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Astrodome History At 8400 Kirby Dr.


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I was stuck in line at Time Warner getting a new box today; so of course they had the show on.

With Oprah, I can deal.

But she did show exactly what I did not want to see:

*The road trip with Matthew Mc. to the rescue.

*That one crazy WB due in the shelter handing out sandwiches.

*And the fact that people rely on Oprah for justifcation.

*That staged reunion.

But if it helps people donate, I suppose it's OK. But I hope they are not that touch out of reality to have Oprah be their world.

But my family did our part for contributions.

Did you?

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I really wish they hadn't felt the need to show death in detail. Bloated bodies and all. That disturbed me.

Lisa Ling's comment irritated and offended me. If we had been in the same room, I would have slapped her. What does she do now anyway? She's no longer on "The View".

She is having another show tomorrow in Houston.

Are you sure? I hadn't heard that. She was here for two days already. I thought she's going to be somewhere else.

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I really wish they hadn't felt the need to show death in detail. Bloated bodies and all. That disturbed me.

Lisa Ling's comment irritated and offended me.  If we had been in the same room, I would have slapped her. What does she do now anyway? She's no longer on "The View".

Are you sure? I hadn't heard that. She was here for two days already. I thought she's going to be somewhere else.

At the end of that show see talked about tomorrows show and how it would still be about New Orleans with her and somemore of her friends. I don't know if it will be live from Houston or not, but it will be the same topic.

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The wakeup call began DAYS ago.

It's just that the Oprah Book Club Members have been on holiday.

It's the Tuesday after the holiday, so lets catch-up with the "news".

In general, I find this MidtownCoog person's posts to be consistantly cynical and negative. That's OK I suppose...it just get's so tiersome and redundant. I love the occasional pointed slam myself...just not so much...


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The wakeup call began DAYS ago.

It's just that the Oprah Book Club Members have been on holiday.

It's the Tuesday after the holiday, so lets catch-up with the "news".

What's with all the Oprah hate? Yeah her show is pretty much fluff but if you don't like her ignore her. I'm sure she's not knocking on your door forcing you to look at her or listen to her. If you think hard enough I'm sure you watch something as inane as Oprah. Lifetime channel perhaps? ;)

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not that it matters...but did anyone else think Oprah was sitting in a front of a blue screen or green screen (or whatever color it is nowadays) with a film of the astrodome floor running on it behind her? Just a feeling I got. I know she was there this weekend but maybe she left before they filmed her show narration.

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She wasn't b/c Debra Duncan was in the same area she was when they interviewed. I found it oddly quiet. (Also they said on the news the stadium is half of what it used to be. (not as many cots full)

And Lisa Ling making that comment, I wanted to be next in line to slap her. I HATE it when everytime something happens race is put into the effect. We are all human and I don't think it was about race at all! I do think New Orleans was a world class city but sometimes the Gulf States get ignored because we're not a major coast like NY or L.A....look how long it took for Houston to get recognized in the positive spotlight.

You notice all the hollywood parties are in NY, L.A. or Miami Beach. RARELY does the Gulf Coast get the Hollywood effect unless something dramatic happens like this.

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The Today Show with Katie Kouric was on location from the Astrodome this morning.

Matt was still in New York to prvent to two from getting into a fight. Kinda like how they had to seperate Willard and Gumble.

Anyway, yeah for Oprah, Katie and all the celebs.

This disaster is dedicated to you!

And is Lisa Ling white or hispanic? She confuses me with that United Colors of Bennenton thing going on.

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lisa ling did a segment for the oprah show today.  she wondered that if it were white neighborhoods would the rescues have happened sooner.  unbelievable.  i can't believe that people actually think that that is an issue.  over 50% of NO is african american and a large part of the population is below the poverty level.  the circumstances are unfortunate.  trying to place blame is counterproductive at this point.  :angry:

Oprah has always been a race-baiter way back to her Good Morning Chicago (the former name of the Oprah Winfrey Show) days.

The episode that stuck with me was the one where she and her guest pulled out a Rand McNally wall map of the world and pointed out that Greenland is so big while Africa is so small and told the world that it's because only white people live in Greenland and only black people live in Africa.

Apparently Oprah's never heard of Mercator Projection.


And while we're trashing Oprah, people should know she hates Chicago. She's never here. She only flies in a couple of times a year to do her show and then hauls her fat ass back to California where her real home is. She maintains an apartment in Water Tower Place so she can pay Illinois taxes instead of California taxes. But other than that, she's no Chicagoan. She hates the people here so much that she won't even shop in the local stores. And I'm not talking grocery stores. She'll have stuff flown in from Saks Fifth Avenue or Barneys New York in California rather than go to the ones that are TWO BLOCKS AWAY where she might actually have to see some of the people she thinks she's an expert on.

There are three homeless people regularly camped out outside Oprah's building. One with no legs. One who's a vet. The other one doesn't have a sign to tell his story. They've been there for years. HEY, OPRAH! While you're taking care of the world, why not take care of the people RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR OWN LEGAL RESIDENCE? Oh, that's right -- they don't have TVs and people meters. They don't fit your demographics, so they're not worthy of your sanctimonious self-righteous help.

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Oprah has always been a race-baiter way back to her Good Morning Chicago (the former name of the Oprah Winfrey Show) days.

The episode that stuck with me was the one where she and her guest pulled out a Rand McNally wall map of the world and pointed out that Greenland is so big while Africa is so small and told the world that it's because only white people live in Greenland and only black people live in Africa.

Apparently Oprah's never heard of Mercator Projection.


And while we're trashing Oprah, people should know she hates Chicago.  She's never here.  She only flies in a couple of times a year to do her show and then hauls her fat ass back to California where her real home is.  She maintains an apartment in Water Tower Place so she can pay Illinois taxes instead of California taxes.  But other than that, she's no Chicagoan.  She hates the people here so much that she won't even shop in the local stores.  And I'm not talking grocery stores.  She'll have stuff flown in from Saks Fifth Avenue or Barneys New York in California rather than go to the ones that are TWO BLOCKS AWAY where she might actually have to see some of the people she thinks she's an expert on.

There are three homeless people regularly camped out outside Oprah's building.  One with no legs.  One who's a vet.  The other one doesn't have a sign to tell his story.  They've been there for years.  HEY, OPRAH!  While you're taking care of the world, why not take care of the people RIGHT OUTSIDE YOUR OWN LEGAL RESIDENCE?  Oh, that's right -- they don't have TVs and people meters.  They don't fit your demographics, so they're not worthy of your sanctimonious self-righteous help.

Hey editor! Don't be shy-tell us what you really think. ;)

Look, I don't care about the woman one way or another. If she's just another vehicle to show the world what we're doing here in Houston, then I'll take all the good and free PR we can get.


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Look, I don't care about the woman one way or another. If she's just another vehicle to show the world what we're doing here in Houston, then I'll take all the good and free PR we can get.


did you watch the show? we didn't get any good and free PR. not that it matters.

i dislike her even more now after editor's post. before it was rooted on my mom blindly agreeing on everything she said, even if it was ridiculous. she truly is one of the most powerful women in the world. as long as she leads her masses towards good, i can keep ignoring her and just let it be...

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did you watch the show? we didn't get any good and free PR. not that it matters.

i dislike her even more now after editor's post. before it was rooted on my mom blindly agreeing on everything she said, even if it was ridiculous. she truly is one of the most powerful women in the world. as long as she leads her masses towards good, i can keep ignoring her and just let it be...

Yes, I watched. During the Houston segment I saw alot of evacuees being taken care of by Houstonians, firstly. For right now, everything else is secondary with this guy.


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Biography for

Lisa Ling



Young One


5' 5" (1.65 m)


Was an anchor on Channel One, a controversial news program for school children usually played during the school day.

Her middle name is the Chinese word meaning wisdom.

Attended the University of Southern California, but dropped out after her junior year

Does that help any?

(she's from Sacramento)

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Yes, I watched. During the Houston segment I saw alot of evacuees being taken care of by Houstonians, firstly. For right now, everything else is secondary with this guy.


that was the same stuff you see on national news.

the comments she made to the local 11 newswomen they aired (locally) would have been nice to hear on her show.

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Winfrey: U.S. owes victims an apology

"I think this country owes these people an apology," Ms. Winfrey said. "It makes me so mad!" she said, referring to problems with getting the people out of New Orleans after levees broke and flooded the city.


You really think what happened in New Orleans doesn't deserve an apology?

What trips me out is the fact that a person like Oprah Winfrey, a talk-show host, seemed to do more by showing what she showed on the show in three days of taping then some of our leaders in office (democrat or republican) did the first three days after the disaster.

I don't understand how of all the people that screwed up in this matter, the people that sicken you the most are t.v. shows and celebrities helping out and sometimes bringing a camera along to tell the story. Those people didn't have to react. Other people were supposed to. I think they are the people you should be disappointed in. Respect to Oprah, Dr. Phil, Chris Rock, and all the celebs AND common folks from around the country that have come to H-Town to do something to help. You're more than welcome in my book.

Mad Respect to Houston for not taking our time to react, by the way.

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that was the same stuff you see on national news.

the comments she made to the local 11 newswomen they aired (locally) would have been nice to hear on her show.

That woman was Debra Duncan and I thought she would be aired on Oprah as well. Oprah has no competition but would it be overpowering to have two strong newswomen such as these in the same view? ;)

To me personally I saw Oprah meeting Debra Duncan and getting interviewed as a Houston Historical moment :)

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