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Ivy Russell Ford Building At 1102 Yale St.


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Anyone know what's going on with the abandoned building on the southeast corner of 20th and Yale? A few weeks ago a sign went up on the building about a notice of variance request from the city. That's a prime commercial location in the Heights. . .at the northern end of Heights Boulevard.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Update. . .this month's Heights Association newsletter mentions that CVS is going up on the lot. According to the newsletter blurb, CVS worked with the association to create a store design that was more pedestrian friendly.

I had heard a few years ago that Walgreens wanted to put a new store on the block, but that their store design had the loading dock facing Heights Boulevard. The association tried to get them to change the design, but Walgreens refused, so the association protested permits with the city and eventually stopped the store.

I know CVS got a bad rap for the Midtown store, but they should be credited for working with the Heights association to adapt their building to our neighborhood. Walgreens will probably regret not working with the association and letting their biggest competitor come in across the street.

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yeah, now that eckerd is owned by CVS, they are really redundant and it won't be long before some of their stores start to close; between the operating costs and having two locations cannibalizing each other's business.

i remember shell gas stations almost on top of one another a few years ago and then all of a sudden alot were closed and some torn down and replaced by...none other than a drug store.

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  • 2 months later...

That Eckard's has already been turned into a CVS. The signage is up and everything. It seems absurb to have two stores that close. I am sure they will shut one of them down as soon as they drive the Walgreen's at 19th St out of business. Then we will have two empty buildings instead of the one!!!! Ah, progress

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Thanks for the historical info Heights2Bastrop!

As for the eckerds-now-CVS on 11th and Yale, I would speculate that CVS will shutter it when it gets its new store up and running on 20th. Bad for me. . . it's an easy walk from my house.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hopefully someone will want to use the facility for something. The eckerds at Washington and Shepherd was changed to a CVS as CVS was completing there store down the block at Washington and TC Jester.

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Hopefully someone will want to use the facility for something.  The eckerds at Washington and Shepherd

That's a really cool deco building, and I wish they'd take better care of it....its quite an eyesore....the pawn shop across the way is another neglected deco building....either one would be great redone as a little grocery.

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Guest danax
That's a really cool deco building, and I wish they'd take better care of it....its quite an eyesore....the pawn shop across the way is another neglected deco building....either one would be great redone as a little grocery.

Yeah, they made no attempt to show off the deco features. That neighborhood has changed from a dumpy one to a decent one so maybe we'll see something better next time around.

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The building at Washington and Shepherd used to be a Weingarten's grocery store. The building was unusual for Houston in that it had a basement with the stairs right in the middle of the store. Every time I pass that place I wonder if the basement is still there. But then, why wouldn

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The CVS location at 11th and Yale (the old Eckerds) now has a for sale/"call for information" sign.  CVS will definitely close the old location.

You'd never know to look at it, but that CVS building was at one point a nice art-deco styled building for a car dealer (Ivy-Russell Ford).

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The building at Washington and Shepherd used to be a Weingarten's grocery store. The building was unusual for Houston in that it had a basement with the stairs right in the middle of the store. Every time I pass that place I wonder if the basement is still there. But then, why wouldn
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It would be great to do a project where you collect together images of all the everyday stores in Houston from back in the day... the grocery stores, the car dealerships, gas stations, pharmacies, cafeterias, produce markets, hamburger stands, dry goods stores, etc. Put ads in papers and at libraries requesting photos. Comb through newspaper archives. Just try to reconstruct the everyday landscape of Houston, and put it all together on a massive, interactive website. People could click on an area and see, for example, what Washington Ave. looked like fifty years ago, what stores were around there, what it felt like to live near there, etc.

Something like this could be incredibly instructive for how the city's landscape has changed, what has been gained and lost. This city probably has the most fluid landscape in America; an attempt to pin it down at some point in that flux and open up to modern eyes what it used to be could make for a great lesson in American culture. Call it "Houston 1950." Then maybe expand it to include other decades. Who knows.

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It would be great to do a project where you collect together images of all the everyday stores in Houston from back in the day... the grocery stores, the car dealerships, gas stations, pharmacies, cafeterias, produce markets, hamburger stands, dry goods stores, etc.  Put ads in papers and at libraries requesting photos.  Comb through newspaper archives.  Just try to reconstruct the everyday landscape of Houston, and put it all together on a massive, interactive website.  People could click on an area and see, for example, what Washington Ave. looked like fifty years ago, what stores were around there, what it felt like to live near there, etc.

Something like this could be incredibly instructive for how the city's landscape has changed, what has been gained and lost.  This city probably has the most fluid landscape in America; an attempt to pin it down at some point in that flux and open up to modern eyes what it used to be could make for a great lesson in American culture.  Call it "Houston 1950."  Then maybe expand it to include other decades.  Who knows.

That's really a cool idea. It was interesting to see the list of businesses on South Main that SpaceAge posted, compared to how it is now.

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The CVS at 11th and Yale has had HVAC problems for something like 2 months. I asked the girl at the counter if they were just going to ignore that store until the new one opened and she said that the repair techs were in there earlier that day and that they had said that the A/C was very close to combustion, but that they fixed it. It was probably about 80 degrees inside the store at this time - very unpleasant.

So I asked her when they were moving in to the new store and she said late June/ early July - so that's what like 9-11 weeks from now.

I'll miss being able to walk over there and back to the house in 20 minutes, but I'll be relieved when they finally start fully stocking a Heights area store.

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I'll miss the easy walk as well, and AMEN on finally getting a fully stocked store.

The corner of Yale and 11th would be the perfect location for a Starbuc. . . oh, wait, nevermind. Heights Association has already chased them off. . .

{Dear HHA: you do a lot of great stuff for the neighborhood, and I appreciate you, but why can't we have one measly Starbucks for Pete's sake?!?!?}

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  • 2 months later...
I'll miss the easy walk as well, and AMEN on finally getting a fully stocked store.

The corner of Yale and 11th would be the perfect location for a Starbuc. . . oh, wait, nevermind.  Heights Association has already chased them off. . .

{Dear HHA:  you do a lot of great stuff for the neighborhood, and I appreciate you, but why can't we have one measly Starbucks for Pete's sake?!?!?}

Isn't the reason HHA got so riled up is that they only wanted one measly Starbucks, Starbucks wanted to put in two?

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  • 2 years later...

Drove by the closed drug store on Yale at 11th today and saw that they have partially uncovered some of the old signage on the building. Most apparent were the signs for the "Big Bonus Stamps" redemption center. But, underneath, there were also traces of the old Ivy-Russell Ford signs. Thought others might want to see.

Subdude previously posted this picture of Ivy-Russell Ford:


Here are a few of the photos I took today:




And a photo of what I guess were "Big Bonus Stamps":


Edited by tmariar
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