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Discovery Green needs bocce ball players


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One of the people behind Discovery Green contacted me late last week. She's looking for people who play bocce ball. Sounds like her organization would like to have some people out there playing on opening day.

Anyway, if you play or know of a bocce-related organization in Houston, post here or PM me so I can pass the information along.

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One of the people behind Discovery Green contacted me late last week. She's looking for people who play bocce ball. Sounds like her organization would like to have some people out there playing on opening day.

Anyway, if you play or know of a bocce-related organization in Houston, post here or PM me so I can pass the information along.

This may be beside your point, but will Discovery Park have a place to rent things like Bocce balls? It would nice to have a park headquarters were you could rent/buy Frisbees, baseball gloves, bocce balls, etc.

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I must admit, I had to look up on wikipedia what in the heck bocce ball is.


Never heard of it before. For those who play, is it pretty fun?

It's generally the same principal as washers or horseshoes. Someone throws a Wiffle ball and then everyone takes turns lobbing a cannon ball to land as close to the Wiffle ball as possible. The closest color to the wiffle ball scores. I think its fun, and a perfect game for the park.

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I didn't think anyone other than old Italian men played bocce. My grandpa would hang out with his buddies behind his shop, in their undershirts of course, playing.

The only public place I've seen play was in San Francisco's North Beach. It's a fun game.

I really like the idea of a little rental shop at the park for lawn games.

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Bocce ball is great fun. We play every year on the family beach trip. I really suck at it (someone once told me I throw like a girl...) but it gets easier exponentially with the amount of alcohol you imbibe. (Bocce Ball. See: Drinking Games)

I really like the idea of a little rental shop at the park for lawn games.

Only if they rent Jarts. ;)

Edited by Kirzania
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