. So, my considered legal opinion is that as long as you are writing something, you are protected.

I've never seen a cop there. In my younger days I used to hit up the Lone Star every once in a while.

Unless the clientele has changed, most of the patrons were blue-collar, homeless, or just got off the bus from Huntsville. Usually an interesting crowd there.

If you like to play pool, I recommend going somewhere else.

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:huh: Look what I started. I was just stopped at the red light the other day and saw the no public restrooms sign. Then I looked at the place and thought it might be possible since in appears to be just a small cinder block building. I'm thinking about stopping by to see for myself.

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Have stuff to do after work so probably won't make it - if y'all are still there past 8 or 9 though, who knows!

And if the credit card minimum is like Happy Days (and the drinks are pretty cheap if i remember correctly), I'd recommend cash anyhow.

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Wow - so many HAIFers that I didn't even get to talk much to some of y'all! That's a first, at least for me. We'll just have to do it again sometime! A HAIF holiday happy hour, maybe.

Great to see those of you I already knew, and it was so nice to meet those of you I hadn't met before.

And DBig - yeah - don't know if LSS has a great jukebox or you're a jukebox master (maybe a little of both), but the music was perfect.

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I actually made it out there but waaaay late. Unless there were stragglers in the form of a couple of guys commiserating to the tunes of lynyrd skynyrd (or something like it), I assume all had left.

I also made it by Happy Days, and it is not the Happy Days we once knew :(

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I actually made it out there but waaaay late. Unless there were stragglers in the form of a couple of guys commiserating to the tunes of lynyrd skynyrd (or something like it), I assume all had left.

I also made it by Happy Days, and it is not the Happy Days we once knew :(

Alas, the last time we went to the Happy Days it was not the same. Have to scratch that one off the list.

The quest for the perfect centrally-located dive bar continues!

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It was really nice to meet everyone. Next time, let's pick a place where they eyeball the drinks rather than using that silly measurement regulator.

concur. they've been midtowned. i think i heard poison girl next time for a christmas happy hr.

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concur. they've been midtowned. i think i heard poison girl next time for a christmas happy hr.

Unless someone else brought it up later, it was probably me talking about PG. But it might not be the ideal spot for a HAIF group because - though the prices are right, and it's central - it's not especially adventurous and can get pretty crowded on weekends. As in pushing your way through the crowd and gone from the table for 10-15 minutes getting a drink crowded. (Though, to be fair, that's usually not until after 9 or 10.) Same with Rudyard's, which I think also was suggested, and some other Montrose bars that cross my mind that are fine for a smaller group.

I haven't been to Big Star yet, but have heard good things from friends. Or somewhere like Leon's, Big Top, Marfreless, or Cecil's might be good. Not super adventurous, but usually less crowded.

I'll go wherever others want to go - was just trying to help with suggestions.

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Unless someone else brought it up later, it was probably me talking about PG. But it might not be the ideal spot for a HAIF group because - though the prices are right, and it's central - it's not especially adventurous and can get pretty crowded on weekends. As in pushing your way through the crowd and gone from the table for 10-15 minutes getting a drink crowded. (Though, to be fair, that's usually not until after 9 or 10.) Same with Rudyard's, which I think also was suggested, and some other Montrose bars that cross my mind that are fine for a smaller group.

I haven't been to Big Star yet, but have heard good things from friends. Or somewhere like Leon's, Big Top, Marfreless, or Cecil's might be good. Not super adventurous, but usually less crowded.

I'll go wherever others want to go - was just trying to help with suggestions.

I must agree on Poison Girl. Have only been in the early evening, precisely because my days of elbowing through a crowd to get a drink are long over.

I've gone to Big Top before shows at the Continental, and have always enjoyed it. Oh, while I'm here, a little promotion for friends: if you're a fan of white-boy ska with a great horn section, The Suspects (local band from the 90s that was really popular) are playing at the Continental Club on Nov 21st.

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