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Pasadena Homeowner Kills Men Burglarizing Neighbor's House


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Okay, I'll drag it back on topic. :)

This is what really kinda' freaked me out about the whole situation is how it made NATIONAL news. Its been on just about every conservative TV and radio show I happened upon.

This thing really has legs. I'm amazed Mr. 10 wasn't on most of these


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Okay, I'll drag it back on topic. :)

This is what really kinda' freaked me out about the whole situation is how it made NATIONAL news. Its been on just about every conservative TV and radio show I happened upon.

This thing really has legs. I'm amazed Mr. 10 wasn't on most of these


No surprise here. It has all the elements to make for good controversy. Violence, race, immigration, death penalty, guns, organized crime, and reinforcement of a Texan stereotype.

On CNN last night, they tried to spin it on the basis of race, attempting to draw comparisons between the treatment of Joe Horn in TX (white vigilante) and some other guy in NYC (black vigilante), without accounting almost at all for the fact that state laws are a world apart from one another.

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One of them, identified by the police as Hernando Torres, a k a Miguel Antonio DeJesus, 38, was found across the street beside a sleigh and a Santa cow with a sign, "Have a Moo-ry Christmas," at the house of a Pasadena police officer.

How is that even relevant to the story? Leave it to the NY Times to portray us poor backwards Texans as simple country folk. I'm surprised they didn't say Joe Horn got on his horse and rode off into the sunset after the incident was over.

Stupid New Yorkers.

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How is that even relevant to the story? Leave it to the NY Times to portray us poor backwards Texans as simple country folk. I'm surprised they didn't say Joe Horn got on his horse and rode off into the sunset after the incident was over.

Stupid New Yorkers.

I thought the Santa cow was a great touch. A Pasadena cop had his Christmas decorations up before November 14th!

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How is that even relevant to the story? Leave it to the NY Times to portray us poor backwards Texans as simple country folk. I'm surprised they didn't say Joe Horn got on his horse and rode off into the sunset after the incident was over.

Stupid New Yorkers.

I agree. all they had to do was mention that it in a yard, the mention of the decoration was just a bit of sensational writing.

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  • 1 month later...

And where is Mr Quannell X and the so called devastated fiance of the perp who's life's cause was going to see justice serve on Joe Horn? The cameras and hoopla went away and so did they. Off to find another camera to get his face on, and I'm sure she's got someone else's ring on by now. It was all a bunch of crap to begin with. I'd be willing to bet she was dug up by Quannell X to portray to victim, and shed a tear on cue, all part of the grand illusion.

It was suppose to fizzle out. Media flash fires always do. If it were something of real substance it would have been going on for months and months. They have moved on to the DA's email box and the Judge's suspicious fires of his own. More sensationalism at it's finest. The so called news media is nothing more than a buzzard waiting on it's next meal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Douchebag.............and a number of other things can describe Quannel............what a freakin' joke everytime him and his "militia" wannabe brothers and their berets..........such a joke.

If he truly wants to gain more respect...........he needs to stand up for a white man in a case. Rather than always seem to take the side of the black man.

Kind of funny.............when the news was reporting on this story here at work.........I ahd one of my employees (who is black) say, "doesn't he know those two guys aren't black?"

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  • 4 months later...

Here's the latest:



District Attorney Kenneth Magidson issued the following statement regarding the decision of a Harris County grand jury to no-bill Joe Horn:

In June, after the conclusion of a long and exhaustive investigation by the City of Pasadena Police Department into the deaths of Hernando Riascos Torres and Diego Ortiz on November 14, 2007, our office presented the results of that investigation and all relevant witnesses to a Harris County grand jury for them to determine whether any criminal offense had been committed by Joe Horn, in relation to their deaths. Today, having heard and considered all of the law and evidence, the grand jury no-billed Joe Horn.

Although, by state law, I cannot discuss the actual proceedings in the grand jury, I can tell you that the grand jury conducted a thorough review of the evidence and testimony. They considered the relevant criminal statutes in Texas, including those pertaining to homicide, use of deadly force, self-defense, and defense of property. In short, before making their decision, they were as well-informed on the facts and circumstances of this case as any deliberative body could be.

I also understand the concerns of some in the community regarding Mr. Horn's conduct. The use of deadly force is carefully limited in Texas law to certain circumstances, and each case stands or falls on its particular facts.

This office will continue to aggressively prosecute anyone who illegally engages in the use of force, deadly or otherwise, against another. In this case, however, the grand jury concluded that Mr. Horn's use of deadly force did not rise to a criminal offense.

As independent decision-makers of probable cause in our most serious criminal cases, the grand jurors deserve our deference and respect for their role in our criminal justice system.

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I think Mr. Horn is probably gonna eventually sell his house and move. Also, he might not live that long with all the stress and possibly even more stress down the road.

I thought I read somewhere that he was already living somewhere else ... like Florida or something.

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I thought I read somewhere that he was already living somewhere else ... like Florida or something.

Witness Protection Program? :mellow: He will need it.

I would not even want to be standing near that man. His guilt will destroy him. No mercy here.

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