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For what? Being humorous?

No, he'd definately still be around if humor was the criteria. His mean-spirited PM's probably caught up with him. I recieved a few over the NASCAR thread alone.

Nmainguy had personal business to take care of. Unsure what his latest situation is.

Edited by Jeebus
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You didn't see Marty's problematic posts because the mods deleted them as fast as he could write them. They went beyond inappropriate. Eventually his frustration caught up with him and he started sending vulgar and harassing PMs to the mods, me, and the other HAIFers. The fact that you didn't notice it is a good thing and shows that the mods are on their game.

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You didn't see Marty's problematic posts because the mods deleted them as fast as he could write them. They went beyond inappropriate. Eventually his frustration caught up with him and he started sending vulgar and harassing PMs to the mods, me, and the other HAIFers. The fact that you didn't notice it is a good thing and shows that the mods are on their game.

So sad when a poster just can't keep his composure online.

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So at work people "go postal".

What about when you go nuts on a messge board?

Gone Trollin?

What was the name of that major troll from the old HAIF? Remember? Some old man who thought HAIF was his personal forum for venting his frustration. I can't think of his name. Maybe we could come up with something named after him.

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  • 1 year later...
nmainguy had personal business to take care of. Unsure what his latest situation is.

OT in a dead topic, but I could not find another thread on this.

So if nmainguy is in a better place, should we have a way to memorialize his account.

It's been rather sad not knowing whether or not he is or isn't around.

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nmainguy is in a better place,

That one seemed so normal when I 1st joined then as time went on I saw him ripping into many others. It was amazing how far it would go. :mellow: I assumed he was the owner of this forum so he had "certain priviledges" to insult others on a normal basis.

Just press that button and wham! He isnt the only one of course. Maybe there should be an anger management section on Haif?

Season Greetings :)

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He was sick. Not sure whom he told how much, so I'll leave it at that. His lengthy absence has lead me to believe that he had in fact died.

I think Wayne, if it is not too hard, should create a new "tag" on profiles for deceased members. Who knows, maybe nmainguy is not the only dead HAIFer.

What was his name? Maybe we can find his obituary online.

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Gee, when a person that was known and loved on a site dies, then it is noted somehow. I remember how this site mysteriously stopped updating and links got broken, until early last year when someone came out and explained that the webmaster had died. A year later, another update was posted why most of the links were broken.

And nmainguy? Doesn't the Editor get their IP addresses?

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nmainguy is in a better place,

That one seemed so normal when I 1st joined then as time went on I saw him ripping into many others. It was amazing how far it would go. :mellow: I assumed he was the owner of this forum so he had "certain priviledges" to insult others on a normal basis.

Just press that button and wham! He isnt the only one of course. Maybe there should be an anger management section on Haif?

Season Greetings :)

You really should get over yourself. Your constant whining that others do not find you as amusing as you find yourself got old a long time ago.

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You really should get over yourself. Your constant whining that others do not find you as amusing as you find yourself got old a long time ago.

I think you're missing the point of Tolerance Bridge, Red. ^_^

Like Vert, I found nmainguy to be abrasive and mean-spirited. His death was unfortunate, but so was his life (at least through the prism of HAIF).

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Are you suggesting that I should suffer fools gladly in the name of Tolerance Bridge? Can I wait until it is built?

Nah, not really. I was just making fun of the name, given the opportunity. Perhaps you noticed, but in my second line of that post, I went on to criticize a dead guy.

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Nah, not really. I was just making fun of the name, given the opportunity. Perhaps you noticed, but in my second line of that post, I went on to criticize a dead guy.

I did notice. That is why I deleted that sentence from my reply, hoping not to get any of your bad kharma on me.

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Well, since it was drunkeness that got Marty banned, you and crunch have just masterfully manuevered the thread back on topic. We should send a PM to Marty...assuming you can PM a banned guy. May need a seance for the one that I will not name for fear of spilling bad kharma on my carpet.

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