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Heritage Plaza: Office Skyscraper At 1111 Bagby St.


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My dreams are smaller than yours. I always wanted to buy one of those old 2-3 story buildings that look like they are built on stilts. Underneath is parking and then there is 10-20k SF of rental space. These are usually class C buildings. My goal was to gut it and turn it into a party house. Plenty of parking for the guest and plenty of open space for Disco dancing, hot tubbing, and break dancing. It would have rocked. Too bad I grew up and never made it rich. :D

I want the Venture Inn building on Main, gut it and make it my home! :D


Edited by nmainguy
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My dreams are smaller than yours. I always wanted to buy one of those old 2-3 story buildings that look like they are built on stilts. Underneath is parking and then there is 10-20k SF of rental space. These are usually class C buildings. My goal was to gut it and turn it into a party house. Plenty of parking for the guest and plenty of open space for Disco dancing, hot tubbing, and break dancing. It would have rocked. Too bad I grew up and never made it rich. :D

me too!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
I can't say it is ugly or beautiful. It is there. I do remember and think that if it were built on another block, that I'd like it better. Seems to hide a magnificent view of downtown's other buildings somehow. Oh, well, let's don't worry about it. :closedeyes:

Sorry I'm "worrying" about it. My mistake, I thought this was an architecutural forum and I was positing in a thread that was discussing archietecture. I apologize for my misunderstanding.

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Sorry I'm "worrying" about it. My mistake, I thought this was an architecutural forum and I was positing in a thread that was discussing archietecture. I apologize for my misunderstanding.

i don't think that was said towards you fella...

your comments are welcome, of course. :mellow:

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The Houston Business Journal mentioned that Ken Lay had his office on the 50th floor, which I think is the top. His desk was positioned to face the old Enron building, probably to remind him of his glory days.

Nobody lives at the top of the Heritage Plaza building. The highest floor is 51 and it is vacant, along with 50. Ken Lay had an office on 49. I think is step-son has a company on that floor. One floor below, on 48 are the law offices of Learach Coughlin who are running the class action suit against Enron.

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I can never decide how I feel about this building. I think the concept is interesting. I think it might look better if the glass were a different color.

What color would look better on it? Its grown on me so much that I can't imagine it any other hue or tint.

A black & mysterious at night.

A deep blue if viewed above the horizon line, even in broad daylight.

A medium blue in the morning

Reflects & blends cloudwhite to skyblue at noon.

A dull color when it rains.

A lighter blue at sunset, then continues tinting darking past sunset. And if the clouds turn pink, orange, and red at dusk, so does the facade.

Although, I think the same could be achieved in a green.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry I'm "worrying" about it. My mistake, I thought this was an architecutural forum and I was positing in a thread that was discussing archietecture. I apologize for my misunderstanding.

I meant for me "I'm not going to worry about it." Just a phrase. Certainly not mentioned for your post. I'm sorry about how I worded my post. I meant, I wish it would have been built in another block somewhere downtown, but I can't worry about that now because it is done. It isn't ugly. And, yes, troyboy, you are definitely important to the forum with your comments and thoughts. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Sitting here @ Julia's place in the city and just returned from a walk about the Heritage Plaza. Could find no graphics for an address on either the Bagby or Dallas/Brazos entrance. The main entrance faces Dallas/Brazos @ an angle. The foot print for the bldg. as it occupies the entire block {except for a very small section on the N/E quadrant, which houses the old historical Farm Credit Banks (3)} is Bagby to the west, Brazos to the east, Dallas to the south & Lamar to the north.

Went into the lobby and headed straight for the bldg. directory. Only 36 names w/floor and suite #'s were listed for a 55 story bldg. Now I realize that there will be some % of vacancy but w/only 36 tenants listed, they either occupy some huge square footage for office space or multiple floors.

Also noticed the vast open areas of both square and cubic footage for lobby/mezzanine areas. I'm sure same applies to upper levels. Do not know short history of bldg. but the only noticeable graphis are Heritage Plaza. And as I stood outside on the east side of Brazos look'n up, that is 1 very tall bldg. Yesterday I went up to the 59th floor of Wells Fargo to the observation area and @ that elevation you get a very good perspective of heigth.

Another bldg. w/vast open areas @ ground level anyway is B of A. Whew, I do mean vast. But soime of it functions as a working environment of a bank. Latter this morn I will be trodding on north to Chase to tour there observation area @ 70th floor, so I'm told.

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Most of the building was occupied by Texaco and later Chevron. Chevron moved out in 2003 or 2004 which left most of the building vacant. Last year EOG moved in to several of the foors in the 30's. I think later this year Deloit is moving into several floors. At that point most of the building will be occupied. Last year the Plaza (ground floor) and the sky lobby were remodeled. Floors 2-12 are parking and a new parking garage is being built at the opposite corner of Bagby & Dallas which will be connected to Heritage Plaza by a tunnel.

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  • 6 months later...

Building in HDR, originally uploaded by I-SEEN-IT.
This picture shows off the abilities of digital photography and glass curtain walls. The clouds just continue across elements from air to earth and back to air.

Thanks to I-SEEN-IT for the photo from the HAIF Flickr group. It's his first attempt at HDR (high dynamic range) photography.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
Looks like some big company is burning the midnight oil at Heritage Plaza.

Actually, that kind of situation where they light up several contiguous floors at once typically signals a recent vacancy. My guess is that was formerly Chevron's space before they moved into the former Enron buildings.

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Actually, that kind of situation where they light up several contiguous floors at once typically signals a recent vacancy. My guess is that was formerly Chevron's space before they moved into the former Enron buildings.

Nah, Chevron has been totally out of there for quite some time. I ought to know, I supported all the Chevron printers.

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