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Astrodome History At 8400 Kirby Dr.


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OOH, you know what this means- 20,000 free new cars!

*runs to the Astrodome* :lol:


Seriously, welcome Oprah, and Dr. Phil (who's also there helping out), and to the other celebrities and Houstonians lending a helping hand in this time of need.

I hope they both do a follow-up episode in a year on the evacuees bouncing back.

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According to a Canadian site, Oprah will be hosting her show live today from the Astrodome (I thought she taped it yesterday). So I guess the N.O. footage shown in the promo will be part of this show. We'll know for sure when it airs today.

Canadian site:


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"Live" depends on what station you watch. Most stations show Oprah at 4pm. Some (including her flagship) show her at 9am. I don't know which will be the actual "live."
It will run live at the 4pm timeslot.

It was preplayed at 9 this morning.

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I think more celebrities need to pitch in. Not just send money and get their face on TV or name in the paper, but actually get in there wearing t-shirts and jeans and physically helping out like Macy Grey, but without cameras and publicity so the whole world can see what wonderful people they are. I'd also like celebrities open a wing of their mansion and house a family. I saw a local woman, an ordinary woman, on TV opening her home to a family of complete strangers. Sting, among many other celebrities, have multiple mansions scattered around the world. Donate one to a large extended family.

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i'm not a big fan of oprah, but this will be a good thing. i saw of a clip of the show on channel 11 news over lunch, she had some great things to say about houston. also, as mentioned, she has quite a following and shooting the show is probably the best way to get an emotional reaction out of her viewers. she definitely knows what she's doing.

also, she's probably a face of hope to many in the dome.

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Midtown, I understand your cynicism, and I probably agree with you that Oprah gets a lot of free publicity over this, which can be looked on with distaste from a distance. But, Oprah is also one of the biggest celebrities out there. As much as she takes out of the deal, she gives so much more. If nothing else, it gives the people there a diversion from the cold hard facts of life they are living right now, and gives them something to think and talk about that doesn't have to do with the storm.

If the Dome was filled with republicans and Rush decided to drop in for a visit, would you be saying the same thing?

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Also, many of these people spent the better part of the past week thinking everyone forgot about them. Oprah stopping by lets them know that they haven't been forgotten. Trust me, as someone whose wife adores Oprah, having Oprah tell her legions of fans how great Houston is for doing this is advertisment the city couldn't buy with all the money in the world.

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If the Dome was filled with republicans and Rush decided to drop in for a visit, would you be saying the same thing?

This is the most asinine thing I have ever read on this board. An entire thread without politics until you post this little gem.

Where did I mention party affiliation?


All I am saying is Oprah could have done this show from Chicago. Jetting her big but all across the country is a waste of money. I mean, do we REALLY need to see her flying over New Orleans?

Do Oprah fans actually watch the news, or do they live in little cocoons and get all their news from Oprah?

Double sheesh!

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Sorry, Coog, and all the others, but this aint about you or your opinions. I don't watch the big O either, but there are 25,000 people in Houston right now that think the world of a woman who was basically just like them, and pulled herself up and became a bigshot.

She has legions of caring fans who will jump all over a cause, just because she thinks it's important. So, if she wants to come and help out, more power to her. We can use the help, because from what I'm reading on this board, not enough are.

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lisa ling did a segment for the oprah show today. she wondered that if it were white neighborhoods would the rescues have happened sooner. unbelievable. i can't believe that people actually think that that is an issue. over 50% of NO is african american and a large part of the population is below the poverty level. the circumstances are unfortunate. trying to place blame is counterproductive at this point. :angry:

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I watched her show. The first few minutes had me in tears. The segment with the police really tore my Heart out. Showing the dead bodies was very disturbing, but very necessary. Lisa The Airhead Ling was a joke. Some of the guests seemed a bit self-serving (McConaughey). Others did a great job of showing the reality and scope of the disaster.

The most startling part was the stories of those trapped at the Superdome and Convention Center, not because of their hunger and thirst, but the horror stories of the armed thugs that terrorized the evacuees, both Black and White alike. The killing and beating and raping of the people was apparently very widespread.

The part with Mayor Naggin

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having Oprah tell her legions of fans how great Houston is for doing this is advertisment the city couldn't buy with all the money in the world.

not that this matters, but they didn't really mention anything about houston and how much we're helping other then the fact that we have people in the dome. and they showed a cowboy (of course, since that's all we have here) taking in a family at the end.

but they did show a lot of stuff not seen on the news that was unreal.

hopefully she will draw her viewers in for support, which is really the important thing.

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