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I once saw a self-contained carnival corn-dog frying contraption for sale at a flea market, and I can remember wondering if it was practical for my backyard.

It was not, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction for retail corndogginess.

I'm disappointed - that would have been great for happy hours!!

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I've been tossing around the ideas of bottling my own soft drinks. Not exactly the next Dr Pepper, but something reasonably tasty and local. What exactly goes in a soft drink syrup? Some sort of sugar and flavorings? Is that all?

On a related subject, are there such things as "microbottling plants"? (like "microbrewery")

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I've been tossing around the ideas of bottling my own soft drinks. Not exactly the next Dr Pepper, but something reasonably tasty and local. What exactly goes in a soft drink syrup? Some sort of sugar and flavorings? Is that all?

On a related subject, are there such things as "microbottling plants"? (like "microbrewery")

This may interest you.


Edited by JLWM8609
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With the exception of the CO2 inserter, most of those look pretty awful.

I don't want pre-made packets, I want to actually boil real sugar and stuff so it tastes like something original, not some flat knock-off of existing products.

I could buy this, available at the local Barnes & Noble for starters, though:


On a slightly related note, how far out does St. Arnold's distribute? I know I've seen it at the local Wal-Mart.

Edited by IronTiger
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From Chuck Lorre Product cards. I thought I'd share because it was just too funny.

Carl The Rooster

The day Car was made henhouse rooster had to be the proudest day of his life. Oh, how he strutted and preened outside the little hut where all the chickens lived. From the corner of his eye, he could see them nervously peeking out to see the new cock of the walk. You could hardy blame him for smiling so smugly. He knew that from that moment on, if a chicken wanted extra feed, well, she had to ask Carl. Same thing for pecking privileges in the yard. An of course, when it came time to lay eggs, the premium spots nearest the warming lamps were handed out y you-know-who. Yep, life was good for ol' Carl. Up at dawn, a loud clearing of the throat, a largely ceremonial patrol of the perimeter and then, an afternoon and evening of dolling out favors to the chicken. And the best part about it was he never had to actually ask for anything in return. He would simply tell each chicken to decide for herself what, if anything, she should give him to ensure his continued friendship. But let me tell you, it's no accident he named his rooster hut, "Casa Quid Pro Quo.' Yep, Carl had it knocked. At least until he was forced out of his job by a class-action paternity suit that was entirely without merit and probably politically motivated by bitter, eggless chickens.

I saw this at the end of Big Bang Theory and died.

How I wish I could write like him. LOL.

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With the exception of the CO2 inserter, most of those look pretty awful.

I don't want pre-made packets, I want to actually boil real sugar and stuff so it tastes like something original, not some flat knock-off of existing products.

I could buy this, available at the local Barnes & Noble for starters, though:


On a slightly related note, how far out does St. Arnold's distribute? I know I've seen it at the local Wal-Mart.

Screw DIYing soda. Try these.


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I'm sure there is a topic for this, but too lazy to look for it (and the new search just confuses me anyhow):

Favorite New TV Shows

  • Parks and Recreation (technically not new)
  • House (certainly not new either, but has me intrigued)

(Okay, so neither of those are new, but I just really started watching Parks and Recreation. Haa!)

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Revolution 9 is...trippy.

Indeed. While you're on the Beatles thing, you might download the animated movie Yellow Submarine. It gets occasional pop culture references, including a recent one on 'Superjail' (which is probably something else you ought to watch if you're into trippy things).

There are of course the old standbys such as Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and Cream. But I especially recommend The Doors, and particularly the album "American Prayer". If you're interested in Texan psychedelic rock, try the Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Janis Joplin, Bubble Puppy, and Red Krayola.

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Indeed. While you're on the Beatles thing, you might download the animated movie Yellow Submarine. It gets occasional pop culture references, including a recent one on 'Superjail' (which is probably something else you ought to watch if you're into trippy things).

There are of course the old standbys such as Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, and Cream. But I especially recommend The Doors, and particularly the album "American Prayer". If you're interested in Texan psychedelic rock, try the Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Janis Joplin, Bubble Puppy, and Red Krayola.

If we're going to recommend "trippy" movies, no list is complete without Pink Floyd's The Wall and the synchronized copy of The Wizard of Oz and The Dark Side of the Moon. Download it, IronTiger! It's a musical right of passage. You must watch those three movies.

Also, I was raised very strictly religious, and I consider my cultural awakening to be around the time Kurt Cobain and Eddie Vedder waltzed into my life. Prior to them, music for me was Amy Grant, Carmen and DC Talk. If you have any questions or recommendations for music (trippy or otherwise), I'm more than glad to ramble off a list or two. Let me know. So you know, I'm currently listening to Elliott Smith, and Calexico is on deck. Prior to that, I listened to The Mountain Goats, Kathryn Williams, The Doors, Grand Drive, Jayhawks, Buddy Guy and The Cardigans.

Edited by AtticaFlinch
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It's not THAT good...

The Beatles? They're arguably the most influential band in the history of rock and roll. They pioneered the concept of pop music as art. They created a genre. They paved the way for everybody from Andy Warhol to ZZ Top to follow them. The Beatles' White Album went 19x platinum. They must have been doing something right.

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The Beatles? They're arguably the most influential band in the history of rock and roll. They pioneered the concept of pop music as art. They created a genre. They paved the way for everybody from Andy Warhol to ZZ Top to follow them. The Beatles' White Album went 19x platinum. They must have been doing something right.

That's like saying McDonald's makes the best hamburger because they have sold billions and billions, or that Bud Light is the best beer. Now I don't mind the Beatles, but talent-wise they don't do anything for me. I appreciate more than a catchy tune in my music though, most people do not.

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That's like saying McDonald's makes the best hamburger because they have sold billions and billions, or that Bud Light is the best beer. Now I don't mind the Beatles, but talent-wise they don't do anything for me. I appreciate more than a catchy tune in my music though, most people do not.

So by your logic, since the Louvre pulls in 8.5 million visitors annually, enough to outrank all other art museums by almost double, it peddles mass-consumptive crap?

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^In all fairness, that could be a fair statement. Mass consumption isn't necessarily equated with quality (well, my interpretation of quality smile.gif).

Fair enough, but it doesn't necessarily mean that since it's enjoyed by more than a select few it's automatically tripe.

Besides, that was only one point I made. I made several other valid points speaking to the quality of the Beatles that aren't as easy to dismiss.

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Besides, that was only one point I made. I made several other valid points speaking to the quality of the Beatles that aren't as easy to dismiss.

Perhaps. The other points you made are just as subjective. My opinion is that their music was not that good. Nowhere near good. But hey, I guess one has to snort LSD or smoke weed to like certain bands/songs/genres.

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