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Does it bother you when 'friends' pop up from someplace like Facebook as if 20 years has not gone by and they want to just pick up where things left off? As if they never tried to contact you or see how you are doing...?

That sux.

Funny, I just logged onto facebook yesterday for the first time in 3 weeks, and there were no less than 6 of those 'friends' requesting to clutter my page. I thought about it for a bit and then ignored all of them. I really have no interest in what they are doing or thinking. If I did, I would have contacted them at some point in the 25 years since we graduated college. And, frankly, I could tell that the only reason they even thought of me was a common friend.

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Does it bother you when 'friends' pop up from someplace like Facebook as if 20 years has not gone by and they want to just pick up where things left off? As if they never tried to contact you or see how you are doing...?

That sux.

I don't have that problem (or any of the other related problems), seeing as how I'm not on Facebook. I have a phone and an e-mail address, just like damned near everybody else. If someone wants to reach me, they know how.

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I don't have that problem (or any of the other related problems), seeing as how I'm not on Facebook. I have a phone and an e-mail address, just like damned near everybody else. If someone wants to reach me, they know how.

Yeah, that's how I am starting to feel. And with all the new privacy concerns with Facebook, I am posting there less and less.

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Does it bother you when 'friends' pop up from someplace like Facebook as if 20 years has not gone by and they want to just pick up where things left off? As if they never tried to contact you or see how you are doing...?

That sux.

Reason #101 not to have a facebook page...

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Does it bother you when 'friends' pop up from someplace like Facebook as if 20 years has not gone by and they want to just pick up where things left off? As if they never tried to contact you or see how you are doing...?

That sux.

I've ignored a few requests, but I've generally allowed them. I have caught up with a number folks where contact got lazy.

I don't post that much (my life is boring) :mellow: . However, I get a good hum of lives and opinions from all over the world. Some of its trivial garbage. Some of it is enriching.

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Does it bother you when 'friends' pop up from someplace like Facebook as if 20 years has not gone by and they want to just pick up where things left off? As if they never tried to contact you or see how you are doing...?

That sux.

I'm only 22, so I haven't had folks from that far back trying to pick up where things left off. Now what sometimes gets on my nerves on Facebook is when folks you don't know that well start sending you all this crap to join groups and stuff. Sometimes I'm like "I don't know you that well. I don't want to join your political groups!"

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I'm blacklisted (banned in the worst way) from another forum and I have no idea why. I swear they ignore my letters.

...and now they finally say what happened, but accuse me of harassing them even though I only wrote once or twice without a reply.

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I need to know what is better than super glue for holding plastics. I have these sunglasses (not expensive, I just like them) that broke on the ear stick thing right by the hinge. I superglued and it held for a while but snapped right there again, then I did it again. I just like these dammit, and I need something that is so strong that the rest of the plastic is way more likely to break than the bond it makes. Oh and I guess I don't want a toxic substance that might give me ear cancer. My wife has a thing for ears.

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I need to know what is better than super glue for holding plastics. I have these sunglasses (not expensive, I just like them) that broke on the ear stick thing right by the hinge. I superglued and it held for a while but snapped right there again, then I did it again. I just like these dammit, and I need something that is so strong that the rest of the plastic is way more likely to break than the bond it makes. Oh and I guess I don't want a toxic substance that might give me ear cancer. My wife has a thing for ears.

The glasses I'm wearing at this very moment have an earpiece that is Krazy Glued to the frames in the very same place. It's lasted me day-in and day-out for about six weeks now. You might try a better brand of glue, or you might just need to be a little more careful.

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I need to know what is better than super glue for holding plastics. I have these sunglasses (not expensive, I just like them) that broke on the ear stick thing right by the hinge. I superglued and it held for a while but snapped right there again, then I did it again. I just like these dammit, and I need something that is so strong that the rest of the plastic is way more likely to break than the bond it makes. Oh and I guess I don't want a toxic substance that might give me ear cancer. My wife has a thing for ears.

Super glue again and top with duct tape.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So on my 4th time to jury duty in my 8 years here (2 municipal including this time, 2 county never getting picked), I finally got on a jury. Wow. What an incredibly huge waste of everyone's time and a lot of taxpayer money. The experience did nothing but further my belief that most people are complete idiots and contribute nothing positive to the world. I can't believe that anyone thought it was a good idea for all of those people (jury, lawyers, witnesses, judge, etc.) to spend most of a day on that crap. If the idiots of the world could manage to not act like a bunch of middle schoolers and just be adults, well, then they wouldn't be who they are, would they.

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So on my 4th time to jury duty in my 8 years here (2 municipal including this time, 2 county never getting picked), I finally got on a jury. Wow. What an incredibly huge waste of everyone's time and a lot of taxpayer money. The experience did nothing but further my belief that most people are complete idiots and contribute nothing positive to the world. I can't believe that anyone thought it was a good idea for all of those people (jury, lawyers, witnesses, judge, etc.) to spend most of a day on that crap. If the idiots of the world could manage to not act like a bunch of middle schoolers and just be adults, well, then they wouldn't be who they are, would they.


The levels of stupidity that I see, makes me wonder if society is going to survive in a way so as not to be a real life version of "Idiocracy" in the future.

Edit: Corrected my stupidity in spelling. LOL.

Edited by ricco67
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  • 3 weeks later...

The more advanced we become the more difficult it will be to survive.

That depends on what happens and how we evolve as a society.

We are either going to be further divided from a technological gap or it is going to make everything dumbed down so much that basic common sense is going to require a PhD to get as people become too reliant on it.

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I love the awesome way meat loves us back, by being so perfect.

Your meat posts are always dangerously seductive. First you remind me of the immense pleasure of sardines (prompting me to waste $4 on them that ought to have gone elsewhere), and now you're talking about lamb. ...what's next, bacon-wrapped grilled alligator tail?

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...and now they finally say what happened, but accuse me of harassing them even though I only wrote once or twice without a reply.

Turns out it was just one moderator. Things are clearing up now.


How many Wal-Marts are in Houston? Does anyone know?

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