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Southern Trails Community In Pearland


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I'm finding it a real quest to get any answers about the ST HOA. Here is what has been happening to me: I send an email to the Southern Trails HOA care of the PCMI site, then (if I'm lucky) someone from the PCMI replies a few days later and says they are forwarding my email to the person on the ST HOA. Then it seems to fall into a black hole, cuz I never hear from anyone.

I really want to find out when the HOA next meeting is, so I can attend it, meet everyone, and get some direct email addresses. Wish me luck. :huh:

This is customary with developer controlled Boards. They have so much on their plate that answering questions from homeowners often take low priority. I used to manage an HOA for a very large developer here in Houston. They were nice enough, but getting an answer out of them was darn near impossible.

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Please forward or at least copy me on questions and issues so i can follow up or possibly answer and/or resolve. Wayne

Wayne, if you could just find out when and where the next HOA meeing will be held, I can take it from there. Thank you!

This is customary with developer controlled Boards. They have so much on their plate that answering questions from homeowners often take low priority. I used to manage an HOA for a very large developer here in Houston. They were nice enough, but getting an answer out of them was darn near impossible.

I was afraid of that. Lovely! :(

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Southern Trails deed restrictions section 9.21 reads as follows:

"9.21 Signs. No signs, flags or flag poles shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committe, with the following exceptions: (i) Declarant and homebuilders may erect and maintain one or more signs or flags for the construction, development, operation, promotion and sale of the Lots: (ii) the patriotic display of flags not exceeding 4N x 6N in size shall be permitted on customary holidays; and (iii) signs of customary dimentions (3N x 4N maximum) advertising said property or portions thereof for sale. Notwithstanding anthing herein contained to the contrary, any and all signs, if allowed, shall comply with all sign standards of the City of Pearland, Texas, as such standards may be applicable to the Properties."

Regardless of whether or not the restrictions address the issue, the signs are allowed. You can refer to Texas HB 873 for more information. Signs must be allowed 90 days before an election and up to 10 days after an election. There are other restrictions, but if the guidelines are followed, the signs must be allowed by the HOA/POA. It was passed in 2005 by a margin of 138-0 and signed by Gov. Perry.

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Regardless of whether or not the restrictions address the issue, the signs are allowed. You can refer to Texas HB 873 for more information. Signs must be allowed 90 days before an election and up to 10 days after an election. There are other restrictions, but if the guidelines are followed, the signs must be allowed by the HOA/POA. It was passed in 2005 by a margin of 138-0 and signed by Gov. Perry.

Wow, what a brilliant piece of legislation. Many liberal states don't even have such a law.

So I suppose I'll be able to put up a sign for the upcoming primary.

Thanks Houston Realtor!

And good luck Tim. The HOA really needs to represent the interests of the community.

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I'm finding it a real quest to get any answers about the ST HOA. Here is what has been happening to me: I send an email to the Southern Trails HOA care of the PCMI site, then (if I'm lucky) someone from the PCMI replies a few days later and says they are forwarding my email to the person on the ST HOA. Then it seems to fall into a black hole, cuz I never hear from anyone.

I really want to find out when the HOA next meeting is, so I can attend it, meet everyone, and get some direct email addresses. Wish me luck. :huh:

Don't forget, sometimes you get better results by actually calling the office on the telephone and asking to speak with someone about your concern. How retro, in this electronically impersonal 21st Century! :) Seriously, we had some questions for the SCR HOA, so we simply picked up the phone. We talked to someone who took a message, and a little while later someone else called back with the information we needed. It was like magic!

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Don't forget, sometimes you get better results by actually calling the office on the telephone and asking to speak with someone about your concern. How retro, in this electronically impersonal 21st Century! :) Seriously, we had some questions for the SCR HOA, so we simply picked up the phone. We talked to someone who took a message, and a little while later someone else called back with the information we needed. It was like magic!

Good point. Sometimes it's so easy to send an email, then we sit and wait for a response while the frustration builds!

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Here is the reply I got from the PCMI:

Southern Trails holds the Annual Meeting in August annually which the owners attend. There will be a notice sent for the meeting. The developer will provide a community update at that time.

I wouldn't have high hopes about being heard by PCMI any time soon. Here is a portion of a recent correspondence I've had with the "Association Manager" about a restriction where PCMI is making their own interpretation when it is clearly stated what the restriction is.

"I take direction from the BOD which at this time is the developer. When the developer leaves the community and owners serve on the BOD I will be taking direction from the owner BOD. The developer has the authority to amend any of the documents including the ACC while they control the votes which will be for the next 2-3 years. At that time by vote of the majority of owners, amendments may be made."

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I wouldn't have high hopes about being heard by PCMI any time soon. Here is a portion of a recent correspondence I've had with the "Association Manager" about a restriction where PCMI is making their own interpretation when it is clearly stated what the restriction is.

"I take direction from the BOD which at this time is the developer. When the developer leaves the community and owners serve on the BOD I will be taking direction from the owner BOD. The developer has the authority to amend any of the documents including the ACC while they control the votes which will be for the next 2-3 years. At that time by vote of the majority of owners, amendments may be made."

In the manager's defense, the developer does control the Board. In fact, the developer owned lots probably have more "weight" than resident owned lots. This is intentionally done so that the developer can maintain control of the Assoctiation through their votes while they are still developing and marketing the community. Regardless of how residents feel, it just makes good business sense. The developer has millions of dollars tied up in the community and most homeowners have less than $300,000 invested. The developer needs to make sure that they can sell the lots to builders, who in turn can sell to residents. If the community isn't maintained properly, there is a great deal of money to be lost.

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In the manager's defense, the developer does control the Board. In fact, the developer owned lots probably have more "weight" than resident owned lots. This is intentionally done so that the developer can maintain control of the Assoctiation through their votes while they are still developing and marketing the community. Regardless of how residents feel, it just makes good business sense. The developer has millions of dollars tied up in the community and most homeowners have less than $300,000 invested. The developer needs to make sure that they can sell the lots to builders, who in turn can sell to residents. If the community isn't maintained properly, there is a great deal of money to be lost.

I wouldn't have an issue if the "Manager" would apply restrictions as they were written. The issue I have is that the restrictions are not being applied as they are currently written and The "Manager" is making interpretations on her own. What's the use in having rules if they might not be applied?

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I wouldn't have an issue if the "Manager" would apply restrictions as they were written. The issue I have is that the restrictions are not being applied as they are currently written and The "Manager" is making interpretations on her own. What's the use in having rules if they might not be applied?

The only thing that I can suggest is to write a letter to the Board c/o the manager. In the letter, tell them that you want/expect a response. This will make it more likely that the Board will see the letter, or at least hear about it. Tell them what you think and ask them why rules arent being enforced as written. You never know...they might just understand your point of view. I'm not saying they *will*, but stranger things have happened!

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The only thing that I can suggest is to write a letter to the Board c/o the manager. In the letter, tell them that you want/expect a response. This will make it more likely that the Board will see the letter, or at least hear about it. Tell them what you think and ask them why rules arent being enforced as written. You never know...they might just understand your point of view. I'm not saying they *will*, but stranger things have happened!

This is an extremely important point and very good advice: Put it in writing, on paper, for the record. If you have an issue, developing a "paper trail" now will document your case, whether it is ends up being addressed by your current Board or a future Board that is not controlled by the developer.

As as side note, so often these days we seem to expect that if we send an e-mail simply asking for something, or even make a phone call, that we will get the response we desire. I had addressed this in a more facetious manner up-thread. Often, the old-fashioned more serious and formal methods are more effective, while e-mail and other informal methods of communication end up being not too much better than sending a message in a bottle: You don't know who, if anyone, will receive it or what they will do.

Creating a paper trail protects you, and -- if, God forbid, your issue is so serious and remains unresolved and disturbs you enough that you require legal assistance, gives you a head start on that process. I'm not saying to be be snarky or rude; on the contrast, be as polite an solicitous as possible while asserting your point of view. But do get it on the record, whatever it is that you are trying to resolve. And hopefully, this will truly get the attention of whover you are dealing with and they will address your concerns.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I admit that I'm not a fan of the wall, but only because of privacy. The wall itself is attactive enough, I just wouldn't want it to be at the edge of my backyard.

If the buyer started this house before the wall was there, the Newmark salesperson probably told the buyer that there would be a brick wall as their back fence. True...but misleading. My only concern at this point is uniformity, as others are sure to follow suit in creating their own privacy.

Back to the topic of this wall. The issue seems to be finally resolved, because it has recently been completely converted into a solid brick wall. You can still see the new mortar in it where they filled in the gaps at the top. It looks much better!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Back to the topic of this wall. The issue seems to be finally resolved, because it has recently been completely converted into a solid brick wall. You can still see the new mortar in it where they filled in the gaps at the top. It looks much better!


feel free to email me directly wgreen@ashtonwoodshomes.com Fire away questions. thanks

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Glad you mentioned that!

Are you referring to the large yellow tower with flags on top? I've been wondering what that was. It certaintly looks like some kind of drilling tool.

It's outrageous to think they're allowed to construct something like that in a strictly residential/commercial area...

Yellow Tower is gone..... There is some sort of building construction going on in that area now.

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We are thinking about moving down to Southern Trails. We like the houses we've seen and are also eager to see how the Pearland Town Center turns out.

Related to that, does anybody know whether "they" will buid a sidewalk along 518 between the entrance to Southern Trails and the Pearland Town Center? It would be nice to be able to walk there (when it's not 100 degrees). Or even another road would be nice - something other than 518. Thanks!

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We are thinking about moving down to Southern Trails. We like the houses we've seen and are also eager to see how the Pearland Town Center turns out.

Related to that, does anybody know whether "they" will buid a sidewalk along 518 between the entrance to Southern Trails and the Pearland Town Center? It would be nice to be able to walk there (when it's not 100 degrees). Or even another road would be nice - something other than 518. Thanks!

Hope you decide on this area. 3 years here and loving it.

I understand that 518 expansion from Kirby to 521 will start pretty soon. I am sure you will be able to walk to Pearland Town Center. I live in SCR a little north of ST and plan to walk/bike to Pearland Town Center (Weather Permitting as you point)

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I think there will be sidewalks on the widened 518. That's just my guess, though.

If you are looking in the Sage Meadows section of ST, there is the stub of a street heading eastward directly towards the Towncenter. I've asked and there is no difinitive answer on what that street will be used for, but since it will run off the current property bondary of ST, it could eventually extend all the way to Kirby. If that happens, there will be a 'back street' access to the Towncenter from this section of ST.

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I think there will be sidewalks on the widened 518. That's just my guess, though.

If you are looking in the Sage Meadows section of ST, there is the stub of a street heading eastward directly towards the Towncenter. I've asked and there is no difinitive answer on what that street will be used for, but since it will run off the current property bondary of ST, it could eventually extend all the way to Kirby. If that happens, there will be a 'back street' access to the Towncenter from this section of ST.

I just talked to one of the Ashton Woods agents down in ST. She thinks that eastward street will hit Kirby, but is not quite sure yet. She hopes to get an answer by Monday. I'll keep everybody updated.

Thanks for the replies.

On another note, we really are impressed by the recreation center at ST. The shaded picnic areas even have cieling fans! We were there about 11am today. Nobody was in the pool area or fitness center. I wonder if it's open yet.

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I just talked to one of the Ashton Woods agents down in ST. She thinks that eastward street will hit Kirby, but is not quite sure yet. She hopes to get an answer by Monday. I'll keep everybody updated.

Thanks for the replies.

On another note, we really are impressed by the recreation center at ST. The shaded picnic areas even have cieling fans! We were there about 11am today. Nobody was in the pool area or fitness center. I wonder if it's open yet.

If you were looking at the Sage Meadows section (60' lots), then you probably were talking to Kim H. She is my sales agent and has done a great job for us since October, when we signed the contract to build there. I would recommend her to anyone.

The pool and rec center are open. They opened in 2007. The pool is closed in the winter months, and opens sometime around Memorial Day (or so I was told). The exercise room at the rec center has 24x7 access for homeowners, who are issued a key fob which unlocks the door to allow entry whenever they want a workout. From what I have observed, the exercise room is never crowded, at least not yet, since ST is still relatively unpopulated.

Hope things work out for you to move there. It will be next month for us, and we're more than ready!

Edited by Timnwendy
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Anybody who is building an Ashton Woods home (or has built one in ST recently) be advised: your roofing shingles are made by Certainteed, and qualify you for a discount on your homeowners insurance with some carriers because of their impact-resistant quality. Now, not all insurance companies offer this discount, but I know State Farm does.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For those moving to Southern Trails: I found out how to get your key fob for the fitness center. You need to fill out a form with PCMI and they will get it to you. The catch is, they won't send you the form to fill out until they get a copy of your HUD-1 statement (from your closing). I have the fax number and a name at PCMI who will help with this. Send me a pm if you want it.

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We closed on our house yesterday. A couple of surprises I wanted to share:

1. There is an extra, one-time fee of $375 assessed by the HOA. The normal HOA dues of $750/annual are pro-rated based on your closing date.

2. My taxes were assessed at 3.556321. This is less than the 3.79 that the sales agents are showing in their literature.

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We closed on our house yesterday. A couple of surprises I wanted to share:

1. There is an extra, one-time fee of $375 assessed by the HOA. The normal HOA dues of $750/annual are pro-rated based on your closing date.

2. My taxes were assessed at 3.556321. This is less than the 3.79 that the sales agents are showing in their literature.

FYI (and thanks, Timnwendy, for suggesting we check this out), Ashton Woods is offering 20K in free upgrades at Southern Trails until the end of April. They are closing out the section near the pool/gym.

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FYI (and thanks, Timnwendy, for suggesting we check this out), Ashton Woods is offering 20K in free upgrades at Southern Trails until the end of April. They are closing out the section near the pool/gym.

That's cool. My sales agent had told me that 20K incentive package was discontinued, so I'm glad they reinstated it.

So did this help you make a decision for Southern Trails?

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Probably did not take into effect the reduction in school taxes since the information was printed.

On another note though OUCH!!! 3.55 is a lot of taxes. I live in East Pearland and our rate is about 2.8. I know you are paying MUD instead of city taxes but that rate is a killer.

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That's cool. My sales agent had told me that 20K incentive package was discontinued, so I'm glad they reinstated it.

So did this help you make a decision for Southern Trails?

Almost... we were really close to going for it, but it would still push our budget a bit too far, especially given the tax rates. I think we'll do better on the other side of the freeway. It's kind of killing me, because I really like the house & the community, but it would be extremely stupid to overextend.

Congratulations on your closing, by the way!!

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