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Liberal Dinks Welcome In The Woodlands


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how can you be bored? <_<

do you run/walk/bike? the symphony has free lawn seats this friday, buy a bottle of wine and enjoy the breeze while the sun sets behind the trees. or how about a concert at north shore park, the fall series begins this weekend or next. have you tried the mojitos at tommy bahamas? yum. do you like kids? ;) there are school plays and sports events almost every night of the week. it can be fun if you have the right attitude. there is a new yoga center open to the public in town center if you're into that. do you read the villager? the diversions section has all kinds of local community type events. once again, it requires a certain attitude. also, houstonian light should be opening this fall in the marriott. treat yourself to a spa day. if you have the means, do it every week. there are cooking classes, hell, there are hundreds of interesting non credit classes through north harris montgomery. do you go to church? churches like fellowship of the woodlands have very non sermon like "presentations". also, they are short and sweet. there are so many more things to do here i'd have to be unemployed to do everything i want to do.

i truly wish you were enjoying the woodlands more katydidit. :)

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how can you be bored?  <_<

do you run/walk/bike?  the symphony has free lawn seats this friday, buy a bottle of wine and enjoy the breeze while the sun sets behind the trees.  or how about a concert at north shore park, the fall series begins this weekend or next.  have you tried the mojitos at tommy bahamas?  yum.  do you like kids?  ;)  there are school plays and sports events almost every night of the week.  it can be fun if you have the right attitude.  there is a new yoga center open to the public in town center if you're into that.  do you read the villager?  the diversions section has all kinds of local community type events.  once again, it requires a certain attitude.  also, houstonian light should be opening this fall in the marriott.  treat yourself to a spa day.  if you have the means, do it every week.  there are cooking classes, hell, there are hundreds of interesting non credit classes through north harris montgomery.  do you go to church?  churches like fellowship of the woodlands have very non sermon like "presentations".  also, they are short and sweet.  there are so many more things to do here i'd have to be unemployed to do everything i want to do.

i truly wish you were enjoying the woodlands more katydidit.    :)

KatieDidIt, after reading that post, I sure feel for you.

And, whoever said the Woodlands is middle of the road, is nuts...unless middle of the road means you like ALL of the talk show hosts on FoxNews.

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thanks for the bio, katydidit. i understand you better now. i too, at times, wish for restaurants without tons of families or a quiet hole in the wall where i can visit with a friend or read a book. none of that out here. i plan to check out the new wine bar "cru" at market street. i'm hoping for a more adult environment there. :)

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thanks for the bio, katydidit.  i understand you better now.  i too, at times, wish for restaurants without tons of families or a quiet hole in the wall where i can visit with a friend or read a book.  none of that out here.  i plan to check out the new wine bar "cru" at market street.  i'm hoping for a more adult environment there.  :)

bach, The one is Dallas is pretty good. I have heard the one in Chicago isn't. Haven't heard about the others. Hopefully this one will be good for you.

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how can you be bored?  <_<

do you run/walk/bike?  the symphony has free lawn seats this friday, buy a bottle of wine and enjoy the breeze while the sun sets behind the trees.  or how about a concert at north shore park, the fall series begins this weekend or next.  have you tried the mojitos at tommy bahamas?  yum.  do you like kids?  ;)  there are school plays and sports events almost every night of the week.  it can be fun if you have the right attitude.  there is a new yoga center open to the public in town center if you're into that.  do you read the villager?  the diversions section has all kinds of local community type events.  once again, it requires a certain attitude.  also, houstonian light should be opening this fall in the marriott.  treat yourself to a spa day.  if you have the means, do it every week.  there are cooking classes, hell, there are hundreds of interesting non credit classes through north harris montgomery.  do you go to church?  churches like fellowship of the woodlands have very non sermon like "presentations".  also, they are short and sweet.  there are so many more things to do here i'd have to be unemployed to do everything i want to do.

i truly wish you were enjoying the woodlands more katydidit.    :)

Do you world class opera? Ballet? Drag shows? Biker bars? Gay bars? Jazz bars?

Do you have a Unitarian Congregation-"Gay Marrige is a right-not a privledge"?-church? Just wondering...


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we had one HGO performance this summer. we have REAL biker bars in magnolia. ;) i know of one unitarian congregation (in grogan's mill i think). we still have a ways to go with the jazz scene (we did have a spring/summer jazz series at market street on thursday nights). the line up included several well known jazz artists who play in houston regularly. as far as i know there aren't any gay or drag bars here. OH, you mean biker/leather bars? :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Being gay and voting Republican? The party that want's to legislate you out of existence?

How's that working out for you, Bud?


I network with a lot of people, a lot of them are gay men. Beleive it or not a lot of gay men are republican. Some factors are that they are self employed (nice living), educated, and usualy undertstand reality of life and are not blinded by hate. They form an opinion on many issues based on facts and not dwell on one manipulated area. As far as gay women I have dealt with, most of them have a chip on their shoulder and are blinded liberals except the few proffesionals, lawyers, reps of companies, that I have dealt with. Basicly over all you figure out if some one works hard for a living and doesn't ask for a hand-out or your work your way up to have a succesful life your Republican (not it all cases but most).

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I network with a lot of people, a lot of them are gay men. Beleive it or not a lot of gay men are republican. Some factors are that they are self employed (nice living), educated, and usualy undertstand reality of life and are not blinded by hate. They form an opinion on many issues based on facts and not dwell on one manipulated area. As far as gay women I have dealt with, most of them have a chip on their shoulder and are blinded liberals except the few proffesionals, lawyers, reps of companies, that I have dealt with. Basicly over all you figure out if some one works hard for a living and doesn't ask for a hand-out or your work your way up to have a succesful life your Republican (not it all cases but most).

This sounds like a defintion of liberal. The Republican party is not blinded by hate? Proposition 2 is not a hate-filled referendum?

BTW, I have met a grand total of TWO gay Republicans in my life...one of them on this board. I wouldn't call that a lot.

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I network with a lot of people, a lot of them are gay men. Beleive it or not a lot of gay men are republican. Some factors are that they are self employed (nice living), educated, and usualy undertstand reality of life and are not blinded by hate. They form an opinion on many issues based on facts and not dwell on one manipulated area. As far as gay women I have dealt with, most of them have a chip on their shoulder and are blinded liberals except the few proffesionals, lawyers, reps of companies, that I have dealt with. Basicly over all you figure out if some one works hard for a living and doesn't ask for a hand-out or your work your way up to have a succesful life your Republican (not it all cases but most).

Gee, what a bizarre statement. I don't know where to begin. "blinded by hate"? Prop. 2-the Republican version of compassionate conservatism.

However many gay men you know who are republican-well that's nice for you, I guess. But the reality is the Republican platform includes planks that call for the specific EXCLUSION of gays from mainstream life.

In my book, no amount of "(nice living)" could ever allow me to subjugate my self respect to an organization which clearly wants me to go into a dark closet, close the door and never come out.

Ethanra: I suggest you go back, review your post and take note of your blind alliegence to a party-that incidentally in today's WSJ poll shows the President with a whopping 2% support amoung blacks-is nothing but exclusive, at the expense of all else.

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come on people. maybe we should have a thread for gay political issues. or, maybe keep the arguments about those mean republicans and dastardly liberals to the way off section.

now, before i make a statement that continues the back-and-forth on prop 2 or log cabin republicans, i'll find the thread someone started on prop 2 and make my opinion known there. :)

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