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Weird story of the week: I came home from work last night to a voice mail from the Harris County Medical Examiner's office.


Turn out that a certain Ricardo Martinez, who has been givng out a bogus phone number to people that happens to be our home number, is the victim of a homicide.

We've been dealing with bill collectors for this dude for 3 years now. The problem is, when you cite FTC reg and tell them to stop harassing you, eventually they turn the list of deadbeats over to another collection agency, and the cycle starts all over again. Maybe now that dude is dead, we can give them the ME's case number and the calls will stop.

My next door neighbor is a deputy ME. Do you want me to ask what he died of? :)

Whoa! It just occurred to me. One neighbor is a deputy medical examiner, carving up dead bodies for a living. My other neighbor is an artist who uses cremated human remains as his medium. How creepy is THAT? :unsure:

Man, it's like D

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Today I was in the garden section of Home Depot and out of nowhere started thinking about that song "The Way" by Fastball. It was a moderate hit in the late '90s. No more than 10 minutes later it starts playing over the speakers!

Likewise, either this morning or yesterday morning, again out of nowhere, I was thinking about Olestra and how I hadn't heard anything about it in a long time and wondered if it was still being used in foods. A little while ago I was reading Ken Hoffman's column in the early edition of the Chronicle and someone wrote in asking about Olestra!

I don't like this at all.

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My next door neighbor is a deputy ME. Do you want me to ask what he died of? :)

Whoa! It just occurred to me. One neighbor is a deputy medical examiner, carving up dead bodies for a living. My other neighbor is an artist who uses cremated human remains as his medium. How creepy is THAT? :unsure:

It just occurred to you? :ph34r: I think you knew that before moving in. Freak. Halloween party at Red's!

We got them to fess up it was homicide but decided they might think it weird if we started getting too specific with our questions. So, what do you think-- percentages on gunshot vs. knife?

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It just occurred to you? :ph34r: I think you knew that before moving in. Freak. Halloween party at Red's!

We got them to fess up it was homicide but decided they might think it weird if we started getting too specific with our questions. So, what do you think-- percentages on gunshot vs. knife?

Hmmm....Hallowe'en is on a Friday this year. :o

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I was doing some shopping at the Galleria, and we saw something that made my friend Brittany say "Mama Mee moo maahh meeyyyaammi!" (from the Will Smith Song). Well we ended up going to American Apparel on Westheimer and as soon as we walked through the door, Will Smith's "Miami" was playing.


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Wow, she definitely updated it, but it lost the energy of the original.

Strange cover overall. :unsure:

Okay, I need to inject a little quality here. Here is one of the most beautiful, sad songs ever written:

Listen to it all the way through. Dude steals food for his family, gets shipped off to prison in Australia. So sad.

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012907f.jpgStoked!! Death Race is out next Friday. Jason Statham completely rocks. More shirtless, pantless scenes, please.

I actually remember Death Race 2000. Racers got points for running over pedestrians. Gotta love the 70s apocalyptic future films. statham-deathrace-fl.jpg

Edited by crunchtastic
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Yeah after seeing one of his movies, and then the same one with a different title, no way I fall for that again. Completely pointless.

pointless, yes. Cheesy, check. But it's my guilty pleasure. He must have some deal going, he's on the cover of Men's Health like 4 times a year it seems. When he is, I am the furtive woman at the magazine stand in Borders looking at the pictures. Well, me and 3 or 4 gay men. One time I made embarrassing eye contact with a guy while rifling through the magazine, so I said "I'm getting workout tips!" and we both just bust up laughing cuz we were doing the same crude ogling and nothing more.

I know you guys watch bad movies just for the eye candy, too. ;)

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pointless, yes. Cheesy, check. But it's my guilty pleasure. He must have some deal going, he's on the cover of Men's Health like 4 times a year it seems. When he is, I am the furtive woman at the magazine stand in Borders looking at the pictures. Well, me and 3 or 4 gay men. One time I made embarrassing eye contact with a guy while rifling through the magazine, so I said "I'm getting workout tips!" and we both just bust up laughing cuz we were doing the same crude ogling and nothing more.

I know you guys watch bad movies just for the eye candy, too. ;)

Damn straight I do! My eye candy just comes in a different flavor. I'm not about to claim that I don't watch things that are completely idiotic. Wait, no, I loved Wild Things for the cinematic presentation.

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Ashley Tisdale is singing now? I want to shoot the following people:

1. The idiot that licensed her cover.

2. The idiot that did the musical production (you call that music?)

3. The idiot that told her this was a good idea.

4. The idiot that didn't say "hell no" when they asked for studio time to record this.

5. The idiot that put it on a record and distributed it.

6. The idiot that took the time to encode it for YouTube.

7. The idiot @ YouTube who allowed it.

8. The idiot who lied to her and told her he had talent. I hope she is good on her knees and that is what motivated him.

9. Her.

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