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Astrodome History At 8400 Kirby Dr.


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Some people have suggested that the cops in Texas will shoot first and ask questions afterward. That may or may not be true. But it does seem that the powers what be here have decided to do what they can for as many victims as they can, then worry about the economic impact later.

Do you agree?

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Some people have suggested that the cops in Texas will shoot first and ask questions afterward. That may or may not be true. But it does seem that the powers what be here have decided to do what they can for as many victims as they can, then worry about the economic impact later.

Do you agree?

Since when does humanitarian aid authorize the suspension of our civil rights?

Also, how would the cops know they were shooting refugees? Will they have signs on their backs?

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Since when does humanitarian aid authorize the suspension of our civil rights?

Also, how would the cops know they were shooting refugees? Will they have signs on their backs?

OK, I give up. What are you talking about? Who said anything about shooting refugees? I was talking about the general conception people have of law enforcement in Texas.
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This topic is about the refugees in the Astrodome? Who else could you have been talking about? And what in your post suggested otherwise?

While Houston and Harris County have a reputation for being trigger happy, there should be no expectation that they should lower their standards now. It's not like Houston and Harris County never had to deal with the criminal element prior to today.

These officials are well aware of the possibilities. They are not going to let a few thugs ruin a wonderful humanitarian effort. Our jails hold all criminals...including those from Louisiana.

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This topic is about the refugees in the Astrodome? Who else could you have been talking about? And what in your post suggested otherwise?

While Houston and Harris County have a reputation for being trigger happy, there should be no expectation that they should lower their standards now. It's not like Houston and Harris County never had to deal with the criminal element prior to today.

These officials are well aware of the possibilities. They are not going to let a few thugs ruin a wonderful humanitarian effort. Our jails hold all criminals...including those from Louisiana.

Maybe you should just read my post rather than read things into it. Your posts are simply too defensive to respond to.
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Quite a few cars have been broken into and stolen near the astrodome today. TMC is beefing up its parking lot security. Many more petty crimes in a neighborhood that is no stranger to the like. The HPD scanner is absolutely going nuts right now. It saddens me to see the chaos spill outside of the Astrodome. :(

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How about the "Oasis of Love?"  It's a church that seats 50,000.  Isn't this exactly the sort of things that churches get involved in?  The regular parishoners can just watch Joel on TV, freeing up the space for people who need it.

All joking aside, you bring up a valid point. I have not heard word one from Lakewood or 2nd Baptist. These churches have a real opportunity to give back and it seems to me they are being conveinantly quiet. TO be honest it pisses me off.

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Lakewood Church is working in cooperation with Mayor Bill White, the City of Houston, local churches and numerous relief organizations to provide the much needed assistance to thousands of refugees in Houston and throughout the greater Gulf Coast region.


Praise Money! God LOVES money! God loves GOLD!

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Lakewood Church is working in cooperation with Mayor Bill White, the City of Houston, local churches and numerous relief organizations to provide the much needed assistance to thousands of refugees in Houston and throughout the greater Gulf Coast region.


Praise Money!  God LOVES money!  God loves GOLD!

He sure does like it. So do I. Loving it is what gets us in trouble.

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All joking aside,  you bring up a valid point.  I have not heard word one from Lakewood or 2nd Baptist.  These churches have a real opportunity to give back and it seems to me they are being conveinantly quiet.    TO be honest it pisses me off.

Uhhh...Second Baptist? I'm not sure they'll be able to accommodate any extras this weekend. I understand there's a Christian Young Republican Professional's Mixer Slumber Party Saturday night. It just wouldn't be right to dissapoint all those

Christian Young Republican Professionals who have worked so hard to make this event a Dream Come True!

On the other hand, I've heard through the grapevine Lakewood is quietly behind the scenes providing $$, food, clothing, support, medical assistance, transportation, etc...what's up with that???

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" I've heard through the grapevine Lakewood is quietly behind the scenes providing $$, food, clothing, support, medical assistance, transportation, etc..."

i remember when lakewood church became a shelter during the allison flood. some people said they only did for the media attention. people believe what they want to believe. just because someone doesn't sound a trumpet or alert the media doesn't mean they are not giving. the more important question is, what am i doing? because that is the only thing you can do something about.

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DATE: 9/2/2005


To: Houston Regional Media Outlets

FROM: Robert Eckels, County Judge

CONTACT NAME: Joint Information Center

News Release

Date: September 2, 2005

Release: Immediate

The Astrodome site is not turning away evacuees. The gates are open. When a bus arrives, medical personnel board the bus and determine the medical needs of the persons on board. They are then unloaded and given food and water.

We currently have approximately 18,000 evacuees on site- 15,000 in the Astrodome and 3,000 in the Reliant Arena. The Reliant Arena is a temporary shelter, a transitional site. Its purpose is to assess the medical needs of the evacuees and provide food and water. They will be sent to another shelter as soon as the location of the shelter has been determined.

Reliant Center is now being used as a shelter. Reliant Center can hold approximately 11,000 people. The George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston will open as a shelter in the immediate future.

Reliant Stadium is not being used as a shelter. The Houston Texans will play football in Reliant Stadium unaffected by the operations in the Astrodome, Reliant Center, and Reliant Arena.

Dallas and San Antonio shelters are open. Dallas can accommodate 12,500 in several shelters set up in the city. San Antonio can accommodate 25,000 evacuees in several shelters set up in the city.

The Houston area does not expect large numbers of evacuees to continue to flood the area. The Unified Command is currently developing plans to process the evacuees and determine their final destination.

Consideration is being made to send some of the overflow to shelters in Dallas, San Antonio, and Huntsville.

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If you read the newspaper, you will see that Lakewood and 2nd Baptist are both involved in incredible relief efforts. 2nd Baptist, specifically, is hosting an enormous training for volunteers today, along with the usual food and clothing drives. First Baptist also has massive efforts underway. I don't go to any of these churches, so you can apologize to them for your cynicism and hateful slander.

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Buzz Index - Top Yahoo! Web Searches

#1 on the movers list:

Saturday September 3, 2005

Today's Top Movers


Rank Subject 1-Day Move

1 Houston Astrodome Breakout!

2 Scolopendra Gigantea Breakout!

3 Gas Shortage +1562.96%

4 2006 Honda Accord +1539.74%

5 Clive Owen +744.46%

6 Indira Varma +507.21%

7 2006 Dodge Charger +496.05%

8 Eva Longoria +479.97%

9 Ellen Barkin +449.01%

10 Tropical Storm Lee +430.97%

11 New Orleans Population +352.39%

12 Prince Charles +348.76%

13 Illinois Gas Prices +347.08%

14 Baghdad +346.23%

15 Polly Walker +334.61%


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If 250,000 people from Louisiana are in Texas now, and the city and metro of New Orleans has 1.5 million people, where are the rest of the 1 and a quarter million people from that area at? Thats kind of weird because they say Texas has most of the people, even more than Louisiana, and not to many other states have people. So can someone explain?

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If 250,000 people from Louisiana are in Texas now, and the city and metro of New Orleans has 1.5 million people, where are the rest of the 1 and a quarter million people from that area at? Thats kind of weird because they say Texas has most of the people, even more than Louisiana, and not to many other states have people. So can someone explain?

Yes, I saw a breakdown of which states took how many refugees (I will continue to call them refugees because it is ACTUALLY correct, not POLITICALLY correct). Yes, Texas took the most from Louisiana. But a lot of them are also in northern Louisiana and Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee. I was surprised to see 2,500 or so are bound for Michigan. Illinois has like 500 or so, and even New York and West Virginia are taking in some people. I think I'd rather live in the Astrodome than West Virginia.

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OOH, you know what this means- 20,000 free new cars!

*runs to the Astrodome* :lol:

Lets just wish Hermes at the Pavillion or for that matter any store at The Galleria is not having a Private Event.... LMAO

JPJP......Nah I'm kiddin Hopefully she'll help them people out and hopefully she'll sent a message to America so every one can see this is real serios.....

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